Develop and implement internal controls to ensure that housing assistance payments discontinue once a program participant is absorbed into another public housing agency’s program or leaves the program.
Publication Report
2018-BO-1002 | November 15, 2017
The Housing Authority of the City of New Haven, CT, Made Ineligible Housing Assistance Payments From Its Housing Choice Voucher Program
We audited the Housing Authority of the City of New Haven’s Housing Choice Voucher program based on our risk assessment of the program for the New England region, the size of the Authority’s program, the time lapse since our last audit, and the inherent… moreRelated Recommendations
Public and Indian Housing
Closed on May 15, 2018
Repay the Housing Choice Voucher program from non-Federal funds the $281,929 in ineligible retroactive housing assistance payments.
Closed on June 05, 2018
Develop and implement internal control procedures to ensure that housing assistance funds appropriated for 1 calendar year are not used to make retroactive housing assistance payments for prior years.
Closed on April 17, 2018
Repay the Housing Choice Voucher program from non-Federal funds the $32,682 in ineligible housing assistance overpayments made due to program errors.
Closed on July 05, 2018
Develop and implement internal control procedures to ensure that housing assistance payments resulting from errors of Authority officials are covered by the Authority’s administrative fees.
Closed on September 29, 2018
Develop and implement internal control procedures to ensure that housing assistance payments are not made to owners without a properly executed lease and housing assistance payments contract.
Closed on May 17, 2018
Provide support showing that the repayment of housing assistance overpayments found by the Authority were received.