We recommend that HUD work with Connecticut and Shelby County to fully realize the program benefits by (1) assessing whether any of the current project activities need to be replaced with more viable project activities, thereby ensuring that any modifications to the project activities will lessen the susceptibility of rain and flood events; (2) assessing whether administrative funds have been properly allocated and charged to identify any possible cost savings; (3) determining whether enough administrative funds or other available funds exist to complete the administration of the grant project activities; and (4) developing and implementing a written plan of action that will assist with expediting the project activities that could reasonably be expected to be completed by the September 30, 2029, deadline.
2025-FW-0001 | February 21, 2025
Grantees Were Delayed in Completing National Disaster Resilience Program Activities, but Remain On Track to Accomplish Goals
Community Planning and Development
- Status2025-FW-0001-001-AOpenClosed
- Status2025-FW-0001-001-BOpenClosed
We recommend that HUD conduct onsite or remote monitoring for the City of Minot and Tennessee, which have not had any monitoring since grant inception, to ensure that these grantees are on track to meet their program goals.
- Status2025-FW-0001-001-COpenClosed
We recommend that HUD for grantees with delayed project activities (California, Connecticut, Louisiana, Tennessee, Virginia, New York City, Minot, and Shelby County), require each grantee to provide a detailed timeline with milestone dates of when projects should be completed and provide updates to ensure that grantees stay on schedule.
- Status2025-FW-0001-001-DOpenClosed
We recommend that HUD for its disaster-related program wide activities, revise the action plan and quarterly performance review checklists to a format that more specifically and directly addresses the subject program.
- Status2025-FW-0001-001-EOpenClosed
We recommend that HUD for its disaster-related program wide activities, require grantees to provide documentation showing that they have upfront collaboration with partnering entities in executing the grant program. If the grantee plans to hire contractors, HUD should ensure that grantees have a plan to quickly onboard contractors early in the program.
2025-FO-0003 | November 15, 2024
Audit of the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Fiscal Years 2024 and 2023 Financial Statements
Community Planning and Development
- Status2025-FO-0003-001-BOpenClosed
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Operations of Community Planning and Development enhance CPDs existing Grant Accrual Standard Operating Procedures to strengthen governance within CPD and to effectively work within the framework established by the OCFO in recommendation 1A. The updated procedures should include increased ownership and oversight over the reviews, authorizations, approvals, and changes to the CPD grant accrual estimates and methodology.
2024-LA-0001 | September 17, 2024
HUD Grantees Need to Enhance Monitoring of ESG CARES Act Subrecipients
Community Planning and Development
- Status2024-LA-0001-001-AOpenClosed
Take corrective action for the subrecipient monitoring and agreement issues cited for eight of the ESG-CV grantees reviewed, and provide additional guidance and technical assistance as needed to ensure that they understand requirements.
- Status2024-LA-0001-001-BOpenClosed
Develop and implement additional subrecipient monitoring training and guidance for all ESG grantees.
2024-LA-1002 | August 06, 2024
The City and County of Honolulu Should Improve Its Fraud Risk Management Practices for Its ESG CARES Act Program
Community Planning and Development
- Status2024-LA-1002-001-AOpenClosed
Improve or enhance its antifraud efforts for the ESG program and incorporate fraud risk management practices that are consistent with the best practices identified in the Government Accountability Office’s A Framework for Managing Fraud Risks in Federal Programs and Chief Financial Officers Council and Treasury Bureau of the Fiscal Services’ Antifraud Playbook.
- Status2024-LA-1002-001-BOpenClosed
Obtain training or technical assistance as needed on the implementation of fraud risk management practices.
2024-LA-1001 | August 02, 2024
Housing and Community Development Should Improve Its Fraud Risk Management Practices for Its ESG CARES Act Program
Community Planning and Development
- Status2024-LA-1001-001-AOpenClosed
Establish a separate fraud risk management framework or evaluate and build upon its ERM framework by incorporating fraud risk management practices that are consistent with the principles of GAO’s Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government (Green Book), including developing a fraud risk management framework in alignment with best practices identified in GAO’s A Framework for Managing Fraud Risks in Federal Programs and the Chief Financial Officers Council’s Antifraud Playbook.
- Status2024-LA-1001-001-BOpenClosed
Obtain training or technical assistance on the implementation of fraud risk management practices consistent with the principles of GAO’s Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government (Green Book).
2024-FW-1003 | March 19, 2024
The Puerto Rico Housing Finance Authority’s Homebuyer Assistance Program Positively Impacted Participants but May Not Have Distributed Disaster Recovery Funds Equitably
Community Planning and Development
- Status2024-FW-1003-001-AOpenClosed
Work with PRDOH to determine whether its current method of measuring how many applicants purchased their home through the program is the best way to measure the HBA program’s impact.
- Status2024-FW-1003-001-BOpenClosed
Based on the results of recommendation 1A, update the HBA guidelines and the Puerto Rico disaster recovery action plan.
- Status2024-FW-1003-002-AOpenClosed
Instruct PRDOH and PRHFA to develop and implement clear and consistent guidelines and procedures that establish a verifiable methodology for determining the amount of financial awards granted to eligible HBA participants.
- Status2024-FW-1003-002-BOpenClosed
Include, as part of the revised procedures, a requirement to document within each case in SSP a detailed (1) calculation of the household income and (2) the analysis and computations conducted by the PRHFA underwriter for determining the amount of the financial assistance award.
- Status2024-FW-1003-002-COpenClosed
Instruct PRDOH and PRHFA to provide training and guidance to participating lending institutions related to the updated guidelines and procedures for determining the financial award granted to HBA participants to ensure that program funds are distributed in an equitable manner.
2024-FW-1002 | March 11, 2024
After More Than 6 Years, The City of New Orleans’ National Disaster Resilience Project Activities Had Made Little Impact on Resilience
Community Planning and Development
- Status2024-FW-1002-001-AOpenClosed
We recommend that HUD require the City to reassess the eight infrastructure projects still in the design or planning phase to determine whether the City can complete the projects or how the remaining funds could be best used within the 6 years remaining for the grant period to ensure that the City is protected from future storm and rain events.
- Status2024-FW-1002-001-BOpenClosed$14,683,335Funds Put to Better Use
Recommendations that funds be put to better use estimate funds that could be used more efficiently. For example, recommendations that funds be put to better use could result in reductions in spending, deobligation of funds, or avoidance of unnecessary spending.
We recommend that HUD require the City to for the $14,683,335 originally budgeted for the Milneburg and Microgrid projects, work with HUD to (1) determine whether its planned action plan amendment would constitute the need to submit a substantial action plan amendment, (2) ensure that any modifications in its action plan amendment would lessen the susceptibility of rain and flood events within the Gentilly area, and (3) require that any activities pursued under the action plan amendment could reasonably be expected to be completed by the September 30, 2029, deadline.
- Status2024-FW-1002-001-COpenClosed
We recommend that HUD require the City to review the number and type of positions for its National Disaster Resilience staff that are responsible for the oversight and completion of infrastructure projects and ensure that it has the appropriate staffing levels to complete adequate monitoring and oversight of the projects.