HUD's Oversight of CDBG-DR Grantees' Use of Program Income
We recommend that the Director for HUD’s Office of Disaster Recovery require grantees to support or repay to its program $2,551,375, from nonfederal funds, for the 9 vouchers that did not have adequate supporting documentation for expenditures.
Open Recommendation
HUD's Oversight of CDBG-DR Grantees' Use of Program Income
We recommend that the Director for HUD’s Office of Disaster Recovery work with its grantee to resolve or correct program income balances for the three grants that had program income balances outstanding.
Open Recommendation
HUD's Oversight of CDBG-DR Grantees' Use of Program Income
We recommend that the Director for HUD’s Office of Disaster Recovery develop and implement controls to ensure that program income balance discrepancies are identified and corrected.
Open Recommendation
HUD's Oversight of CDBG-DR Grantees' Use of Program Income
We recommend that the Director for HUD’s Office of Disaster Recovery develop and implement controls to ensure that untimely FFRs are identified and corrected.
Open Recommendation
HUD's Oversight of CDBG-DR Grantees' Use of Program Income
We recommend that the Director for HUD’s Office of Disaster Recovery establish a mechanism to train grantees and HUD staff on existing guidance regarding supporting documentation for expenditures, FFRs, and program income balances on a recurring basis. Additionally, provide guidance and establish Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD's Oversight of CDBG-DR Grantees' Use of Program Income
We recommend that the Director for HUD’s Office of Disaster Recovery implement quality control procedures to ensure that HUD staff completes the action plan and QPR checklists.
Open Recommendation
HUD's Oversight of CDBG-DR Grantees' Use of Program Income
We recommend that the Director for HUD’s Office of Disaster Recovery develop and implement controls to ensure that grantees’ policies and procedures related to program income are adequate.
Open Recommendation
HUD's Oversight of CDBG-DR Grantees' Use of Program Income
We recommend that the Director for HUD’s Office of Disaster Recovery provide training to grantees regarding the reporting, tracking, and expenditure of program income.
Open Recommendation
Improvements Are Needed To Ensure That Public Housing Properties Are Inspected in a Timely
Prioritize the inspection of public housing properties that were (1) not included in the NSPIRE demonstration but were identified as high priority under the Center’s Big Inspection Plan and (2) approved to participate under the NSPIRE demonstration that the Center was unable to inspect by March 31 Read More
Open Recommendation
Improvements Are Needed To Ensure That Public Housing Properties Are Inspected in a Timely
Implement adequate policies, procedures, and controls to ensure that public housing properties will be inspected within required timeframes.
While the NSPIRE regulations on inspection timing are completed, the Real Estate Assessment Center is not able to make the required Read More
Open Recommendation
The Stark Metropolitan Housing Authority, Canton, OH, Did Not Always Comply With Federal and Its Own Procurement Requirements
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s Cleveland Office of Public Housing require the Authority to Support the reasonableness of $80,685 paid to a vendor for pest control services without a valid contract or repay its Public Housing Operating Fund or Capital Fund program from non-Federal funds Read More
Open Recommendation
The Stark Metropolitan Housing Authority, Canton, OH, Did Not Always Comply With Federal and Its Own Procurement Requirements
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s Cleveland Office of Public Housing require the Authority to Support the reasonableness of the amounts paid for the two noncompetitively awarded contracts (0917 and 1125) that lacked adequate support for the independent cost estimate and price analysis or Read More
Open Recommendation
The Stark Metropolitan Housing Authority, Canton, OH, Did Not Always Comply With Federal and Its Own Procurement Requirements
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s Cleveland Office of Public Housing require the Authority to support the $48,310 in excess costs paid for landscaping services or reimburse its program from non-Federal funds.
Open Recommendation
The Stark Metropolitan Housing Authority, Canton, OH, Did Not Always Comply With Federal and Its Own Procurement Requirements
For the contract activities during the period of January 1, 2020, through April 2022, the Director should require the Authority to support the reasonableness of $57,902 paid to three vendors for pest control services without a valid contract or repay its Public Housing Operating Fund or Capital Read More
Open Recommendation
The Stark Metropolitan Housing Authority, Canton, OH, Did Not Always Comply With Federal and Its Own Procurement Requirements
For the contract activities during the period of January 1, 2020, through April 2022, the Director should require the Authority to support the reasonableness of the change orders that increased the price of the contract (0216) by more than $1.1 million or repay its Public Housing Operating Fund or Read More
Open Recommendation
The Stark Metropolitan Housing Authority, Canton, OH, Did Not Always Comply With Federal and Its Own Procurement Requirements
For the contract activities during the period of January 1, 2020, through April 2022, the Director should require the Authority to support the contract modifications and the reasonableness of the increased costs for four contracts (0824, 0505, 1023 and 0731) or repay its Public Housing Operating Read More
Open Recommendation
The Stark Metropolitan Housing Authority, Canton, OH, Did Not Always Comply With Federal and Its Own Procurement Requirements
For the contract activities during the period of January 1, 2020, through April 2022, the Director should require the Authority to ensure that its staff is appropriately trained and familiar with Federal procurement requirements regarding cost estimates and cost analyses.
Open Recommendation
The Stark Metropolitan Housing Authority, Canton, OH, Did Not Always Comply With Federal and Its Own Procurement Requirements
For the contract activities during the period of January 1, 2020, through April 2022, the Director should require the Authority to implement adequate procedures and controls, including but not limited to ensuring that (1) proper documentation is maintained, (2) contracts are procured in accordance Read More
Open Recommendation
The Stark Metropolitan Housing Authority, Canton, OH, Did Not Always Comply With Federal and Its Own Procurement Requirements
We also recommend that the Director of HUD’s Cleveland Office of Public Housing determine whether the Authority qualifies for an exemption from preaward review.
Open Recommendation
Social Media Scams
Be on the lookout for fraudsters impersonating HUD employees using social media schemes to offer you grants or housing assistance from HUD and asking for payment or personal information to receive grant funds.
Fraudsters may use social media or other tactics to steal money from you by offering Read More
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