The Owner of Laurentian Hall Apartments, Pittsburgh, PA, Did Not Always Manage Its HUD-Mortgaged Project in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Request approval from HUD to lease the commercial space. If HUD approves the request, then execute a lease at fair market rent thereby increasing the project’s rent revenue by at least $36,858 per year.
Open Recommendation
The Owner of Laurentian Hall Apartments, Pittsburgh, PA, Did Not Always Manage Its HUD-Mortgaged Project in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Request approval from HUD for the $31,769 in project operating funds spent on building improvements or repay the project from nonproject funds for any amount not approved.
Open Recommendation
The Owner of Laurentian Hall Apartments, Pittsburgh, PA, Did Not Always Manage Its HUD-Mortgaged Project in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Provide documentation to show that the $39,920 paid to replace an air conditioning system was fair and reasonable or repay the project from nonproject funds any amount determined not to be fair and reasonable (excluding any amount repaid as a result of recommendation 1C).
Open Recommendation
The Owner of Laurentian Hall Apartments, Pittsburgh, PA, Did Not Always Manage Its HUD-Mortgaged Project in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Remove the $25,000 lien on the project property.
Open Recommendation
The Owner of Laurentian Hall Apartments, Pittsburgh, PA, Did Not Always Manage Its HUD-Mortgaged Project in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Repay the project $8,597 from nonproject funds for the ineligible expenses it incurred for management fee and gas utility expenses that were identified by the audit and any additional management fee and gas utility expenses improperly paid outside of our review period.
Open Recommendation
The Owner of Laurentian Hall Apartments, Pittsburgh, PA, Did Not Always Manage Its HUD-Mortgaged Project in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Develop and implement controls to ensure that financial statements are submitted to HUD in a timely manner, including paying the correct amount of annual payments according to the terms of the mortgage.
Open Recommendation
The Owner of Laurentian Hall Apartments, Pittsburgh, PA, Did Not Always Manage Its HUD-Mortgaged Project in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Develop and implement controls to ensure that the project complies with applicable HUD requirements.
Open Recommendation
The Owner of Laurentian Hall Apartments, Pittsburgh, PA, Did Not Always Manage Its HUD-Mortgaged Project in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Recalculate the project’s annual surplus cash balances for 2013, 2014, and 2015 after resolution of recommendations 1A, 1C, 1D, and 1F to determine whether the project should make additional payment to HUD from surplus cash toward its mortgage beyond the $13,740 that it paid during the audit.
Open Recommendation
The Owner of Laurentian Hall Apartments, Pittsburgh, PA, Did Not Always Manage Its HUD-Mortgaged Project in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Provide training and technical assistance to the owner and its management agent to ensure compliance with the terms of its mortgage and other applicable HUD requirements.
Open Recommendation
The Owner of Luther Towers II, Wilmington, DE, Did Not Manage Its HUD-Insured Project in Accordance With Its Regulatory Agreement and HUD Requirements
Provide documentation to show that disbursements totaling $2,136,849 and any bank transfers to the owner’s non-project accounts that occurred outside of our audit period were reasonable and necessary expenses for the operation of the project or repay the project from non-project funds for any Read More
Open Recommendation
The Owner of Luther Towers II, Wilmington, DE, Did Not Manage Its HUD-Insured Project in Accordance With Its Regulatory Agreement and HUD Requirements
Provide documentation to show that project funds are segregated in the project’s name, in accordance with the regulatory agreement and HUD requirements.
Open Recommendation
The Owner of Luther Towers II, Wilmington, DE, Did Not Manage Its HUD-Insured Project in Accordance With Its Regulatory Agreement and HUD Requirements
Take immediate action to remove project bank accounts as security for the owner’s line of credit and, thereby put up to $100,000 to better use.
Open Recommendation
The Owner of Luther Towers II, Wilmington, DE, Did Not Manage Its HUD-Insured Project in Accordance With Its Regulatory Agreement and HUD Requirements
Submit a project owner’s or management agent’s certification, management entity profile, current budget and other required documentation to HUD for review and approval.
Open Recommendation
The Owner of Luther Towers II, Wilmington, DE, Did Not Manage Its HUD-Insured Project in Accordance With Its Regulatory Agreement and HUD Requirements
Develop and implement controls to ensure that the project complies with the regulatory agreement and applicable HUD requirements, including but not limited to policies and procedures for maintaining project funds in separate bank accounts in the project’s name, using project funds only for Read More
Open Recommendation
The Owner of Luther Towers II, Wilmington, DE, Did Not Manage Its HUD-Insured Project in Accordance With Its Regulatory Agreement and HUD Requirements
Provide training and technical assistance to the owner’s executive director and staff to ensure compliance with the terms of its regulatory agreement and applicable HUD requirements.
Open Recommendation
The Owner and Management Agent for Rainbow Terrace Apartments, Cleveland, OH, Did Not Always Operate the Project in Accordance With the Regulatory Agreement and HUD's Requirements
Support the reasonableness of or reimburse the project $2,232,004 ($1,719,736 $484,615 $27,653) from nonproject funds for the project funds disbursed without sufficient procurement or contract documentation.
Open Recommendation
The Owner and Management Agent for Rainbow Terrace Apartments, Cleveland, OH, Did Not Always Operate the Project in Accordance With the Regulatory Agreement and HUD's Requirements
Support or reimburse the project from nonproject funds $7,091, as appropriate, for the project funds disbursed without sufficient supporting documentation.
Open Recommendation
The Owner and Management Agent for Rainbow Terrace Apartments, Cleveland, OH, Did Not Always Operate the Project in Accordance With the Regulatory Agreement and HUD's Requirements
Reimburse the project from nonproject funds $46,024 for the project funds that were not used for reasonable operating expenses or necessary repairs of the project.
Open Recommendation
The Owner and Management Agent for Rainbow Terrace Apartments, Cleveland, OH, Did Not Always Operate the Project in Accordance With the Regulatory Agreement and HUD's Requirements
Support or reimburse the project from nonproject funds $39,690, as appropriate, for the project funds disbursed without sufficient documentation supporting that the invoices were not for duplicate work.
Open Recommendation
The Owner and Management Agent for Rainbow Terrace Apartments, Cleveland, OH, Did Not Always Operate the Project in Accordance With the Regulatory Agreement and HUD's Requirements
Implement adequate procedures and controls to ensure that project funds are used for only reasonable operating expenses or necessary repairs when the project is in a non-surplus-cash position.
Open Recommendation