FHA Insured $1.9 Billion in Loans to Borrowers Barred by Federal Requirements
Develop a method for using the Do Not Pay portal during the underwriting process to identify delinquent child support and delinquent Federal debt to prevent future FHA loans to ineligible borrowers to put $1.9 billion to better use.
The Office of Housing has approved prioritization Read More
Open Recommendation
FHA Insured $1.9 Billion in Loans to Borrowers Barred by Federal Requirements
Revise the single-family handbook to comply with regulations that prevent loans to borrowers with delinquent child support subject to Federal offset.
Open Recommendation
FHA Insured $1.9 Billion in Loans to Borrowers Barred by Federal Requirements
Schedule the timely renewal of data-sharing agreements to prevent data loss in CAIVRS or discontinue use of the system if implementation of 1A makes CAIVRS unnecessary.
Open Recommendation
FHA Insured $940 Million in Loans for Properties in Flood Zones Without the Required Flood Insurance
Require lenders to provide evidence of sufficient flood insurance or execute indemnification agreements for the 43 loans in our statistical sample that did not have sufficient flood insurance at the time of our audit to put nearly $5.2 million to better use.
Open Recommendation
FHA Insured $940 Million in Loans for Properties in Flood Zones Without the Required Flood Insurance
Add to FHA databases the information necessary to ensure that the required flood insurance is in place at loan origination, including flood zone, flood insurance type, flood insurance amount, and site value of the property, and include system checks that prevent endorsement of loans without the Read More
Open Recommendation
FHA Insured at Least $13 Billion in Loans to Ineligible Borrowers With Delinquent Federal Tax Debt
Require lenders to obtain the borrowers’ consent to verify the existence of delinquent Federal taxes with the IRS during loan origination and deny any applicant with delinquent Federal tax debt and no payment plan or a noncompliant payment plan or an applicant refusing to provide consent from Read More
Open Recommendation
FHA Insured at Least $13 Billion in Loans to Ineligible Borrowers With Delinquent Federal Tax Debt
Revise HUD handbooks for forward and reverse mortgages to reflect that tax liens and judgments are no longer reported on credit reports.
Open Recommendation
FHA Insured at Least $13 Billion in Loans to Ineligible Borrowers With Delinquent Federal Tax Debt
Revise HUD handbooks for forward and reverse mortgages for uniformity in the treatment of delinquent tax debt and the existence of payment plans as only the forward mortgage handbook requires 3 months of payments.
Open Recommendation
FHA Paid Claims for an Estimated 239,000 Properties That Servicers Did Not Foreclose Upon or Convey on Time
Issue a change to regulations at 24 CFR Part 203, which would avoid unnecessary costs to the FHA insurance fund, allowing an estimated $2.23 billion to be put to better use. These changes include (1) a maximum period for filing insurance claims and (2) disallowance of expenses incurred beyond Read More
Open Recommendation
Final Action Memorandum: Purchaser of HUD-Insured Single-Family Property Settled Allegations of Causing the Submission of a False Claim
Acknowledge that the settlement agreement for $5,000 represents an amount due HUD.
Open Recommendation
Final Civil Action
Borrower Settled Alleged Violations of Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Program
Acknowledge that the attached settlement agreement for $1,500 represents an amount due HUD.
Open Recommendation
Final Civil Action Borrower Settled Allegations of Making False Statements to HUD for a Home Purchase Under the Federal Housing Administration Mortgage Insurance Program
Acknowledge that the attached settlement agreement for $10,000 represents an amount due HUD.
Open Recommendation
Final Civil Action: BSR Trust, LLC, Settled Allegations of Making False Claims Related to Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments
We recommend that HUD’s Office of General Counsel, Office of Program Enforcement, acknowledge that $30,000 in the settlement agreement represents an amount due HUD.
Open Recommendation
Final Civil Action: Deloitte & Touche, LLP, Settled Allegations That It Failed To Conduct Taylor, Bean & Whitaker Mortgage Corporation's Audits in Conformance With Generally Accepted Auditing Standards
Acknowledge the settlement amount of $149,500,000 and that $115,000,000 of the settlement represents restitution due HUD less DOJ’s civil debt collection fees.
Open Recommendation
Final Civil Action: The Former Executive Director of the Housing Authority of the City of Beeville, TX, Et Al, Settled False Claims Allegations in the Housing Choice Voucher Program
We recommend that HUD’s Office of General Counsel, Office of Program Enforcement, acknowledge that the $40,000 in the settlement agreement represents an amount due HUD.
Open Recommendation
Final Civil Action: Judgment Imposed on the Former President and Founder of
MDR Mortgage Corporation Regarding Allegations of Failing To Comply With
HUD's Federal Housing Administration Requirements
Acknowledge that the judgment awarded $10,373,998 against the former president and founder of MDR Mortgage to the U.S. Government, of which HUD’s loss totaled $3,452,499.
Open Recommendation
Final Civil Action: Owner and Management Agents Settled Allegations of Failing To Comply With the Regulatory Agreements for Multifamily Projects Willow Run I and Willow Run II
Acknowledge that the attached settlement agreement for $510,000 represents an amount due HUD.
Open Recommendation
Final Civil Action: Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc., Settled Allegations of Failing To Comply With HUD's Federal Housing Administration Loan Requirements
Acknowledge that $3,129,000 of the $5 million in the attached settlement agreement represents an amount due HUD.
Open Recommendation
Final Civil Action: Prospect Mortgage, LLC, Settled Alleged
Violations of Federal Housing Administration Loan Requirements
Acknowledge that $2.93 million in the attached settlement agreement represents an amount due HUD, less DOJ’s civil debt collection fees. (Footnote 2 - DOJ’s 1994 Appropriation Act (Public Law 103-121) authorized DOJ to retain up to 3 percent of all amounts collected as the result of its civil Read More
Open Recommendation
Financial Freedom, a Division of CIT Bank, N.A., Settled Allegations of Failing To Comply With HUD's Federal Housing Administration Servicing Requirements for HECM Claims
Acknowledge that $41 million of the $89,274,944 in the attached settlement represents an amount due HUD, less DOJ’s civil debt collection fees.
Open Recommendation