Title | Announced | Priority Area | Program Area | State |
CDBG CARES Act Grantee Challenges
Published Report(s)
09/2021 | Advancing Economic Opportunities Initiatives, Ensuring Safe and Affordable Housing, Monitoring and Oversight | Community Planning and Development | All |
HUD OIG is reviewing HUD’s Office of Community Planning and Development’s (CPD) HUD’s Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, Community Development Block Grants (CDBG-CV) program. The CARES Act provided $4.9 billion in CCDBG-CV funds to be used to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus. Our objective is to determine what challenges grantees faced in obligating and spending their allocated CDBG-CV funds for activities that prepare for, prevent, or respond to COVID-19 and its impact.