Number of Audit and Evaluation Open Recommendations Reported by SAR Period
SAR Period | Number of Open Recommendations Reported |
SAR 77 (March 2017) | 2177 |
SAR 78 (September 2017) | 2355 |
SAR 79 (March 2018) | 2143 |
SAR 80 (September 2018) | 2259 |
SAR 81 (March 2019) | 2158 |
SAR 82 (September 2019) | 1912 |
SAR 83 (March 2020) | 1733 |
SAR 84 (September 2020) | 1430 |
SAR 85 (March 2021) | 1254 |
SAR 86 (September 2021) | 1103 |
SAR 87 (March 2022) | 1090 |
SAR 88 (September 2022) | 980 |
SAR 89 (March 2023) | 985 |
SAR 90 (September 2023) | 835 |
SAR 91 (March 2024) | 820 |
SAR 92 (September 2024) | 697 |
Status of Audit and Evaluation Recommendations by Calendar Year
The data in the graph contains audit and evaluations recommendations issued after January 2017
What does this data mean?
The data table provides a snapshot of the status of prior audit and evaluations recommendation issued during each calendar year starting in 2017.
The 'Total' column represents the number of audit and evaluation recommendations issued within each calendar year.
The 'Open' column represents the number of recommendations issued in that calendar year that are currently open or unresolved.
The 'Closed' column represents how many recommendations issued in that calendar year that are resolved or closed.
The number of open and closed recommendations are updated on a monthly basis.
La oficina de Auditoría y Evaluaciones de OIG hace recomendaciones al Departamento de Vivienda y Desarollo Urbano, y a varias entidades independientes para corregir deficiencias e incentivar mejoras a la seguridad, la eficiencia, y el manejo del programa y sus operaciones. Nuestros resultados y conclusiones de informes de auditoría explican la base para las acciones correctivas que recomendamos. Este Tablero de Recomendaciones provee más información que nunca sobre el estatus actual de las recomendaciones de la OIG, las cuales estaremos actualizando semanalmente.