HUD Could Improve Its Field Service Management Quality Assurance Surveillance Plans
We recommend that the Chief Procurement Officer direct the contracting officers to oversee the implementation of the current FSM contracts’ QASP.
Open Recommendation
HUD Could Improve Its Field Service Management Quality Assurance Surveillance Plans
We recommend that the Chief Procurement Officer require the contracting officers to implement the policies and procedures in the HUD
Acquisition Policy and Procedure Handbook for completion of HUD’s FSM contractor performance assessment reports in CPARS to ensure that Government past performance Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD Could Improve Its Field Service Management Quality Assurance Surveillance Plans
We recommend that the Chief Procurement Officer require all staff involved in the oversight of FSM contracts to maintain the required
documentation in the official contract file identified by HUD policy to support the contracts.
Open Recommendation
HUD Could Improve Its Field Service Management Quality Assurance Surveillance Plans
We recommend that the Chief Procurement Officer update HUD’s field service manager contract monitoring plan and FSM qualitative monitoring databases used to monitor contractor performance to align with the QASP and contractual requirements as noted in recommendation 1G below.
Open Recommendation
HUD Could Improve Its Field Service Management Quality Assurance Surveillance Plans
We recommend that the Chief Procurement Officer require the contracting officers to formally designate CORs in a timely manner and maintain the required documentation in the proper location identified in the relevant HUD policies and procedures, which fully supports the CORs’ oversight of the FSM Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD Could Improve Its Field Service Management Quality Assurance Surveillance Plans
We recommend that the Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Housing coordinate with OCPO to require that the contracting officers and CORs be involved in the development, implementation, and documentation of the FSM QASPs for their FSM contracts to ensure that performance statements Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD Could Improve Its Field Service Management Quality Assurance Surveillance Plans
We recommend that the Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Housing coordinate with OCPO to require the contracting officers and CORs to monitor contractor performance to ensure that evidence is maintained and documented in the contract files for each performance statement completed Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD Could Improve Its Field Service Management Quality Assurance Surveillance Plans
We recommend that the Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Housing require the CORs to ensure that contractor past performance evaluations are prepared at least annually and as required by HUD policy to ensure that reporting of contractors is completed properly and in a timely Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD Could Improve Its Oversight of Portability in the Housing Choice Voucher Program
Conduct a nationwide assessment of the impact of portability and determine whether technical assistance is necessary for certain public housing agencies. Consider seeking input from public housing agencies and industry groups to evaluate the potential impact of portability and (1) determine Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD Could Improve Its Oversight of Portability in the Housing Choice Voucher Program
Pursue collection or recapture $248,514 ($115,335 $133,179) from the applicable public housing agencies for the overpayment of category 2b portability set-aside funds and special administrative fees cited in this finding.
Open Recommendation
HUD Could Improve Its Oversight of Portability in the Housing Choice Voucher Program
Distribute $35,189 to the applicable public housing agencies for the underpayment of special administrative fees for portability cited in this finding.
Open Recommendation
HUD Could Improve Its Oversight of Portability in the Housing Choice Voucher Program
Review the calculations and distributions of funds for the 2019 category 2b portability set-aside and special administrative fees for portability to ensure that the spreadsheet errors did not carry forward from the previous calculations.
Open Recommendation
HUD Could Improve Its Process for Evaluating the Performance of Public Housing Agencies' Housing Choice Voucher Programs
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Housing and Voucher Programs enhance SEMAP or develop a new performance measurement process that would identify PHAs with underperforming HCV Programs, which should include an assessment of PHAs’ ability to maximize assistance to house Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD Could Improve Its Process for Evaluating the Performance of Public Housing Agencies' Housing Choice Voucher Programs
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Field Operations Provide additional training and guidance to field office program staff on SEMAP scoring, rating, and verification procedures, including confirmatory reviews, quality control reviews, and adjustments to the SEMAP process.
Open Recommendation
HUD Could Improve Its Process for Evaluating the Performance of Public Housing Agencies' Housing Choice Voucher Programs
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Field Operations provide training and guidance to field office program staff on SEMAP scoring, rating, and verification procedures, including confirmatory reviews, quality control reviews, and adjustments, as appropriate, for the revised SEMAP Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD Could Improve Its Tracking and Monitoring of Continuum of Care Grantee Spending Levels
Implement written procedures to ensure consistency among field offices in reviewing spending issues, potentially preventing up to an estimated $47 million in annual CoC recaptures.
Open Recommendation
HUD Could Improve Its Tracking and Monitoring of Continuum of Care Grantee Spending Levels
Design and implement a training program and other development tools to help grantees. The goal of such training would be to provide ideas and other development tools to help the CoCs better provide assistance with implementation of their grants and monitoring of their grantees, including Read More
Open Recommendation
HUD Could Strengthen Controls Over Employee Benefits Expensed at Public Housing Agencies
Evaluate the risk that employee benefit contributions expensed at PHAs may be unreasonable and, if determined necessary, establish and implement controls to reduce or eliminate the evaluated risk.
Open Recommendation
HUD Could Strengthen Controls Over Employee Benefits Expensed at Public Housing Agencies
Develop and implement additional guidance to ensure that PHAs enter accurate employee benefit data into FASS-PH.
Open Recommendation
HUD Could Not Support the Reasonableness of the Operating and Capital Fund Programs' Fees and Did Not Adequately Monitor Central Office Cost Centers
Revise HUD’s asset management fee policy to refederalize the Operating Fund program’s management and bookkeeping fees and the Capital Fund program’s management fees.
Open Recommendation