Require New Horizons to repay HUD from project funds if available (otherwise, from nonproject funds) $144,556 in housing assistance payments for tenants who were not eligible for assistance or not living in units.
Publication Report
2017-KC-1002 | Marzo 02, 2017
New Horizons, Kansas City, MO, Received Improper Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General audited the Section 8 housing assistance payments program of the New Horizons project in Kansas City, MO. Our objective was to determine whether New Horizons... másRelated Recommendations
- Status2017-KC-1002-001-BOpenClosed$726,399.00Questioned Costs
Recommendations with questioned costs identify costs: (A] resulting from an alleged violation of a law, regulation, contract, grant, or other document or agreement governing the use of Federal funds; (B] that are not supported by adequate documentation (also known as an unsupported cost]; or (C] that appear unnecessary or unreasonable.
SummaryRequire New Horizons to provide support for the $726,399 in housing assistance payments based on missing or incomplete tenant files or repay the assistance from project funds if available (otherwise, from nonproject funds) to HUD.
- Status2017-KC-1002-001-COpenClosedClosed on Enero 08, 2025$16,687.00Questioned Costs
Recommendations with questioned costs identify costs: (A] resulting from an alleged violation of a law, regulation, contract, grant, or other document or agreement governing the use of Federal funds; (B] that are not supported by adequate documentation (also known as an unsupported cost]; or (C] that appear unnecessary or unreasonable.
SummaryRequire New Horizons to support that $16,687 in tenant rents was collected and deposited as required or repay the project from nonproject funds.
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Require New Horizons to obtain independent management.
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Require New Horizons to conduct a review to determine who currently lives in the units and verify their eligibility.
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Monitor New Horizons to ensure that it properly maintains tenant files, completes required annual recertifications, and supports disability exemptions in accordance with HUD requirements.