The Offices of Audit and Evaluation supervise and conduct independent and objective audits, evaluations, and other reviews of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) programs and activities to ensure they operate economically, efficiently, and effectively. This page contains links to our audit and evaluation reports and memoranda.
he U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General audited Gruening Park Apartments, a 96-unit apartment complex in Juneau, AK, owned and operated by Alaska Housing Development Corporation, Inc., to determine whether the owner administered the project and its programs in compliance with the regulatory agreement and other HUD requirements. We selected this project primarily due to its having a…
September 05, 2012
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Office of Inspector General audited the Section 8 Performance Based Contract Administration (PBCA) program of the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (Corporation). We wanted to determine whether the Corporation fulfilled its contractual responsibilities as a performance-based contract administrator (contract administrator) of project-based Section 8 housing assistance…
December 16, 2010
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Office of Inspector General audited the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program of the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC). We wanted to determine whether AHFC admitted and housed tenants properly, calculated tenant rents correctly, and maintained an effective quality control program. We also wanted to determine whether AHFC properly administered its HUD Veterans…
September 27, 2010