HUD OIG Hotline number: 1-800-347-3735
Toll-Free and Toll Access Number for Federal Relay:
- (800) 877-8339 TTY/ASCII (American Standard Code For Information Interchange) – Allows TTY Users to type their conversation

What Should I Report to the Hotline?
- Violations of federal laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) programs and funding
- Substantial and specific danger to health or public safety at HUD Public and Multifamily Housing Developments
- Contract and procurement irregularities
- Theft and abuse of government property
- Employee misconduct
- Abuse of authority or conflict of interests
- Housing subsidy fraud
- Serious mismanagement
- Ethics violations by HUD officials
- Bribery
- Grantee and Subrecipient Mandatory Disclosures of Violations of Law – 2 C.F.R § 200.113
- Disclosure Pursuant to Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 – 2 C.F.R. § 175.105
What Information Do I Need to Provide?
- You must submit a written statement in support of allegations of fraud, waste, abuse, and/or mismanagement.
- WHO (Names, addresses, phone numbers)
- WHAT (Specific events and evidence; loss to HUD program)
- WHEN (Date, time, frequency)
- WHERE (Location, City, State, Housing Authority)
- WHY (Gain to violator)
- HOW (What scheme was used)
- Information that is too vague or cannot be supported can result in a closed report, without any action taken.
What Will Happen After Making a Report
- The decision to pursue a Hotline report either through an investigation, audit, or review, rests exclusively with the OIG. The OIG will not provide you with case status updates or other information while the case is under review.
- Under no circumstances will the OIG provide you with the status of action taken on an allegation.
HUD OIG accepts three different types of complaints. General, Contractor, and Whistleblower. Complaint forms are located below each description.

Grantee and Subrecipient Mandatory Disclosures of Violations of Law – 2 C.F.R § 200.113
Recipients and subrecipients of HUD financial assistance are required to promptly inform in writing the Office of Inspector General, HUD, and the state grantee, if applicable, when it has credible evidence of violations of federal criminal law involving fraud, bribery, or gratuities or a violation of the civil False Claims Act that could potentially affect the federal award. You are not required to use one of the following disclosure form options, but you should include the information requested by the form in whatever disclosure you submit.
Information regarding how to make a mandatory disclosure may be accessed by clicking the "mandatory disclosures form" button below.
Disclosure Pursuant to Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 – 2 C.F.R. § 175.105
A private entity who receives an award of federal assistance funds may have their award terminated if they or a recipient, subrecipient, agent or contractor engages in in trafficking in persons, purchase of a commercial sex act, or forced labor. Recipients, subrecipients, contractors, and subcontractors of HUD financial assistance are required to promptly inform the Office of Inspector General and HUD when it has credible evidence that a recipient, subrecipient, contractor, or subcontractor has engaged in conduct that resulted in trafficking in persons, purchase of a commercial sex act, or forced labor which are prohibited by the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000. You are not required to use our disclosure form, but you should include the information requested by the form in whatever disclosure you submit.
Information regarding how to make a mandatory disclosure may be accessed by clicking the "mandatory disclosures form" button below.

The Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended at Section 3, requires the OIG to designate a Whistleblower Protection Coordinator, who shall educate agency employees about prohibitions on retaliation for protected disclosures, and employees’ rights and remedies against retaliation for protected disclosures.
The IG Act protects the confidentiality of HUD employees’ disclosures by prohibiting the OIG from disclosing the employee’s identity unless the OIG determines such disclosure is unavoidable during the course of the investigation. IG Act of 1978, Section 7(b).
- For more information about what disclosures are protected, ways to make a disclosure, and protections and remedies available to HUD employees: Click here
- To make a complaint of fraud, waste, abuse or other wrongdoing in a HUD program: Click here
- To make a complaint of retaliation as a result of making disclosure: Click here
The Office of Special Counsel (OSC) is the independent federal entity that investigates disclosures and complaints by federal employees of whistleblower retaliation. The OIG works with the OSC to investigate these cases. Federal employees may file disclosures or complaints directly with the OSC.
- To file a Disclosure : Click here
- To contact the OSC directly: Call (202) 804-7000 or (800) 872-9855 to leave a confidential message. An OSC attorney will return the call.
In 2013, Congress passed a law protecting employees of federal grantees, contractors, and their subgrantees or subcontractors who disclose waste, fraud, abuse, or other violations in federal programs, from retaliation by their employer. Each OIG is tasked with reviewing and investigating retaliation complaints relating to the programs the OIG oversees.
- For more information about what is a covered disclosure, what is retaliation, and what are employee remedies: Click here
If you do not fall into one of the two categories above, but wish to report fraud, waste, abuse, or other wrongdoing regarding a HUD Program, you may make a disclosure through the HUD OIG Hotline by clicking here.