Jefferson Parish, Jefferson, LA, Did Not Always Properly Administer Its Rehabilitation Program
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s New Orleans Office of Community Planning and Development require the Parish to
provide training to staff members to ensure that they are aware of policies and procedures and their responsibilities related to expenditures, monitoring, and addressing Read More
Open Recommendation
The Kansas City, MO, Health Department Did Not Spend Funds in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Repay the U.S. Treasury $19,173 spent on ineligible assistance from non-Federal funds.
Open Recommendation
The Kansas City, MO, Health Department Did Not Spend Funds in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Complete a cost breakdown to support the $10,731 spent on a rental property, which included assistance to an ineligible unit, and repay the ineligible assistance to the U.S. Treasury from non-Federal funds.
Open Recommendation
The Kansas City, MO, Health Department Did Not Spend Funds in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Recalculate annual income for participants assisted with the 2014 lead hazard control grant to support the $1,803,705 spent. For any assistance the Health Department cannot support with complete income calculations, it should repay the U.S. Treasury from non-Federal funds, less any amount repaid Read More
Open Recommendation
The Kansas City, MO, Health Department Did Not Spend Funds in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Develop and implement policies and procedures that clarify the definition of annual income to be used, calculation components, and the documentation required to calculate income.
Open Recommendation
The Kansas City, MO, Health Department Did Not Spend Funds in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Develop and implement procedures for quality control reviews to ensure that annual income is properly calculated.
Open Recommendation
The Kansas City, MO, Health Department Did Not Spend Funds in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Provide training on HUD’s income requirements to employees responsible for calculating income.
Open Recommendation
The Kansas City, MO, Health Department Did Not Spend Funds in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Provide support showing the $79,738 spent on window replacement qualified or repay the U.S. Treasury from non-Federal funds.
Open Recommendation
The Kansas City, MO, Health Department Did Not Spend Funds in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Develop and implement policies and procedures to ensure that all windows replaced meet lead hazard qualifications.
Open Recommendation
The Kansas City, MO, Health Department Did Not Spend Funds in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Develop and implement quality control procedures to ensure that all bid specifications are reviewed for qualified items based on the risk assessment results.
Open Recommendation
The Kansas City, MO, Health Department Did Not Spend Funds in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Update the Health Department’s work plan to include policies and procedures for defining, determining, and documenting relocation hardship for all participants.
Open Recommendation
The Kansas City, MO, Health Department Did Not Spend Funds in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Develop and implement policies and procedures to ensure that the property owners receive the required information concerning lead-based paint disclosure requirements, risk assessment results, summaries of treatments and clearances, and ongoing maintenance activities, including how to report paint Read More
Open Recommendation
The Lafayette Parish Housing Authority Violated HUD Procurement Requirements and Executed Unreasonable and Unnecessary Contracts
Support or repay from non-Federal funds any amounts that it cannot support, including $1,568,245 to its operating fund and $973,126 to its capital fund paid for (1) contracts that were improperly procured, (2) contract overpayments, or (3) contract payments made outside of the contract effective Read More
Open Recommendation
The Lender Generally Underwrote the Second and Delaware Project Loan in Accordance With HUD Rules and Regulations
Require that the current or future lender ensure that the project uses a contractor that is proven to be qualified and capable of completing the project.
Open Recommendation
The Lexington Housing Authority, Lexington, NC, Did Not Administer Its RAD Conversion in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Provide adequate supporting documentation for the amount of Public Housing Capital Fund loan to verify the loan source. If another source of Federal funds is determined, repay the amount to the appropriate program from non-Federal funds.
Open Recommendation
The Lexington Housing Authority, Lexington, NC, Did Not Administer Its RAD Conversion in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Provide support showing the amount of predevelopment fees paid. If it is over the allowable amount, that portion should be repaid to the project-based voucher program from non-Federal funds.
Open Recommendation
The Lexington Housing Authority, Lexington, NC, Did Not Administer Its RAD Conversion in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Provide support showing the source and use of funds paid to the Terrace Lane, LP, and Southside Village, LP, after the RAD conversion or repay the project-based voucher program from non-Federal funds.
Open Recommendation
The Lexington Housing Authority, Lexington, NC, Did Not Administer Its RAD Conversion in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Develop and implement procedures to ensure that it maintains books and records that provide the source and uses of all Federal funds.
Open Recommendation
The Lexington Housing Authority, Lexington, NC, Did Not Administer Its RAD Conversion in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Ensure that the Authority completes all outstanding annual audits.
Open Recommendation
The Lexington Housing Authority, Lexington, NC, Did Not Administer Its RAD Conversion in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Enter into a repayment agreement with Community Management Corporation for the improper housing assistance payments of $5,912 to be repaid to the project-based voucher program or repay the project-based voucher program from non-Federal funds.
Open Recommendation