The Housing Authority of the City of Hammond, Hammond, IN, Did Not Always Comply With HUD's Requirements Regarding the Administration of Its Housing Choice Voucher Program
Ensure that the program coordinator is trained on and familiar with HUD’s regulations.
Open Recommendation
The Housing Authority of the City of Hammond, Hammond, IN, Did Not Always Comply With HUD's Requirements Regarding the Administration of Its Housing Choice Voucher Program
Implement quality control procedures to ensure that (1) documentation required by HUD is correctly completed and maintained, (2) escrow account disbursements are appropriate and fully supported, (3) escrow account deposits are correctly calculated and recorded, and (4) the contracts of Read More
Open Recommendation
The Housing Authority of the City of Hammond, Hammond, IN, Did Not Always Comply With HUD's Requirements Regarding the Administration of Its Housing Choice Voucher Program
Evaluate its administration of the program to ensure it has the necessary capacity and resources to effectively manage the program.
Open Recommendation
The Housing Authority of the City of Hartford, CT, Did Not Always Comply With Procurement Requirements
Support that $2,533,377 in costs were reasonable and allowable program expenses in accordance with requirements or repay from non-Federal funds the appropriate programs any amounts they cannot support.
Open Recommendation
The Housing Authority of the City of Hartford, CT, Did Not Always Comply With Procurement Requirements
Repay the appropriate programs from non-Federal funds the $1,524,604 in ineligible funds paid when costs exceeded contract terms.
Open Recommendation
The Housing Authority of the City of Hartford, CT, Did Not Always Comply With Procurement Requirements
Determine the appropriateness of the remaining balance of $1,242,154 on unsupported contracts to ensure costs were reasonable, reprocure the subject contracts, or reallocate the funds to the appropriate program.
Open Recommendation
The Housing Authority of the City of Hartford, CT, Did Not Always Comply With Procurement Requirements
Reprocure expired service contracts to ensure estimated balances of $375,526 are used on eligible contract.
Open Recommendation
The Housing Authority of the City of Hartford, CT, Did Not Always Comply With Procurement Requirements
Reprocure any service contracts necessary and ensure that the contracts are properly awarded in accordance with HUD requirements.
Open Recommendation
The Housing Authority of the City of Hartford, CT, Did Not Always Comply With Procurement Requirements
Strengthen and implement controls and procedures over procurement, including monitoring consultants, to ensure that procurement activities meet HUD requirements.
Open Recommendation
The Housing Authority of the City of Hartford, CT, Did Not Always Comply With Procurement Requirements
Establish and implement an effective system to ensure that payments do not exceed approved contract values.
Open Recommendation
The Housing Authority of the City of Hartford, CT, Did Not Always Comply With Procurement Requirements
Establish and implement an effective system to maintain a complete and accurate contract register to ensure proper contract planning and administration.
Open Recommendation
The Housing Authority of the City of Hartford, CT, Did Not Always Comply With Procurement Requirements
Provide technical assistance to the Authority to ensure that responsible staff and board members receive necessary procurement training.
Open Recommendation
The Housing Authority of the City of Jasper, TX, Did Not Operate Its Public Housing Programs in Compliance With HUD's Requirements
Repay from nonfederal funds $27,818 to its Capital Funds program from non-Federal funds for the ineligible purchase of the truck and expenditure of 2013 funds before they were available.
Open Recommendation
The Housing Authority of the City of Jasper, TX, Did Not Operate Its Public Housing Programs in Compliance With HUD's Requirements
Repay from nonfederal funds its HUD programs $7,446 for the executive director’s personal use of the Authority’s equipment, and amend the executive director’s prior Internal Revenue Forms W-2 to include the annual personal use of $5,888 as income.
Open Recommendation
The Housing Authority of the City of Jasper, TX, Did Not Operate Its Public Housing Programs in Compliance With HUD's Requirements
Repay from nonfederal funds its HUD programs $4,739 paid to its fee accountant, which had a conflict of interest with the executive director.
Open Recommendation
The Housing Authority of the City of Jasper, TX, Did Not Operate Its Public Housing Programs in Compliance With HUD's Requirements
Repay from nonfederal funds its HUD programs $1,273 lost on the conflict of interest sale of the Authority’s vehicle to the executive director’s daughter.
Open Recommendation
The Housing Authority of the City of Jasper, TX, Did Not Operate Its Public Housing Programs in Compliance With HUD's Requirements
Repay from nonfederal funds its HUD programs $1,034 for ineligible charges on the Authority’s credit cards.
Open Recommendation
The Housing Authority of the City of Jasper, TX, Did Not Operate Its Public Housing Programs in Compliance With HUD's Requirements
Support or repay from nonfederal funds its HUD programs $652 for unsupported charges on the Authority’s credit card.
Open Recommendation
The Housing Authority of the City of Jasper, TX, Did Not Operate Its Public Housing Programs in Compliance With HUD's Requirements
Repay from nonfederal funds its HUD programs $4,000 paid for an ineligible 2011 training conference.
Open Recommendation
The Housing Authority of the City of Jasper, TX, Did Not Operate Its Public Housing Programs in Compliance With HUD's Requirements
Provide support for the reasonableness of the unit repairs costs totaling $44,994 and repay from nonfederal funds any unsupported or unreasonable amount.
Open Recommendation