The Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles Did Not Adequately Manage Lead-Based Paint in Its Public Housing Units
We audited the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles’ management of lead-based paint and lead-based paint hazards in its public housing units. We selected the Authority based on our assessment of the risks of lead‐based paint in public housing agencies’ (PHA) housing developments, including the age of buildings, the number of units, household demographics, and reported cases of childhood lead poisoning. The audit objectives…
August 20, 2024
Housing and Community Development Should Improve Its Fraud Risk Management Practices for Its ESG CARES Act Program
We audited the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) with the objective of evaluating HCD’s fraud risk management practices for its Emergency Solutions Grants Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (ESG CARES Act) program and assessing the maturity of its efforts to prevent, detect, and respond to fraud. Fraudulent activity in the ESG CARES Act program can lead to significant financial losses,…
August 02, 2024
The Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority, Cleveland, OH, Did Not Have Adequate Oversight of Lead-Based Paint in Its Public Housing
We audited the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority’s management of lead‐based paint in its public housing program based on our assessment of the risks of lead‐based paint in public housing. The risk factors assessed included the age of buildings, the number of units, household demographics, and reported cases of childhood lead poisoning. Our audit objectives were to determine whether the Authority (1) complied with HUD’s…
July 12, 2024
The Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority, Columbus, OH, Did Not Always Comply With HUD’s Requirements for Its Housing Choice Voucher Program Units
We audited the Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority’s Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program. The audit was initiated based on our assessment of risks associated with public housing agencies’ HCV Program units and recent media attention and public concern about the conditions of subsidized housing properties. Our objective was to determine whether the physical condition of the Authority’s HCV Program units complied with the U.S.…
June 28, 2024
State of California, 2018 Disasters Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Program
We selected the State of California’s 2018 disaster owner-occupied rehabilitation and reconstruction program to audit after an internal risk assessment of disaster grantees showed the grant was newer and had not yet disbursed the majority of its funding. The State received more than $1 billion for the 2018 disasters. Our audit objective was to determine what the State is considering and to what extent resilience-based mitigation…
July 13, 2023
The Stark Metropolitan Housing Authority, Canton, OH, Did Not Always Comply With Federal and Its Own Procurement Requirements
We audited the Stark Metropolitan Housing Authority’s public housing program based on significant deficiencies noted during our prior audit of the Authority. Our audit objective was to determine whether the Authority complied with Federal and its own requirements for procuring goods and services.
The Authority did not always comply with Federal and its own procurement requirements. Specifically, for the contracts reviewed, it did…
May 24, 2023
The Philadelphia Housing Authority Needs To Improve Oversight Of Lead-Based Paint In Its Public Housing
We audited the Philadelphia Housing Authority’s (Authority) management of lead‐based paint in its public housing program based on our assessment of the risks of lead‐based paint in public housing agencies’ (PHA) housing developments. The risk factors included the age of buildings, the number of units, household demographics, reported cases of childhood lead poisoning, and reports of missing lead‐based paint inspections in HUD’s data. The…
March 22, 2023
The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, Los Angeles, CA, Did Not Always Administer Its Continuum of Care Program in Accordance With HUD Requirements
We audited the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority’s Continuum of Care (CoC) program. The audit was initiated because of the homelessness crisis in the City of Los Angeles, which has the highest number of unsheltered people in the United States. In addition, the Los Angeles city controller issued a report in 2019, criticizing the Authority for falling short of City of Los Angeles homeless outreach goals. (See Background and…
January 20, 2022
Neighborhood Housing Services of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, CA, Did Not Always Follow Program Requirements in Administering Its NSP2
We audited Neighborhood Housing Services of Los Angeles County’s (NHSLA) Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2 (NSP2). The audit was based on a complaint alleging questionable NSP2 financial activity, double payments to contractors, and payments to contractors for incomplete work. Our Office of Audit received the referred complaint in late 2018. However, because the complaint included concerns regarding activities and auditee…
January 05, 2021
The City of Compton, Compton, CA, Did Not Always Administer Neighborhood Stabilization Program Funds in Compliance With Procedures and Regulations
We audited the City of Compton’s Neighborhood Stabilization Programs (NSP) 1 and 3 due to a referral made by our Office of Investigation because of concerns related to ongoing issues at the City and complaints received about the City’s administration of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funds. In addition, HUD’s Office of Community Planning and Development rated the City as high risk for administering program funds in…
