HUD's Travel Cards Were Used for Illegal, Improper, or Erroneous Purchases and Were Not Always Used When Required
Generate a periodic monitoring report that would identify employees who did not use their government travel card when required and send this report to employees’ supervisors and the Assistant Secretary of related program offices for proper action.
Open Recommendation
HUD's Travel Cards Were Used for Illegal, Improper, or Erroneous Purchases and Were Not Always Used When Required
Require justification and approval in the travel system comments section when requesting lodging expense reimbursement to the traveler’s bank account.
Open Recommendation
HUD's Travel Cards Were Used for Illegal, Improper, or Erroneous Purchases and Were Not Always Used When Required
Update HUD’s travel card policy to require approving officials’ review of travel documents for appropriate methods of payment and work with the Office of Employee Labor Relations and the Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer to prescribe disciplinary actions for not using the government travel Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD's Travel Cards Were Used for Illegal, Improper, or Erroneous Purchases and Were Not Always Used When Required
Inform all HUD travel cardholders and approving officials about the mandatory use of the government travel card and disciplinary actions for not using it.
Open Recommendation
HUD's Travel Cards Were Used for Illegal, Improper, or Erroneous Purchases and Were Not Always Used When Required
Follow up with the 19 employees identified as failing to use their government travel card and coordinate with the related program offices to ensure these employees receive training, counseling or other appropriate disciplinary action, if necessary, on the mandatory use of the government travel Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD's Travel Cards Were Used for Unauthorized, Unsupported, or Ineligible Purchases in at Least 950 Instances Totaling More Than $95,000
Review the 17 travel cardholders with purchases that occurred without a travel authorization and the 6 travel cardholders with purchases that were not supported to determine whether the purchases were allowable, proper, and paid in full by the cardholder, taking appropriate administrative actions Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD's Travel Cards Were Used for Unauthorized, Unsupported, or Ineligible Purchases in at Least 950 Instances Totaling More Than $95,000
Perform an analysis of the 3,045 travel card purchases with indications that they were unauthorized or ineligible to identify potential violations and to address any unauthorized purchases identified. OCFO should perform a review of identified transactions to determine whether they were allowable Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD's Travel Cards Were Used for Unauthorized, Unsupported, or Ineligible Purchases in at Least 950 Instances Totaling More Than $95,000
Refer the 15 ineligible travel card transactions totaling $5,393 to the appropriate program office and obtain a response regarding what administrative actions were taken to resolve the violations. If no actions were taken, OCFO should request support to show why no corrective actions were taken.
Open Recommendation
HUD's Travel Cards Were Used for Unauthorized, Unsupported, or Ineligible Purchases in at Least 950 Instances Totaling More Than $95,000
Strengthen internal monitoring efforts regarding government travel card use to identify potentially improper, illegal, or erroneous transactions. Such efforts should include data mining to detect instances of delinquency, fraud, and misuse.
Open Recommendation
Hudson County, NJ Generally Committed and Disbursed HOME Program Funds in Accordance With HUD and Federal Requirements
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s Newark, NJ, Office of Community Planning and Development require the County to strengthen its policies and procedures to ensure that environmental reviews and environmental review exemptions are completed and documented before HOME funds are committed.
Open Recommendation
Hudson County, NJ Generally Committed and Disbursed HOME Program Funds in Accordance With HUD and Federal Requirements
We recommend that the Director of HUD’s Newark, NJ, Office of Community Planning and Development require the County to strengthen its policies and procedures to ensure that activity address information in IDIS is current as required.
Open Recommendation
Improvements Are Needed for HUD's Code Enforcement Program
Update and revise the CPD Notice to further improve the code enforcement guidance.
Open Recommendation
Improvements Are Needed for HUD's Code Enforcement Program
Provide mandatory training on the revised Notice to the local field offices and to grantees that use CDBG funds for the code enforcement program to ensure compliance with requirements.
Open Recommendation
Improvements Are Needed for HUD's Code Enforcement Program
Ensure that the updated and revised notice is issued with the appropriate clearance.
Open Recommendation
Improvements are Needed in HUD's Fraud Risk Management Program
Develop and implement a procedure to collect and analyze reported suspected instances of fraud, along with other relevant data points, that can be leveraged to develop more robust antifraud risk mitigation tools.
Open Recommendation
Improvements are Needed in HUD's Fraud Risk Management Program
Communicate to HUD program staff the differences between HUD’s enterprise risk management, PIIA, and financial risk management risk assessment processes to ensure an understanding of their roles and responsibilities within HUD’s fraud risk management program.
Open Recommendation
Improvements are Needed in HUD's Fraud Risk Management Program
Develop and implement activities to raise awareness of fraud, such as participating in organized antifraud conferences or a newsletter that includes instances of recent fraud in Federal programs.
Open Recommendation
Improvements are Needed in HUD's Fraud Risk Management Program
Develop and implement a strategy for collecting and analyzing agency-wide data, to include subrecipient and beneficiary data, to identify trends and potential indicators of fraud across programs.
Open Recommendation
Improvements are Needed in HUD's Fraud Risk Management Program
Collaborate with the Chief Risk Officer to conduct a workforce assessment to determine the level of dedicated full-time staff resources needed by the Chief Risk Officer to effectively (1) administer HUD’s enterprise and fraud risk management programs and (2) support program risk officers by Read More
Open Recommendation
Improvements are Needed in HUD's Fraud Risk Management Program
If the workforce assessment determines that additional staff are needed, work with the Chief Risk Officer to staff the necessary positions.
Open Recommendation