Wellston Housing Authority Improperly Administered the Community Service and Self-Sufficiency Requirement
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development – Office of Inspector General audited the Wellston, MO Housing Authority’s administration of the Community Service and Self-Sufficiency Requirement (CSSR) due to its unusually low reported rate of compliance with the requirement. Also, this audit will complement our upcoming nationwide internal audit of the requirement. Our audit objective was to determine whether the Authority…
September 24, 2014
The Nevada, MO, Housing Authority Did Not Properly Classify Tenants as Exempt From the Community Service and Self-Sufficiency Requirement
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development – Office of Inspector General audited the Nevada, MO Housing Authority because available reports indicated that 95.4 percent of the Authority’s public housing tenants were exempt from the community service and self-sufficiency requirement (requirement), which was higher than the State’s average of 88.5 percent. Also, this audit will complement our upcoming nationwide internal audit of…
September 11, 2014
The City of Richmond, CA, Did Not Administer Its Neighborhood Stabilization Program in Accordance With Requirements
We audited the City of Richmond’s Neighborhood Stabilization Program 1 (NSP1) in response to HUD Office of Community Planning and Development’s concerns over the City’s management of its NSP1. Our objective was to determine whether the City administered its NSP1 in accordance with requirements related to procurement and cost eligibility.
The City did not administer its NSP1 in accordance with requirements related to procurement and cost…
August 22, 2014
Final Civil Action – Borrower Settled Allegations of Making a False Certification to HUD Regarding a Home Purchase Under the Federal Housing Administration Program
We reviewed an alleged loan origination fraud scheme involving a borrower purchasing a home in which the loan was insured under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Federal Housing Administration (FHA) program. The alleged scheme involved submitting a false loan application to obtain an FHA-insured loan on a home in Brentwood, CA. Based in part on our review, HUD filed a complaint against the borrower under…
August 11, 2014
The County of San Bernardino, CA, Adequately Ensured That NSP Developer Fees Met HUD Requirements
We reviewed the developer fees the County of San Bernardino paid to its Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) developers. Our objective was to determine whether the County adequately ensured that NSP developer fees paid to its developers met HUD requirements. We performed our review to address questionable costs identified during a prior Office of Inspector General (OIG) review (audit report 2014-LA-0002). During that…
June 05, 2014
The City of Kansas City, MO, Did Not Properly Obligate Its NSP1 Grant Funds and Allowed Its Subrecipient To Enter Into Contracts Without the Required Provisions
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General, audited the City of Kansas City, MO’s Neighborhood Stabilization Program I (NSP I) based on previous problems in the City’s Community Development Block Grant program and the amount of funding it received. During fiscal year 2008, the City received more than $7.3 million in NSP1 funding. Our audit objectives were to determine whether the City…
February 04, 2014
The City of Joplin, MO, Complied With CDBG Disaster Recovery Regulations
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development – Office of Inspector General selected the City of Joplin, MO’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery program for audit because the City was awarded more than $45 million in CDBG Disaster Recovery funds in April 2012 and an additional $113 million in May 2013. In addition, we had not audited the City’s activities for at least 10 years. Our audit objective was…
January 28, 2014
Windridge Apartments Did Not Administer Its Program in Accordance With HUD Rules and Regulations and Its Own Policies and Procedures
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General completed an audit of Windridge Apartments in Wichita, Kansas. We selected Windridge Apartments based on a referral from the Region 7 Office of Multifamily Housing due to high tenant receivables and excessive travel expenses. Our audit objectives were to determine whether Windridge Apartment Associates, L.P., (1) followed HUD rules and…
November 06, 2013
Reviews of Six FHA Lenders Demonstrated That HUD Needs To Strengthen Its Oversight of Prohibited Restrictive Covenants
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General (OIG), conducted a limited review of HUD’s oversight of loans underwritten by HUD-approved Federal Housing Administration (FHA) lenders. We conducted the internal review as part of OIG’s annual audit plan, prompted by four recent OIG external lender audits reporting that the lenders allowed prohibited restrictive covenant agreements. The…
September 23, 2013
# 2013-LA-0803
The City of Hawthorne, CA, Did Not Administer Its Community Development Block Grant Program Cost Allocations in Accordance With HUD Rules and Requirements
We initiated a review of the City of Hawthorne’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and CDBG-Recovery Act (CDBG-R) program, based on a request by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Los Angeles Office of Community Planning and Development. Our objective was to determine whether the City adequately supported its salary and program administrative cost allocations to the CDBG and CDBG-R programs in accordance…
September 20, 2013
The City of Hawthorne, CA, Inappropriately Used Nearly $1.6 Million in HOME Funds for Section 8 Tenants
We audited the City of Hawthorne because of a corrective action verification audit done by the Office of Inspector General (OIG) that identified $840,741 in HOME Investment Partnerships Program funds that were transferred to the Section 8 program between 2005 and 2006 (2013-LA-0802). The objectives of the audit were to determine (1) the eligibility of $840,741 in 2005 and 2006 HOME program transfers to the Section 8 program, (2) whether…
September 13, 2013
The Temtor Disbursed Project Funds for Ineligible and Unsupported Expenses
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD), Office of Inspector General audited The Temtor, a residential and commercial development in St. Louis MO. We selected The Temtor for audit because the project quickly defaulted on its mortgage and requested a partial payment of claim. The project reached final endorsement on January 30, 2012, and failed to make timely mortgage payments beginning March 1, 2012. Our…
August 08, 2013
Final Civil Action – Judgment of Civil Money Penalty Imposed on Realtor for Preforeclosure Scheme
We investigated an alleged preforeclosure scheme involving 31 properties financed with Federal Housing Administration (FHA)-insured loans. As a result, the U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Central District of California brought a civil case against Mr. Mario Menendez under the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 (FIRREA).