October 27, 2020
The Los Angeles County Development Authority, Alhambra, CA, Generally Met HUD Goals and Requirements in Managing Its Family Self-Sufficiency Program
We audited the Los Angeles County Development Authority’s Family Self-Sufficiency Program due to a hotline complaint (HC-2019-4215) alleging that the Authority did not use its program funds in compliance with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements. Our audit objectives were to determine whether the Authority met its program goals and objectives to assist eligible families in becoming self-sufficient and…
June 18, 2020
The Philadelphia Housing Authority, Philadelphia, PA, Did Not Comply With Procurement and Conflict-of-Interest Requirements
We audited the Philadelphia, PA, Housing Authority’s use of public housing program operating funds because we received a complaint alleging that the Authority misused U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funds. Our objective was to determine whether allegations from the complaint had merit. We focused the audit on whether the Authority properly procured (1) relocation services, (2) job training services, (3) a…
April 20, 2020
The Housing Authority of the City of Long Beach, CA, Did Not Administer Its Housing Choice Voucher Program in Accordance With HUD Requirements
We audited the Housing Authority of the City Long Beach’s Housing Choice Voucher Program based on a referral from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Los Angeles Office of Public Housing due to concerns regarding its financial activity control weaknesses. The objective of the audit was to determine whether the Authority administered its Housing Choice Voucher Program in accordance with Program requirements, with an…
March 10, 2020
Community Action North Bay, Fairfield, CA, Did Not Administer Its Continuum of Care Program in Accordance With HUD Requirements
We audited Community Action North Bay’s Continuum of Care Program based on hotline complaints (HC-2016-2275 and HT-2019-1142) and concerns expressed by the San Francisco Office of Community Planning and Development that included matching noncompliance issues. The complaints alleged improper accounting, timekeeping irregularities, unreported program income, and conflicts of interest. Our objective was to determine whether the…
January 31, 2020
Final Civil Action: Pacific Horizon Bancorp, Inc., and Two Loan Officers Settled Allegations of Failing To Comply With HUD’s Federal Housing Administration Loan Requirements
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General (OIG), assisted HUD’s Office of Program Enforcement in a civil investigation of Pacific Horizon Bancorp, Inc., and two former loan officers at Pacific Horizon. Pacific Horizon has its principal place of business in La Crescenta, CA.
Based on OIG’s civil investigation, on April 2, 2019, HUD notified Pacific Horizon and the two loan officers that it…
September 30, 2019
PK Management, LLC, Richmond Heights, OH, Did Not Always Maintain Documentation Required to Support Housing Assistance Payments
We audited PK Management, LLC, based on (1) media coverage of problems associated with Essex Village, an apartment complex in Virginia that it managed, and (2) issues identified in our prior audit of PK Management in Birmingham, AL. Our audit objective was to determine whether PK Management assisted eligible tenants and maintained documentation to support the housing assistance payments it received for residents of the properties it…
August 02, 2019
The Housing Authority of the City of Easton, PA, Did Not Always Properly Administer Its Housing Choice Voucher Program
We audited the Housing Authority of the City of Easton, PA’s Housing Choice Voucher Program because (1) we received a complaint alleging that the Authority made improper payments to program participants and a consultant to the Authority inappropriately placed herself on the program waiting list and (2) we had never audited the Authority. Our audit objective was to determine whether the Authority administered its program in accordance with…
July 30, 2019
The Housing Authority of the County of San Diego, San Diego, CA, Executed and Administered Its Intergovernmental Agreement as Required
We audited the Housing Authority of the County of San Diego’s intergovernmental agreement due to the results of our completed internal auditability survey of public housing agencies with intergovernmental agreements. The auditability survey identified public housing authorities with intergovernmental agreements for potential external reviews due to a recent external audit the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (audit report…
July 15, 2019
The Compton Housing Authority, Compton, CA, Did Not Administer Its Housing Choice Voucher Program in Accordance With HUD Requirements
We audited the Compton Housing Authority’s Housing Choice Voucher Program, based on a referral from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Los Angeles Office of Public Housing, due to concerns regarding its financial activity control weaknesses. The objective of the audit was to determine whether the Authority administered its Housing Choice Voucher Program in accordance with program requirements, with an emphasis on…
July 11, 2019
The Housing Authority of the County of Los Angeles, Alhambra, CA, Did Not Ensure That Its Intergovernmental Agreements Included the Current HUD Requirements
We audited the Housing Authority of the County of Los Angeles’ intergovernmental agreements due to our Public and Indian Housing Intergovernmental Agreements Auditability Survey. The objective of that review was to identify public housing agencies with intergovernmental agreements for potential external reviews due to a previous audit (audit report 2018-LA-1008), which identified the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles as not…
July 03, 2019