We completed a review of the Oakland Housing Authority in response to a hotline complaint alleging that the Authority engaged in various questionable functions involving its inspection services. The objective of the review was to determine whether the complaint allegations against the Authority were valid.
Most of the allegations against the Authority were generally not valid. However, we found indications that 13 of the 19 housing units inspected did not meet housing quality standards, and 8 of those were in material noncompliance. As a result, the Authority paid $28,508 in Section 8 program funds to owners of housing units that were not decent, safe and standard quality.
We recommend that the Director of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) San Francisco Office of Public Housing require the Authority to certify that the identified failed housing quality standards items have been corrected for the 8 housing units cited in this report or take appropriate administrative action, and reimburse its Section 8 program from non-Federal funds $28,508 for the 8 housing units that materially failed to meet housing quality standards and ensure that its personnel are sufficiently trained to identify all items that would cause Section 8-funded housing units to not meet housing quality standards.