The Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority, Buffalo, NY, Needs To Improve Its Management of the Commodore Perry Homes Development To Address Longstanding Concerns
Provide certifications and supporting documentation to show that it has identified and addressed urgent health and safety issues at the development, such as flooded stairwells, accessible crawlspaces, and unsecured windows and doors.
Open Recommendation
The Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority, Buffalo, NY, Needs To Improve Its Management of the Commodore Perry Homes Development To Address Longstanding Concerns
Develop and implement a plan to routinely identify and address recurring urgent health and safety issues such as flooded stairwells, accessible crawlspaces, and unsecured windows and doors while the property remains vacant and throughout future asset repositioning efforts.
Open Recommendation
The Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority, Buffalo, NY, Needs To Improve Its Management of the Commodore Perry Homes Development To Address Longstanding Concerns
Develop and implement a plan to use available asset repositioning options for the remaining 284 public housing units at the Commodore Perry Homes development, including 274 dwelling units and 10 nondwelling units.
Open Recommendation
The Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority, Buffalo, NY, Needs To Improve Its Management of the Commodore Perry Homes Development To Address Longstanding Concerns
Develop and implement a plan for the original property related to the 46 units converted under the RAD transfer of assistance option to ensure that the property and proceeds from its disposition are used in accordance with requirements.
Open Recommendation
The Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority, Buffalo, NY, Needs To Improve Its Management of the Commodore Perry Homes Development To Address Longstanding Concerns
If the Authority does not follow through on its asset repositioning plans, misses deadlines, or it otherwise becomes clear that the plan is no longer feasible, work with the HUD’s Special Applications Center, Office of Recapitalization, and other offices as appropriate, to consider and use Read More
Open Recommendation
CDBG-DR Program Generally Met Low- and Moderate-Income Requirements
We recommend that the Director of CPD’s Office of Disaster Recovery review the one grantee with a grant totaling $666,666 that did not meet the overall LMI requirement and address the noncompliance.
Open Recommendation
CDBG-DR Program Generally Met Low- and Moderate-Income Requirements
We recommend that the Director of CPD’s Office of Disaster Recovery update DRGR’s QPR to include information on the progress towards compliance with the overall LMI benefit based on the total amount of the grant.
Open Recommendation
CDBG-DR Program Generally Met Low- and Moderate-Income Requirements
We recommend that the Director of CPD’s Office of Disaster Recovery adopt LMI benchmarking to ensure that grantees budget adequate funds to LMI at significant milestones in the grant lifecycle.
Open Recommendation
CDBG-DR Program Generally Met Low- and Moderate-Income Requirements
We recommend that the Director of CPD’s Office of Disaster Recovery make changes to the action plan process so that the action plan calculates an overall LMI percentage.
Open Recommendation
The Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority, Charlottesville, VA, Did Not Always Comply With Applicable Procurement Requirements
Provide documentation to show that it purchased products and services totaling $728,516 at fair and reasonable prices or reimburse either its Operating or Capital Fund from non-Federal funds for any amounts that it cannot support.
Open Recommendation
The Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority, Charlottesville, VA, Did Not Always Comply With Applicable Procurement Requirements
Provide documentation to show that it had contracts for dumpster rentals and pest control services, and if it cannot provide the contracts, re-procure these services.
Open Recommendation
The Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority, Charlottesville, VA, Did Not Always Comply With Applicable Procurement Requirements
Obtain written agreements with the originating public bodies for its ongoing awards that were procured through intergovernmental agreements, including dumpster rentals, maintenance supplies, and consulting services, and if it cannot provide the agreements, re-procure these services.
Open Recommendation
The Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority, Charlottesville, VA, Did Not Always Comply With Applicable Procurement Requirements
Develop and implement controls to ensure that it complies with all applicable procurement requirements.
Open Recommendation
The Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority, Charlottesville, VA, Did Not Always Comply With Applicable Procurement Requirements
Provide technical assistance to the Authority to ensure that it understands Federal procurement requirements, including the proper use of intergovernmental agreements.
Open Recommendation
The Chester Housing Authority, Chester, PA, Did Not Always Ensure That Its Program Units Met Housing Quality Standards
Certify, along with the owners of the 61 units cited in the finding, that the applicable housing quality standards violations have been corrected.
Open Recommendation
The Chester Housing Authority, Chester, PA, Did Not Always Ensure That Its Program Units Met Housing Quality Standards
Reimburse its program $46,605 from non-Federal funds ($44,214 for housing assistance payments and $2,391 in associated administrative fees) for the 22 units that materially failed to meet HUD’s housing quality standards.
Open Recommendation
The Chester Housing Authority, Chester, PA, Did Not Always Ensure That Its Program Units Met Housing Quality Standards
Develop and implement procedures and controls to monitor the inspection process to ensure that program units meet housing quality standards, thereby ensuring that an estimated $2,668,680 in program funds is spent for units that are decent, safe, and sanitary.
Open Recommendation
The Christian Church Homes, Oakland, CA, Did Not Ensure That the Rental Assistance Demonstration Program Conversion Was Accurate and Supported for Vineville Christian Towers
Cancel the Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Program housing assistance payments contract for 90 units improperly converted under RAD. The owner should work with HUD and the Authority to protect the tenancy of the affected tenants at the time of contract cancellation.
Open Recommendation
The Christian Church Homes, Oakland, CA, Did Not Ensure That the Rental Assistance Demonstration Program Conversion Was Accurate and Supported for Vineville Christian Towers
Reimburse HUD’s Section 8 program administered by the Authority $485,475 in housing assistance payments from nonproject funds for the improper issuance of tenant protection assistance and an improper RAD conversion to the Project-Based Voucher Program for the 90 units.
Open Recommendation
The Christian Church Homes, Oakland, CA, Did Not Ensure That the Rental Assistance Demonstration Program Conversion Was Accurate and Supported for Vineville Christian Towers
Develop and implement procedures to ensure that when tenant protection assistance is requested as a result of a housing conversion action, the forms HUD-50059 and or tenant profiles is generated only based on a completed action and that the forms or profiles are provided to HUD instead of the Read More
Open Recommendation