HUD OCIO, in coordination with other appropriate HUD offices, should define and communicate policies and procedures for use of MFA at HUD facilities (IG FISMA metrics 30 and 31).
Open Recommendation
HUD OCIO should implement procedures to ensure that digital identity risk assessments have been performed and documented in accordance with HUD’s defined procedures and Federal guidelines (IG FISMA metrics 30 and 31).
Open Recommendation
HUD OCIO should define a plan to meet the logging requirements at all event logging maturity levels (basic, intermediate, advanced) in accordance with OMB M-21-31. This plan should include logging sufficient to allow for reviewing privileged user activities (IG FISMA metrics 32 and 54).
Open Recommendation
HUD OCIO should develop and implement monitoring and enforcement procedures to ensure that non-GFE devices (for example, BYOD), such as those owned by contractors or HUD employees, are either: (a) prohibited from connecting to the HUD network; or (b) properly authorized and configured before Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD OCIO should develop and implement procedures and contract terms to enforce forfeiture of non-GFE devices (for example, BYOD), to allow for analysis when security incidents occur (IG FISMA metrics 33 and 55).
Open Recommendation
HUD’s Office of Administration, in coordination with OCIO, should update and communicate its PII minimization plan. The plan should include detailed procedures to regularly review and remove unnecessary PII collections in accordance with OMB Circular A-130 (IG FISMA metric 35).
Open Recommendation
HUD OCIO should develop and implement processes to monitor and analyze qualitative and quantitative performance measures for the effectiveness of its ISCM program (IG FISMA metric 47).
Open Recommendation
HUD OCIO should define a process and assign responsibility to evaluate the effectiveness of its incident response technologies and adjust configurations and toolsets to improve the incident response program (IG FISMA metric 58).
Open Recommendation
HUD OCIO should update its enterprisewide business impact prioritization analysis procedures to include system dependencies and the characterization of system components (IG FISMA metric 61).
Open Recommendation
HUD Employee Retention
Develop guidance for the program offices to identify the causes behind high attrition rates in governmentwide high-risk MCOs and field offices in large cities.
Open Recommendation
HUD Employee Retention
Develop guidance for program offices to develop program office-specific action plans to address any causes found for high attrition rates in governmentwide high-risk MCOs and field offices in large cities.
Open Recommendation
HUD Employee Retention
Create a single, unified agency-specific MCO list updated to reflect current progress toward closing skills gaps.
Open Recommendation
HUD Employee Retention
Implement a transparent process for reviewing open-ended exit survey results and sharing those results with ODEEO, as appropriate, and program offices while still protecting former employees’ confidentiality.
Open Recommendation
HUD Employee Retention
Assess what departing employees mean when they indicate that organizational culture is a motivation for leaving HUD.
Open Recommendation
Letter to Senator Rubio Regarding Request for Oversight of HUD Employees
February 23, 2024, letter from Inspector General Oliver Davis responding to letter from Senator Rubio requesting an investigation into federal employees who may have signed an anonymous, open letter regarding a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.
February 26, 2024
#Correspondence Letter
Cincinnati woman pleads guilty to making false racial discrimination claims against landlord to federal agents
CINCINNATI – A Cincinnati tenant pleaded guilty in federal court today to making false statements accusing her landlord of violating the Fair Housing Act.Dermisha Pickett, 33, fabricated messages from her landlord stating the landlord did not want Black tenants.According to court documents, in Read More
February 20, 2024
Fair Housing Initiatives Program Organizations Promoted Equity in the Education and Outreach Initiative
We audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, Fair Housing Initiatives Program (FHIP), Education and Outreach Initiative (EOI). We conducted this audit to help HUD determine whether the education and outreach provided was Read More
February 16, 2024
The Kentucky Commission on Human Rights Has Opportunities To Improve Its Fair Housing Complaint Intake Process
We audited the Kentucky Commission on Human Rights’ fair housing complaint intake process. We initiated this audit based on an internal risk assessment of Fair Housing Assistance Program agencies’ challenges. Our audit objectives were to (1) determine the extent to which the Commission Read More
February 15, 2024
HUD Lacked Adequate Oversight of Multifamily Housing Properties with Failing REAC Scores or Life‐Threatening Deficiencies
WASHINGTON DC—The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Office of Inspector General (OIG) issued a report assessing HUD’s oversight of multifamily housing properties with failing Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC) scores or life-threatening deficiencies.HUD relies on contractors Read More
February 16, 2024
Press Release
U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Departmental Equal Employment Opportunity Complaint Processing
The Office of Evaluation is initiating an evaluation of the timeliness of the Office of Departmental Equal Employment Opportunity's (ODEEO) equal employment opportunity (EEO) complaint-handling process between fiscal years (FY) 2017 and 2023. The evaluation will focus on ODEEO’s EEO investigations Read More
February 01, 2024
Work Start Notification