Sarah D. Sequeira was appointed Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Audit for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Inspector General (HUD OIG), in August 2022. As Deputy Assistant Inspector General, she is responsible for supporting the Assistant Inspector General for Audit in providing executive-level leadership and direction to OIG audits and reviews in the areas of safe and affordable housing, grants management, disaster recovery programs, and financial management.
Mrs. Sequeira joined HUD OIG in 2003 as an auditor in the Financial Audits Division (FAD). In 2011 she was promoted to Assistant Audit Director in FAD, where she managed a team of auditors in the execution of HUD’s consolidated financial statement audits and other mandated financial management audits and attestations. In 2021, she was promoted to Director of FAD, where she was responsible for strategic oversight of FAD goals, which included overseeing the financial statement audits of HUD, the Government National Mortgage Association, and the Federal Housing Administration, as well as overseeing other financial management performance audits and engagements.
Mrs. Sequeira has been instrumental in leading audit teams in identifying several material weaknesses in HUD’s financial reporting. She has worked collaboratively with the Department through audit resolutions to resolve HUD’s material weaknesses and improve its financial management maturity. She has also been instrumental in transitioning FAD and HUD OIG from conducting the financial statement audits in-house to contracting them out to an independent public accounting firm (IPA). She served as the Program Manager over the procurements for these services, reevaluated resources to determine the appropriate level of IPA oversight, and refocused HUD OIG’s remaining resources on conducting impactful financial management performance audits.