We audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Community Compass and Technical Assistance and Capacity Building program due to a complaint specific to the Continuum of Care (CoC) and homeless portion of the program. The complaint alleged that the Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs had been steering technical assistance notice of funding availability applicants toward coordinating or subcontracting with a particular nonprofit, as part of the nonprofit’s initiative, rather than directly addressing the needs of the grantees. Our audit objective was to determine whether the technical assistance award selection and assignment process for applicants qualifying for CoC and homeless programs was conducted in an appropriate manner.
The technical assistance award selection and assignment process appeared to have been conducted in an appropriate manner. Although we determined that some aspects of the complaint were true, such as the establishment of initiatives and nonprofits acting as a subcontractor on their own initiatives, we found no program violations or evidence that the needs of grantees were not being met.
There are no recommendations.