The Louisville Metro Housing Authority, Louisville, KY, Did Not Comply With HUD's and Its Own Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program Requirements
Develop and implement written procedures to ensure that a rent reasonableness determination is performed before rent increases are approved.
Open Recommendation
The Louisville Metro Housing Authority, Louisville, KY, Did Not Comply With HUD's and Its Own Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program Requirements
Complete a review that owners of current assisted units are not debarred, suspended, or subject to a limited denial of participation.
Open Recommendation
The Louisville Metro Housing Authority, Louisville, KY, Did Not Comply With HUD's and Its Own Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program Requirements
Develop and implement written procedures for conducting a complete owner eligibility determination.
Open Recommendation
The Louisville Metro Housing Authority, Louisville, KY, Did Not Comply With HUD's and Its Own Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program Requirements
Provide adequate training to its staff to ensure compliance with HUD’s requirements for program units.
Open Recommendation
Louisville Metro, Louisville, KY, Did Not Always Administer Its HOPWA Program in Accordance With HUD's and Its Own Requirements
Adequately support or reimburse its HOPWA program $31,157 from non-Federal funds for the inappropriate disbursements.
Open Recommendation
Louisville Metro, Louisville, KY, Did Not Always Administer Its HOPWA Program in Accordance With HUD's and Its Own Requirements
Reimburse its HOPWA program $14,017 from non-Federal funds for the inappropriate disbursements.
Open Recommendation
Louisville Metro, Louisville, KY, Did Not Always Administer Its HOPWA Program in Accordance With HUD's and Its Own Requirements
Provide adequate training to staff responsible for reviewing and approving the expenditures to ensure compliance with HUD’s and Louisville Metro’s requirements for the administration of the HOPWA program, including processing program disbursements and monitoring project sponsors’ cash management.
Open Recommendation
Louisville Metro, Louisville, KY, Did Not Always Administer Its HOPWA Program in Accordance With HUD's and Its Own Requirements
Implement adequate procedures for sufficiently monitoring its project sponsors’ cash management.
Open Recommendation
Louisville Metro, Louisville, KY, Did Not Always Administer the TBRA Activity in Its HOME and CoC Programs in Accordance With Program Requirements
Reimburse its HOME program $10,389 ($8,797 $1,592) from non-Federal funds for the overpayment of housing assistance due to inappropriate recertifications and calculations of housing assistance.
Open Recommendation
Louisville Metro, Louisville, KY, Did Not Always Administer the TBRA Activity in Its HOME and CoC Programs in Accordance With Program Requirements
Reimburse the four HOME program participants $468 from program funds for the underpayment of housing assistance due to inappropriate calculations of housing assistance.
Open Recommendation
Louisville Metro, Louisville, KY, Did Not Always Administer the TBRA Activity in Its HOME and CoC Programs in Accordance With Program Requirements
Reimburse its CoC program $112,827 ($109,259 $3,568) from non-Federal funds for the overpayment of housing assistance due to inappropriate recertifications and calculations of housing assistance.
Open Recommendation
Louisville Metro, Louisville, KY, Did Not Always Administer the TBRA Activity in Its HOME and CoC Programs in Accordance With Program Requirements
Reimburse the three CoC program participants $260 from program funds for the underpayment of housing assistance due to inappropriate calculations of housing assistance.
Open Recommendation
Louisville Metro, Louisville, KY, Did Not Always Administer the TBRA Activity in Its HOME and CoC Programs in Accordance With Program Requirements
Support or reimburse its CoC program $7,309 from non-Federal funds for the unsupported housing assistance payments.
Open Recommendation
Louisville Metro, Louisville, KY, Did Not Always Administer the TBRA Activity in Its HOME and CoC Programs in Accordance With Program Requirements
Enforce its policy or implement an alternate method for the CoC program to ensure that annual recertifications are completed in a timely manner and that housing assistance is not issued before the recertification is completed to ensure that $385,660 in program funds is appropriately used for Read More
Open Recommendation
Louisville Metro, Louisville, KY, Did Not Always Administer the TBRA Activity in Its HOME and CoC Programs in Accordance With Program Requirements
Train its program staff on calculating housing assistance payments for the HOME and CoC programs to ensure that payments are appropriately calculated.
Open Recommendation
Luzerne County, PA, Did Not Properly Evaluate, Underwrite, and Monitor a High-Risk Loan
Reimburse its business development loan program $5,999,894 from non-Federal funds for the ineligible expenditures related to the Hotel Sterling project.
Open Recommendation
Majestic Management, LLC, a Multifamily Housing Management Agent in St. Louis, MO, Did Not Always Comply With HUD's Requirements When Disbursing Project Funds
Provide support showing that $17,414 in management fees charged to the projects using a budgeted amount represented actual amounts or repay the difference to each affected project.
Open Recommendation
Majestic Management, LLC, a Multifamily Housing Management Agent in St. Louis, MO, Did Not Always Comply With HUD's Requirements When Disbursing Project Funds
Provide documentation to support that it paid itself $447,345 for eligible purposes or reimburse the appropriate projects for the balance.
Open Recommendation
Majestic Management, LLC, a Multifamily Housing Management Agent in St. Louis, MO, Did Not Always Comply With HUD's Requirements When Disbursing Project Funds
Verify all management fees charged to the projects from 2013 through 2015 were appropriate.
Open Recommendation
Majestic Management, LLC, a Multifamily Housing Management Agent in St. Louis, MO, Did Not Always Comply With HUD's Requirements When Disbursing Project Funds
Require Majestic Management to reimburse the appropriate projects their portion of $231,091 for work not completed or overbilled.
Open Recommendation