Opportunities Exist To Improve HUD's Hiring Process
Develop and document comprehensive reference documents on the hiring processes, procedures, roles, and responsibilities.
Open Recommendation
Opportunities Exist To Improve HUD's Hiring Process
Develop and implement regular training for process owners on the hiring process.
Open Recommendation
Opportunities Exist To Improve HUD's Hiring Process
Create and implement a knowledge management strategy, such as developing standard operating procedures, reference sheets, and program office fact sheets.
Corrective Action Taken
OCHCO developed and implemented client profiles for each HUD program office to address knowledge loss Read More
Open Recommendation
Opportunities Exist To Improve HUD's Hiring Process
Conduct a feasibility study for an automated POL.
Open Recommendation
Opportunities Exist To Improve HUD's Hiring Process
Develop and implement time-to-hire goals that account for each hiring process step.
Open Recommendation
Opportunities Exist To Improve HUD's Hiring Process
Develop and document methodologies on how OCHCO calculates hiring metrics to ensure that its hiring metrics and hiring goals align across all of its data sources, including the POL, the human capital dashboard, and the HCOP.
Open Recommendation
Opportunities Exist To Improve HUD's Hiring Process
Track the quality of candidates as measured by the hiring officials.
Open Recommendation
Opportunities Exist To Improve HUD's Hiring Process
Track the number of recruit attempts that result in a selection, the number of recruit attempts that result in a successful hire, and the number of positions that are reposted due to unsuccessful first recruit attempts.
Open Recommendation
Opportunities for Improvement within CPD's Risk Management Process for Hurricane Sandy Grants
Director for the Office of Field Management ensure that the CDBG-DR risk analysis worksheet includes risk factors that show the measurement of performance outputs to determine completed activities.
Open Recommendation
Opportunities for Improvement within CPD's Risk Management Process for Hurricane Sandy Grants
Director for the Office of Field Management update the risk analysis guidance for CDBG-DR grants to include the assessment of the likelihood of risk occurrence to help inform management which critical risks to address during monitoring.
Open Recommendation
Opportunities for Improvement within CPD's Risk Management Process for Hurricane Sandy Grants
Director for the DRSI Division ensure that monitoring strategies correlate to the high-risk areas identified during the risk analysis and are in compliance with the central risk factor categories identified in HUD’s Monitoring Desk Guide.
Open Recommendation
Opportunities for Improvement within CPD's Risk Management Process for Hurricane Sandy Grants
Ensure that CPD personnel that plan for, award, and manage grants and other forms of financial assistance receive formal risk analysis training.
Open Recommendation
The Owner of Diamond Park, Philadelphia, PA, Generally Managed Its HUD-Insured Property in Accordance With Applicable Requirements
Develop and implement procedures to ensure that it maintains documentation to show that it selected participants from its waiting list in accordance with applicable requirements.
Open Recommendation
The Owner of Diamond Park, Philadelphia, PA, Generally Managed Its HUD-Insured Property in Accordance With Applicable Requirements
Develop and implement procedures to ensure that it maintains criminal background checks in separate, secure files.
Open Recommendation
The Owner of Laurentian Hall Apartments, Pittsburgh, PA, Did Not Always Manage Its HUD-Mortgaged Project in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Pay the project $282,578 from non-project funds for the fair value of the commercial rent not collected from the lessees.
Open Recommendation
The Owner of Laurentian Hall Apartments, Pittsburgh, PA, Did Not Always Manage Its HUD-Mortgaged Project in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Request approval from HUD to lease the commercial space. If HUD approves the request, then execute a lease at fair market rent thereby increasing the project’s rent revenue by at least $36,858 per year.
Open Recommendation
The Owner of Laurentian Hall Apartments, Pittsburgh, PA, Did Not Always Manage Its HUD-Mortgaged Project in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Request approval from HUD for the $31,769 in project operating funds spent on building improvements or repay the project from nonproject funds for any amount not approved.
Open Recommendation
The Owner of Laurentian Hall Apartments, Pittsburgh, PA, Did Not Always Manage Its HUD-Mortgaged Project in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Provide documentation to show that the $39,920 paid to replace an air conditioning system was fair and reasonable or repay the project from nonproject funds any amount determined not to be fair and reasonable (excluding any amount repaid as a result of recommendation 1C).
Open Recommendation
The Owner of Laurentian Hall Apartments, Pittsburgh, PA, Did Not Always Manage Its HUD-Mortgaged Project in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Remove the $25,000 lien on the project property.
Open Recommendation
The Owner of Laurentian Hall Apartments, Pittsburgh, PA, Did Not Always Manage Its HUD-Mortgaged Project in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Repay the project $8,597 from nonproject funds for the ineligible expenses it incurred for management fee and gas utility expenses that were identified by the audit and any additional management fee and gas utility expenses improperly paid outside of our review period.
Open Recommendation