In an effort to increase transparency and accountability in the use of Federal funding in program activities, Federal law and guidance requires the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and its prime recipients to ensure that complete and accurate subaward data is posted on We audited HUD to determine whether the prime award recipients of HUD funding met all of the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) reporting requirements for their subawards on, including the amount of the subaward and a description of the products or services provided.
We found that HUD’s prime award recipients of the Offices of Community Planning and Development (CPD) and Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (OLHCHH) programs did not always report their subawards of $30,000 or greater as required by FFATA. Specifically, 25 prime awards in CPD programs and 10 prime awards in OLHCHH programs from 2 separate statistical samples of 70 prime awards made at least 1 subaward that they did not report to Additionally, we found that 31 of 68 sampled subawards under the CPD programs were noncompliant with subaward reporting requirements, primarily because the subaward description was not adequate to provide the stakeholders with an understanding of the purpose of the awarded funds. HUD’s prime award recipients lacked knowledge of the FFATA subaward reporting requirements due to insufficient guidance and oversight by HUD program offices and lack of an enterprise-level policy. This noncompliance impairs the transparency and accountability of Federal spending, limiting stakeholders’ ability to fully evaluate the use of Federal funds within their communities.