In August 2011, the U.S. Attorney’s Office filed a complaint in U.S. district court…
July 11, 2013
#2013-CF-1802 (Civil Action Memorandum)
The County of Santa Barbara, CA, Did Not Comply With HOME Investment Partnerships Program Requirements
We reviewed the County of Santa Barbara’s HOME Investment Partnerships program due to concerns expressed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Los Angeles Office of Community Planning and Development regarding the County’s administration of its HOME program. Our objective was to determine whether the County performed its monitoring responsibilities and ensured that incurred HOME program expenditures were eligible…
July 09, 2013
The City of Santa Ana, CA, Did Not Administer Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2 Funds in Accordance With HUD Rules and Requirements
We audited the City of Santa Ana’s Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2 (NSP2). We initiated the audit as part of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) fiscal year 2012-2013 annual audit plan. Our objective was to determine whether the City administered its program funds in accordance with applicable HUD rules and requirements. Specifically, our focus was to determine…
June 17, 2013
The City of San Bernardino, CA, Did Not Administer Its Community Development Block Grant and Community Development Block Grant-Recovery Act Programs in Accordance With HUD Rules and Regulations
We reviewed the City of San Bernardino’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and CDBG-Recovery Act (CDBG-R) programs because the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Los Angeles Office of Community Planning and Development expressed concerns about the City’s administration of its CDBG program. Our objective was to determine whether the City administered its CDBG and CDBG-R program funds in accordance with applicable HUD…
April 23, 2013
Bay Vista Methodist Heights, San Diego, CA, Violated Its Agreement With HUD When Administering Its Trust Funds
We audited Bay Vista Methodist Heights, San Diego, CA, to determine the full extent of the misuse of its trust funds. We selected Bay Vista for review based on a referral from the Office of Multifamily Housing, stating that Bay Vista violated its trust fund agreement with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) because the former chief financial officer transferred more than $3 million in restricted funds into Bay Vista’s…
March 14, 2013
Corrective Action Verification, City of Hawthorne, CA, Section 8 Program Audit Report 2011-LA-1008
We completed a corrective action verification of a recommendation made to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH) pertaining to our review of the City of Hawthorne, CA’s Section 8 program, Audit Report 2011-LA-1008, which was issued March 28, 2011. The purpose of the corrective action verification was to determine whether HUD officials appropriately closed audit recommendation 1A.…
February 14, 2013
Standard Pacific Mortgage, Inc., Irvine, CA, Allowed the Recording of Prohibited Restrictive Covenants
We conducted a limited review of Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans underwritten by Standard Pacific Mortgage, Inc. We selected the lender based on the results of an auditability survey, which determined that Standard Pacific Mortgage allowed prohibited restrictive covenants to be filed against FHA-insured properties. The objective of our review was to determine the extent to which Standard Pacific Mortgage failed to prevent the…
February 04, 2013
The City of Inglewood, CA, Did Not Administer HOME Investment Partnerships Program Funds in Accordance With HUD Rules and Requirements
We reviewed the City of Inglewood’s HOME Investment Partnerships Program. We initiated the review because of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Los Angeles Office of Community Planning and Development’s expressed concerns about the City’s administration of its program funds. Our objective was to determine whether the City complied with HOME rules and requirements for obligations, commitments, expenditures, program…
December 05, 2012