Cypress Meadows Assisted Living, Antioch, CA, Was Not Administered in
Accordance With Its Regulatory Agreement and HUD Requirements
Repay the project from non-project funds $1,352 for expenses related to the identity-of-interest hair salon.
Open Recommendation
Cypress Meadows Assisted Living, Antioch, CA, Was Not Administered in
Accordance With Its Regulatory Agreement and HUD Requirements
Obtain approval from HUD for a lease agreement with the hair salon.
Open Recommendation
Cypress Meadows Assisted Living, Antioch, CA, Was Not Administered in
Accordance With Its Regulatory Agreement and HUD Requirements
Provide documentation to support that $65,232 in disbursements was used on reasonable and necessary operating expenses or repay the project from non-project funds.
Open Recommendation
Cypress Meadows Assisted Living, Antioch, CA, Was Not Administered in
Accordance With Its Regulatory Agreement and HUD Requirements
Pay the project $620,937 in uncollected rent from non-project funds.
Open Recommendation
Cypress Meadows Assisted Living, Antioch, CA, Was Not Administered in
Accordance With Its Regulatory Agreement and HUD Requirements
Pay the project from non-project funds $162,462 in lease agreement charges not deposited into Cypress Meadows’ bank account.
Open Recommendation
Cypress Meadows Assisted Living, Antioch, CA, Was Not Administered in
Accordance With Its Regulatory Agreement and HUD Requirements
Remove Skyline Crest Enterprises, LLC, as the operator and replace it with a HUD-approved independent operator.
Open Recommendation
Cypress Meadows Assisted Living, Antioch, CA, Was Not Administered in
Accordance With Its Regulatory Agreement and HUD Requirements
Develop and implement written policies and procedures for the management of the project, including but not limited to financial policies for cash disbursements, cash receipts, and documentation requirements.
Open Recommendation
Del Norte Neighborhood Development Corporation, Denver, CO, Failed To Provide Eight Units of HOME-Funded Affordable Housing for the Required 20-Year Period
Work with the City of Denver Office of Economic Development to recapture $37,000 in HOME funds not properly used for the affordable housing projects.
Open Recommendation
Del Norte Neighborhood Development Corporation, Denver, CO, Failed To Provide Eight Units of HOME-Funded Affordable Housing for the Required 20-Year Period
Require Del Norte to develop policies and procedures to prevent ineligible affordability period transfers.
Open Recommendation
The Detroit Housing Commission, Detroit, MI, Did Not Always Administer Its Moderate Rehabilitation Program in Accordance With HUD's and Its Own Requirements
Pursue collection from the applicable projects or reimburse its program $7,099 ($240 $20 $6,839) from non-Federal funds for the overpayment of housing assistance due to incorrect calculations, inappropriate contract rents, and failure to correct housing quality standards deficiencies.
Open Recommendation
The Detroit Housing Commission, Detroit, MI, Did Not Always Administer Its Moderate Rehabilitation Program in Accordance With HUD's and Its Own Requirements
Reimburse the appropriate projects $24,457 ($552 $958 $849 $22,098) from program funds for the underpayment of housing assistance due to incorrect calculations, underpaid housing assistance, and inappropriate contract rents and recovery of program funds.
Open Recommendation
The Detroit Housing Commission, Detroit, MI, Did Not Always Administer Its Moderate Rehabilitation Program in Accordance With HUD's and Its Own Requirements
Reimburse the appropriate households $246 from non-Federal funds for the overpayment of tenant rent due to inappropriate calculations.
Open Recommendation
The Detroit Housing Commission, Detroit, MI, Did Not Always Administer Its Moderate Rehabilitation Program in Accordance With HUD's and Its Own Requirements
Reimburse its program $23,350 ($2,089 $3,951 $208 $17,102) from non-Federal funds for the underpayment of tenant rent due to incorrect calculations, overpaid housing assistance and utility reimbursements, and its failure to perform housing quality standards inspections.
Open Recommendation
The Detroit Housing Commission, Detroit, MI, Did Not Always Administer Its Moderate Rehabilitation Program in Accordance With HUD's and Its Own Requirements
Support or reimburse the appropriate projects $648 from non-Federal funds for the unsupported payments of housing assistance cited in this finding.
Open Recommendation
The Detroit Housing Commission, Detroit, MI, Did Not Always Administer Its Moderate Rehabilitation Program in Accordance With HUD's and Its Own Requirements
Support or reimburse the appropriate households $6,137 from non-Federal funds for the unsupported payments of tenant rent cited in this finding.
Open Recommendation
The Detroit Housing Commission, Detroit, MI, Did Not Always Administer Its Moderate Rehabilitation Program in Accordance With HUD's and Its Own Requirements
Support or reimburse its program $78,704 ($1,956 $76,748) from non-Federal funds for the unsupported payments of tenant rent and the missing certification and eligibility documentation.
Open Recommendation
The Detroit Housing Commission, Detroit, MI, Did Not Always Administer Its Moderate Rehabilitation Program in Accordance With HUD's and Its Own Requirements
Pursue collection from the applicable households or reimburse its program $16,793 from non-Federal funds for the overpayment of housing assistance due to unreported income.
Open Recommendation
The Detroit Housing Commission, Detroit, MI, Did Not Always Administer Its Moderate Rehabilitation Program in Accordance With HUD's and Its Own Requirements
Update its administrative plan to ensure that its policies are in accordance with HUD’s requirements and implement adequate quality control procedures to ensure that it correctly calculates housing assistance payments to ensure that $9,892 in program funds is appropriately used for future payments Read More
Open Recommendation
The Detroit Housing Commission, Detroit, MI, Did Not Always Administer Its Moderate Rehabilitation Program in Accordance With HUD's and Its Own Requirements
Implement adequate quality control procedures to ensure that it (1) obtains and maintains required eligibility documentation in accordance with HUD’s requirements, (2) appropriately calculates and pays housing assistance and utility allowance reimbursements, and (3) completes household Read More
Open Recommendation
The Detroit Housing Commission, Detroit, MI, Did Not Always Administer Its Moderate Rehabilitation Program in Accordance With HUD's and Its Own Requirements
Ensure that the abatement procedures implemented by the Commission are sufficient to ensure that housing quality standards are enforced.
Open Recommendation