The Offices of Audit and Evaluation supervise and conduct independent and objective audits, evaluations, and other reviews of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD] programs and activities to ensure they operate economically, efficiently, and effectively. This page contains links to our audit and evaluation reports and memoranda.
HUD's Oversight of Section 232 Nursing Home Portfolios
HUD OIG is auditing HUD's oversight of Section 232 nursing home portfolios. HUD's Office of Residential Care Facilities is responsible for administering the Section 232 mortgage insurance program which insures more than 3,600 loans, with an unpaid principal balance of more than $32 billion. Our audit objective is to assess the extent to which HUD's Office of Residential Care Facilities identifies and mitigates risks in Section 232...
Noviembre 01, 2024
Work Start Notification
#BO 25 0001
Approximately 31,500 FHA-Insured Loans Did Not Maintain the Required Flood Insurance Coverage in 2020
Develop a control to detect loans that did not maintain the required flood insurance to put $1.5 billion to better use by avoiding potential future costs to the FHA insurance fund from inadequately insured properties.
Corrective Action Taken
In November 2022, FHA published the Acceptance of Private Flood Insurance for FHA-Insured Mortgages final rule (Docket No. FR-6084-F-02) in the Federal Register and issued Mortgagee Letter 2022...
Marzo 22, 2022
HUD Did Not Always Implement Corrective Actions To Further Ensure That HECM Borrowers Complied With Principal Residency Requirements
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General (OIG), completed a corrective action verification (CAV) of recommendations from four prior home equity conversion mortgage (HECM) audit reports. The CAV was initiated because protecting the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) mutual mortgage insurance fund is one of HUD’s top management challenges. The prior audits determined that HUD...
Diciembre 10, 2021
Impact of COVID-19 on Nursing Homes
HUD OIG is conducting a review of HUD's Office of Residential Care Facilities. Media reports have shown that the COVID-19 virus impacted nursing homes nationwide. Our audit objective is to determine the biggest challenges that nursing home owners face related to COVID-19 and whether they are prepared to meet their future financial obligations.
Marzo 01, 2021
Work Start Notification
HECM Corrective Action Verification Review
HUD OIG is reviewing HUD's corrective actions in response to four specific recommendations made in audit reports 2012-PH-0004, 2013-PH-0002, 2014-PH-0001, and 2015-PH-0004. Our prior audits showed that HUD’s controls did not always ensure that HECM loan borrowers complied with program residency requirements. The audits included a recommendation to prevent and mitigate instances of borrowers violating the principal residency...
Julio 01, 2020
Work Start Notification
#PH 20 0008