Implement a change to regulations at 24 CFR Part 203 to require curtailment of preforeclosure interest and other costs that are caused by lender servicing delays, resulting in $413,513,975 in funds to be put to better use. This should include updating or seeking statutory authority to update HUD’s regulations as necessary and coordinating with HUD’s Office of Finance and Budget, well before any changes go through departmental clearance, to ensure that planned curtailment requirements can be consistently enforced through the claims process.
This audit recommendations cannot be closed out without the publication of the Federal Housing Administration (FHA): Maximum Claim Rule. The proposed changes have been on HUD’s regulatory agenda since Spring 2020 but, as of June 2024, the Office of Single Family Housing does not have an estimated publication date.
To fully address this recommendation, HUD must publish the FHA Maximum Claim Rule.
Implementation of this rule should result in HUD putting $413 million to better use.