Las Oficinas de Auditoría y Evaluación supervisan y conducen auditorías independientes y objetivas, evaluaciones y otras revisiones de programas y actividades del Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de los Estados Unidos (HUD), para asegurar que operan de manera económica, eficiente y efectiva. Esta página contiene enlaces a reportes y comunicaciones de auditoría y evaluación.
We audited the Benton Harbor Housing Commission's (Commission) Public Housing Captial Fund program (program). The audit was conducted based upon a request from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Detroit Office of Public Housing. Our objectives were to determine whether the Commission operated its program in a manner that provides reasonable assurance that (1) expenditures were adequately supported and eligible...
Mayo 18, 2006
We audited the Kankakee County Housing Authority's (Authority) Low-Rent Housing Program. The audit was conducted in response to a citizen's complaint to our office and was part of our comprehensive audit of the Authority. The object of our audit was to determine whether the Authority administered its Low-Rent Housing program in an efficient and effective manner. We determined whether the Authority had adequate procedures and controls...
Abril 08, 2005