Nassau County, NY, Did Not Administer It's HOME Investment Partnerships Program in Accordance With HUD Requirements
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s New York Office of Community Planning and Development instruct County officials to provide documentation to justify the $1,264 in unsupported project delivery costs. Any unsupported costs determined to be ineligible should be reimbursed from non-Federal Read More
Open Recommendation
Nassau County, NY, Did Not Administer It's HOME Investment Partnerships Program in Accordance With HUD Requirements
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s New York Office of Community Planning and Development instruct County officials to document their application review committee membership and provide evidence of the committee meetings and their evaluation and rating of subrecipients to fully support their Read More
Open Recommendation
Nassau County, NY, Did Not Administer It's HOME Investment Partnerships Program in Accordance With HUD Requirements
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s New York Office of Community Planning and Development instruct County officials to develop controls to ensure that the County’s recently established debarment verification procedures are implemented for all future procurement activity.
Open Recommendation
Nassau County, NY, Did Not Administer It's HOME Investment Partnerships Program in Accordance With HUD Requirements
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s New York Office of Community Planning and Development instruct County officials to develop controls that will ensure that the County’s decentralized record-keeping system is centralized for ready access to HOME documents.
Open Recommendation
Neighborhood Housing Services of South Florida, Miami, FL Did Not Ensure That NSP2 Funds Were Used for Eligible Purposes and Sufficiently Supported
Reimburse NSP2 from non-Federal funds for the $59,523 in ineligible disbursements on the five vouchers.
Open Recommendation
Neighborhood Housing Services of South Florida, Miami, FL Did Not Ensure That NSP2 Funds Were Used for Eligible Purposes and Sufficiently Supported
Provide documentation to support that the $224,868 in NSP2 funds drawn down from the four vouchers was eligible or repay the program from non-Federal funds.
Open Recommendation
Neighborhood Housing Services of South Florida, Miami, FL Did Not Ensure That NSP2 Funds Were Used for Eligible Purposes and Sufficiently Supported
Provide documentation to support that the differences resulting from the payroll costs for the three vouchers, which netted $3,169, were offset in later drawdown vouchers or repay the program from non-Federal funds.
Open Recommendation
Neighborhood Housing Services of South Florida, Miami, FL Did Not Ensure That NSP2 Funds Were Used for Eligible Purposes and Sufficiently Supported
Review all administration drawdown vouchers and provide documentation to support that the drawdowns for estimated payroll costs are reconciled with the actual payroll costs for the pay periods. Any calculated overpayment by NSP should be returned to the program to meet program purposes.
Open Recommendation
Neighborhood Housing Services of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, CA, Did Not Always Follow Program Requirements in Administering Its NSP2
Provide documentation to support that program activities within NHSLA’s interfund were for eligible NSP2 activities or repay the program $3,425,679 from non-Federal funds.
Open Recommendation
Neighborhood Housing Services of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, CA, Did Not Always Follow Program Requirements in Administering Its NSP2
Return the outstanding balance of $529,745 owed to NSP2. In addition, cease the practice of depositing NSP2 funds in non-NSP2 accounts and making them available to be used or borrowed for non-NSP2 activities.
Open Recommendation
Neighborhood Housing Services of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, CA, Did Not Always Follow Program Requirements in Administering Its NSP2
Provide documentation to support that $658,261 in loan proceeds was used for an eligible NSP2 activity or property or repay the program from non-Federal funds.
Open Recommendation
Neighborhood Housing Services of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, CA, Did Not Always Follow Program Requirements in Administering Its NSP2
Provide documentation to support that $500,000 in NSP funds transferred to the revolving loan fund was used for an eligible NSP2 activity or property or repay the program from non-Federal funds.
Open Recommendation
Neighborhood Housing Services of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, CA, Did Not Always Follow Program Requirements in Administering Its NSP2
Develop and implement sufficient financial procedures and controls to ensure that program income is appropriately recorded and properly transferred to its NSP2 account.
Open Recommendation
Neighborhood Housing Services of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, CA, Did Not Always Follow Program Requirements in Administering Its NSP2
Ensure it has sufficient staffing and capacity to administer the NSP2 program, including obtaining training for its staff to understand HUD requirements and how to use the DRGR system.
Open Recommendation
Neighborhood Housing Services of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, CA, Did Not Always Follow Program Requirements in Administering Its NSP2
Amend the NSP2 action plan to include its revolving loan fund.
Open Recommendation
Neighborhood Housing Services of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, CA, Did Not Always Follow Program Requirements in Administering Its NSP2
Adjust program income calculation methodology to ensure it is in accordance with HUD requirements.
Open Recommendation
Neighborhood Housing Services of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, CA, Did Not Always Follow Program Requirements in Administering Its NSP2
Submit overdue NSP2 quarterly reports to DRGR and update prior reports that did not accurately report program income activity.
Open Recommendation
Neighborhood Housing Services of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, CA, Did Not Always Follow Program Requirements in Administering Its NSP2
Provide adequate documentation to support its administrative and project delivery cost expenditures or repay the program $1,388,545 from non-Federal funds.
Open Recommendation
Neighborhood Housing Services of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, CA, Did Not Always Follow Program Requirements in Administering Its NSP2
Provide supporting documentation to show whether the outstanding liability of $324,478 is correctly classified as an NSP2 liability. If not, HUD should ensure that NHSLA corrects its NSP2 cost reimbursement summary for the 12 months ending June 30, 2018, to reclassify the expenses to a non-NSP2 Read More
Open Recommendation
Neighborhood Housing Services of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, CA, Did Not Always Follow Program Requirements in Administering Its NSP2
Develop and implement a HUD-approved cost allocation plan to properly account for indirect program costs.
Open Recommendation