HUD Did Not Provide Sufficient Guidance and Oversight To Ensure That FHA-Insured Properties Nationwide Had Safe Water
Direct the applicable lenders to provide evidence that the properties for the 1,383 FHA-insured loans not included in our sample had a safe and potable water source, or that the appraisers had not notified the lender of the water quality issue on their appraisals. If the lenders cannot provide Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD Did Not Provide Sufficient Guidance and Oversight To Ensure That FHA-Insured Properties Nationwide Had Safe Water
Take appropriate administrative action against the lenders or appraisers for any cases in which it finds that they did not take appropriate steps to ensure that properties had a safe and potable water source.
Open Recommendation
HUD Did Not Provide Sufficient Guidance and Oversight To Ensure That FHA-Insured Properties Nationwide Had Safe Water
Develop and implement additional guidance to advise lenders and appraisers when water testing is required for properties serviced by a public water system which has issued a public notice of water contamination.
Open Recommendation
HUD Did Not Provide Sufficient Guidance and Oversight To Ensure That FHA-Insured Properties Nationwide Had Safe Water
Develop and implement policies and procedures to ensure that appraisers comply with guidance implemented to resolve recommendation 1C, including penalties for failure to comply, thereby ensuring that at least $238,090,214 million is put to better use.
Open Recommendation
HUD Did Not Provide Sufficient Guidance and Oversight To Ensure That FHA-Insured Properties Nationwide Had Safe Water
Consider requiring water testing for all FHA-insured properties.
Open Recommendation
HUD Did Not Sufficiently Flag Unacceptable Physical Condition Scores To Assess Its Controlling Participants
Implement a quality control review to ensure that successive below-60 REAC inspection score flags are entered into APPS.
Open Recommendation
HUD Did Not Sufficiently Flag Unacceptable Physical Condition Scores To Assess Its Controlling Participants
Update APPS to automatically flag a property that receives successive below-60 REAC inspection scores.
Open Recommendation
HUD Failed To Adequately Oversee FHA-Insured Loans With Borrower-Financed Downpayment Assistance
Reconsider HUD’s position on questioned borrower-financed downpayment assistance programs, including an analysis of the financial impact to FHA borrowers, risk to the FHA program, and whether current statute prohibits borrower-financed downpayment assistance programs as they are currently Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD Failed To Adequately Oversee FHA-Insured Loans With Borrower-Financed Downpayment Assistance
Develop and implement policies and procedures to strengthen HUD’s comprehensive loan-level, postendorsement, and lender reviews by evaluating loans containing downpayment assistance (for example, interest rates, fees, borrower certifications, lender reviews, impact to borrower, related agreements Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD Failed To Adequately Oversee FHA-Insured Loans With Borrower-Financed Downpayment Assistance
Develop specific requirements and guidance for lenders to review HFA downpayment assistance programs (for example, interest rates, fees, borrower certifications, lender reviews, impact to borrower, related agreements, etc.). Requirements and guidance should include evaluating the structure of Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD Failed To Adequately Oversee FHA-Insured Loans With Borrower-Financed Downpayment Assistance
Require lenders to obtain a borrower certification that details their participation in an HFA downpayment assistance program, including relevant details of the specific program (for example, impact on interest rate, mortgage payments, fees, equity, acknowledgement of other less costly loan Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD Failed To Adequately Oversee FHA-Insured Loans With Borrower-Financed Downpayment Assistance
Ensure that lenders enter accurate and missing downpayment assistance gift data into FHA Connection when identified by HUD.
Open Recommendation
HUD Failed To Adequately Oversee FHA-Insured Loans With Borrower-Financed Downpayment Assistance
Implement new data fields where lenders would be required to enter specific downpayment assistance information (for example, name of the source, name of assistance program, name of government entity or HFA, etc.) to allow for auditability and for HUD to generate reports and perform risk Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD Failed To Adequately Oversee FHA-Insured Loans With Borrower-Financed Downpayment Assistance
Review fees identified in this report that were charged as part of borrower-financed downpayment assistance programs and determine whether they are reasonable or necessary. HUD should immediately notify lenders to discontinue charging any fees that are determined to be unreasonable and unnecessary Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD Failed To Adequately Oversee FHA-Insured Loans With Borrower-Financed Downpayment Assistance
Require any participating lender to reimburse borrowers that received an FHA loan with borrower-financed downpayment assistance for any fees that were determined to be unreasonable and unnecessary.
Open Recommendation
HUD Failed To Enforce the Terms of a Settlement Agreement With Fifth Third Bank Because It Did Not Record Indemnified Loans in Its Tracking System
Require FTB to reimburse HUD $311,699 for 2 loans for which HUD incurred losses when it sold the properties and 15 loans for which FHA insurance had been terminated and HUD had paid loss mitigation claims to FTB.
Open Recommendation
HUD Failed To Enforce the Terms of a Settlement Agreement With Fifth Third Bank Because It Did Not Record Indemnified Loans in Its Tracking System
Record in FHA Connection the remaining indemnified loans, avoiding $47,433,895 in estimated losses. The estimated loss is based on the loss severity rate of 46 percent of the total unpaid principal balance of $103,117,164.
Open Recommendation
HUD Failed To Enforce the Terms of a Settlement Agreement With Fifth Third Bank Because It Did Not Record Indemnified Loans in Its Tracking System
Develop and implement controls to ensure that indemnification agreements that result from U.S. Department of Justice settlements have been properly recorded in FHA Connection.
Open Recommendation
HUD Failed To Enforce the Terms of a Settlement Agreement With Fifth Third Bank Because It Did Not Record Indemnified Loans in Its Tracking System
Take appropriate administrative action against FTB for violations of the settlement agreement.
Open Recommendation
HUD Failed To Follow Departmental Clearance Protocols for FHA Programs, Policies, and Operations
Pursue departmental clearance for the 13 documents and policies identified that did not go through required departmental clearance. For any items that cannot be appropriately cleared, HUD should take appropriate action to recall the document or policy.
Open Recommendation