HUD Did Not Always Provide Adequate Oversight of Property Acquisition and Disposition Activities
Direct the Washington, DC, field office to require the grantee to provide documentation to support the $1,766,778 in unsupported payments identified or the grantee must reimburse its program from non-Federal funds for any costs that it cannot support.
Open Recommendation
HUD Did Not Always Provide Adequate Oversight of Property Acquisition and Disposition Activities
Direct the Washington, DC, field office to require the grantee to repay its program $4,214 from non-Federal funds for the ineligible costs associated with activity 1515.
Open Recommendation
HUD Did Not Always Provide Adequate Oversight of Property Acquisition and Disposition Activities
Direct field offices to include property acquisition and disposition activities as an area of special emphasis when assessing grantee risk and establishing their monitoring plans and grantee monitoring strategies.
Open Recommendation
HUD Did Not Comply With the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery
Act of 2010
Ensure that all payments to Federal employees are included in HUD’s periodic risk assessment cycle.
Open Recommendation
HUD Did Not Comply With the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery
Act of 2010
Establish and implement procedures and controls, in coordination with FHA, to ensure that FHA information reported in the AFR is accurate and consistent with supporting documents.
Open Recommendation
HUD Did Not Comply With the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery
Act of 2010
Develop and implement steps to ensure that the description of corrective actions highlights current efforts and key milestones for ongoing efforts and explain in the AFR how it specifically tailored its corrective actions to better reflect the unique processes, procedures, and risks involved with Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD Did Not Comply With the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery
Act of 2010
Develop and implement steps to ensure that adequate disclosures are made when future-year reduction targets for improper payments reported in the AFR are higher than the current-year improper payment estimates.
Open Recommendation
HUD Did Not Comply With the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery
Act of 2010
Disclose in the AFR the results of HUD’s review concerning its current performance against program-specific improper payment reduction targets to promote transparency.
Open Recommendation
HUD Did Not Comply With the Payment Integrity Information Act of 2019
We recommend that the Deputy Chief Financial Officer…In collaboration with all involved program offices, develop and implement a sampling methodology that allows for a sample size that reasonably allows for the testing of the complete payment cycle within the PIIA reporting timeframe. Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD Did Not Comply With the Payment Integrity Information Act of 2019
Consult with OMB on the appropriate reporting for the untested portions of the payment cycle (such as reporting as unknown) and report accordingly.
Open Recommendation
HUD Did Not Comply With the Payment Integrity Information Act of 2019
Implement a procedure, which ensures that future improper and unknown payment testing that does not test the full payment cycle is reported in accordance with OMB’s guidance.
Open Recommendation
HUD Did Not Comply With the Payment Integrity Information Act of 2019
Develop and implement a plan that ensures the continuity of adequate internal
controls over the PIH-TBRA program to detect and prevent improper payments,
which can be implemented in a virtual environment. This plan should include how
HUD can review tenant files or other information that validates Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD Did Not Comply With the Payment Integrity Information Act of 2019
Collaborate with the Deputy Chief Financial Officer to work with grantees in identifying where improper and unknown payments could occur in the CPD-HIM program throughout the payment cycle, to include the risks associated with subgrantee billing, and document this analysis.
Open Recommendation
HUD Did Not Comply With the Payment Integrity Information Act of 2019
Collaborate with the Deputy Chief Financial Officer and use the analysis developed in 3A to ensure that HUD’s improper and unknown payment testing procedures are (1) designed to test the full payment cycle and (2) include the review of documentation that supports that final beneficiaries were Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD Did Not Comply With the Payment Integrity Information Act of 2019
Work with the Office of Community Planning and Development’s Chief Risk Officer and grantees to better identify the risks of improper and unknown payments throughout the payment cycle, to include the risks associated with grantees and subgrantees, and consider these risks when performing the CDBG Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD Did Not Comply With the Payment Integrity Information Act of 2019
Work with the Deputy Chief Financial Officer to develop and design a process to ensure that each attribute evaluated during the PIIA risk assessment is evaluated at all levels of the full payment cycle.
Open Recommendation
HUD Did Not Comply With the Payment Integrity Information Act of 2019
Coordinate with OMB to ensure that all of HUD’s data posted on OMB’s are accurate, including data before fiscal year 2021.
Open Recommendation
HUD Did Not Comply With the Payment Integrity Information Act of 2019
Update its procedures to include verifying all HUD data on immediately after the data are published on the public website to ensure that all data are accurate and if not, coordinate any corrections with OMB.
Open Recommendation
HUD Did Not Conduct Rulemaking or Develop Formal Procedures for Its Single-Family Note Sales Program
Complete the rulemaking process for HUD’s single-family note sales program.
Open Recommendation
HUD Did Not Conduct Rulemaking or Develop Formal Procedures for Its Single-Family Note Sales Program
Develop and implement formal procedures and guidance for the note sales program.
Open Recommendation