HUD Did Not Provide Sufficient Guidance and Oversight To Ensure That FHA-Insured Properties Nationwide Had Safe Water
Direct the applicable lenders to provide evidence that the properties for the 1,383 FHA-insured loans not included in our sample had a safe and potable water source, or that the appraisers had not notified the lender of the water quality issue on their appraisals. If the lenders cannot provide this evidence, HUD should direct them to perform water testing and any necessary remediation to ensure that the properties have a safe and potable…
HUD Did Not Provide Sufficient Guidance and Oversight To Ensure That FHA-Insured Properties Nationwide Had Safe Water
Take appropriate administrative action against the lenders or appraisers for any cases in which it finds that they did not take appropriate steps to ensure that properties had a safe and potable water source.
HUD Did Not Provide Sufficient Guidance and Oversight To Ensure That FHA-Insured Properties Nationwide Had Safe Water
Develop and implement additional guidance to advise lenders and appraisers when water testing is required for properties serviced by a public water system which has issued a public notice of water contamination.
HUD Did Not Provide Sufficient Guidance and Oversight To Ensure That FHA-Insured Properties Nationwide Had Safe Water
Develop and implement policies and procedures to ensure that appraisers comply with guidance implemented to resolve recommendation 1C, including penalties for failure to comply, thereby ensuring that at least $238,090,214 million is put to better use.
HUD Did Not Provide Sufficient Guidance and Oversight To Ensure That FHA-Insured Properties Nationwide Had Safe Water
Consider requiring water testing for all FHA-insured properties.
The Housing Authority of Snohomish County, Everett, WA, Did Not Always Administer Its Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Program in Accordance With HUD Regulations
Review the Authority’s non-Sound Families Initiative project-based voucher projects to determine whether it executed the agreement with the owners of new construction projects.
The Housing Authority of Snohomish County, Everett, WA, Did Not Always Administer Its Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Program in Accordance With HUD Regulations
Assist the Authority in obtaining any training needs identified by the review in recommendation 1A.
The Housing Authority of Snohomish County, Everett, WA, Did Not Always Administer Its Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Program in Accordance With HUD Regulations
Require the Authority to submit evidence and its board of directors to certify to the Director of the Seattle Office of Public Housing that it has complied with regulatory requirements for each step of the project-based voucher process for each new project-based voucher project until such time as the Director of the Seattle Office of Public Housing believes the Authority understands and is consistently complying with the requirements.
The Owner and Management Agents Lacked Adequate Controls Over the Operation of Mary Scott Nursing Center, Dayton, OH
Reimburse the project from nonproject funds for the $542,443 in disbursements from the project’s general operating fund account that was not used for reasonable operating expenses or necessary repairs of the project.
The Owner and Management Agents Lacked Adequate Controls Over the Operation of Mary Scott Nursing Center, Dayton, OH
Reimburse the State from nonproject funds for the additional $384,772 in Medicaid overpayments.
The Owner and Management Agents Lacked Adequate Controls Over the Operation of Mary Scott Nursing Center, Dayton, OH
Support or reimburse the project from nonproject funds for the $189,524, as appropriate, in disbursements from the project’s general operating fund account without sufficient documentation showing that the disbursements were for reasonable operating expenses of the project.
The Owner and Management Agents Lacked Adequate Controls Over the Operation of Mary Scott Nursing Center, Dayton, OH
Support or reimburse the project from nonproject funds for the $20,000 value of the project’s van, which was transferred without sufficient documentation showing that the transfer was for reasonable operating expenses.
The Owner and Management Agents Lacked Adequate Controls Over the Operation of Mary Scott Nursing Center, Dayton, OH
Support or reimburse the project from nonproject funds for the $51,261, as appropriated, in credit card purchases without sufficient documentation showing that the purchases were for reasonable operating expenses or necessary repairs of the project.
The Owner and Management Agents Lacked Adequate Controls Over the Operation of Mary Scott Nursing Center, Dayton, OH
Reimburse the project from nonproject funds for the $2,020 in credit card purchases that was not used for reasonable operating expenses of the project.
The Owner and Management Agents Lacked Adequate Controls Over the Operation of Mary Scott Nursing Center, Dayton, OH
Reimburse the project from nonproject funds for the $5,302 in petty cash expenditures that was not used for reasonable operating expenses of the project.
The Owner and Management Agents Lacked Adequate Controls Over the Operation of Mary Scott Nursing Center, Dayton, OH
Pay the project from nonproject funds for the $390,583 in uncollected rental revenue.
The Owner and Management Agents Lacked Adequate Controls Over the Operation of Mary Scott Nursing Center, Dayton, OH
Determine the market value of the operating rights for the 10 licensed beds sold in April 2015. If the licensed beds were sold for less than market value, the owner should reimburse the project from nonproject funds for the difference between the market value and the $150,000 sales price of the operating rights for the 10 licensed beds.
The Owner and Management Agents Lacked Adequate Controls Over the Operation of Mary Scott Nursing Center, Dayton, OH
Implement adequate procedures and controls to ensure that it (1) uses project funds for reasonable operating expenses or necessary repairs of the project, (2) obtains HUD approval before disposing of the project’s assets, (3) receives market value for the sale of licensed beds, (4) obtains HUD approval for the entities selected to manage the project before entering into management agent agreements with the entities, (5) properly completes…
The Owner and Management Agents Lacked Adequate Controls Over the Operation of Mary Scott Nursing Center, Dayton, OH
Work with the project’s owner and Greystone for the owner to develop an action plan to bring the owner current on the project’s mortgage, reserve for replacements, and taxes and insurance to prevent a claim to HUD on the mortgage.
DuPage County, IL, Did Not Always Comply With Federal Requirements Regarding the Administration of Its Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Program
The County does not reimburse itself with program funds for the $452,444 in County bond proceeds originally budgeted for the Armstrong Park project and used to pay for flood protection improvements in the Graue Mill subdivision in Hinsdale.