Require PHAs to document that they informed FYI participants at program entry of their eligibility for supportive services and the availability of those services for the duration of the program.
2023-LA-0004 | Marzo 29, 2023
Opportunities Exist to Enhance Oversight of the Foster Youth to Independence Initiative to Improve Program Effectiveness
Public and Indian Housing
- Status2023-LA-0004-001-BOpenClosed
- Status2023-LA-0004-001-COpenClosed
For each youth referred, require PHAs to obtain PCWA certification that the PCWA will provide or secure access to supportive services.
- Status2023-LA-0004-001-DOpenClosed
Include FYI in its voucher risk assessment and develop and implement monitoring policies, procedures, and controls.
- Status2023-LA-0004-001-EOpenClosed
Establish and implement methods to regularly assess the effectiveness of the program in preventing and ending youth homelessness and improving participants’ self-sufficiency, which could include performance metrics and periodic studies performed by the Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R).
2023-AT-1001 | Marzo 28, 2023
The State of Georgia Did Not Adequately Monitor Its Harvey, Irma, and Maria Grants’ Activities and Subrecipients
Community Planning and Development
- Status2023-AT-1001-001-AOpenClosed
Provide technical assistance to the State and the staff to ensure that they understand the requirements for conducting a monitoring review in accordance with regulations.
- Status2023-AT-1001-001-BOpenClosed
Instruct the State to update and implement the CDBG-DR standard operating procedures, which clearly outline what activities, including the frequency, will be reviewed by its monitoring and internal audit function.
- Status2023-AT-1001-001-COpenClosed
Instruct the State to conduct monitoring reviews of its CDBG-DR HIM activities and subrecipients that satisfy monitoring requirements.
- Status2023-AT-1001-001-DOpenClosed
Work with the State to develop and implement policies and procedures to ensure that monitoring is conducted remotely in the event that it cannot be conducted onsite.
- Status2023-AT-1001-001-EOpenClosed
Instruct the State to update and implement policies and procedures to ensure that the results of the CDBG-DR internal audits are shared by the State’s Commissioner with CDBG-DR program staff to allow for the resolution of any findings and required corrective actions.
- Status2023-AT-1001-001-FOpenClosed
Monitor the State’s CDBG-DR program to ensure that performance expectations are achieved.
2023-KC-0003 | Marzo 28, 2023
Opportunities Exist for Ginnie Mae To Improve Its Guidance and Process for Troubled Issuers
Government National Mortgage Association
- Status2023-KC-0003-001-AOpenClosedPrioridadPriority
We believe these open recommendations, if implemented, will have the greatest impact on helping HUD achieve its mission to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all.
Update its policy and procedures to define its authority for marketing troubled issuer portfolios and the conditions that must exist to extinguish issuers using rapid relocation.
Corrective Action Taken
As of February 2024, HUD addressed this recommendation in a Management Decision by providing the updated extinguishment SOP, the Rapid Relocation Process Flow, and the Rapid Relocation Extinguishment Process Steps, updated to include the conditions that must be present to execute an extinguishment using rapid relocation. We believe that these guidance enhancements will help Ginnie Mae to reduce exposure to risk when facilitating a sale and transfer of a troubled issuer’s portfolio and ensure that it sells portfolios with limited loss to the Government and with minimal disruption to the mortgage market.
- Status2023-KC-0003-001-BOpenClosedPrioridadPriority
We believe these open recommendations, if implemented, will have the greatest impact on helping HUD achieve its mission to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all.
Update its policy and procedures to define what type of information Ginnie Mae may disclose and how it will handle protected information before extinguishment.
Corrective Action Taken
Ginnie Mae provided the updated SOP to clarify data and information handling through all phases of the termination/extinguishment process. Specifically, the updated procedures state that Ginnie Mae does not disclose Issuer or portfolio information within the Rapid Relo process. Ginnie Mae provided clarity in this enhancement that will reduce exposure to risk when facilitating a sale and transfer of a troubled issuer’s portfolio and ensure that it sells portfolios with limited loss to the Government and with minimal disruption to the mortgage market.
- Status2023-KC-0003-001-COpenClosedPrioridadPriority
We believe these open recommendations, if implemented, will have the greatest impact on helping HUD achieve its mission to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all.
Update its Policies and procedures to define how Ginnie Mae will determine the portfolio value and price before Sale.
Corrective Action Taken
Ginnie Mae updated its Rapid Relocation Extinguishment SOP to specify the valuation model for rapid relocations will use the same valuation models as other extinguishment options, including examples of portfolio valuation. We believe this guidance enhancement will help Ginnie Mae to reduce exposure to risk when facilitating a sale and transfer of a troubled issuer’s portfolio and ensure that it sells portfolios with limited loss to the Government and with minimal disruption to the mortgage market.
- Status2023-KC-0003-001-DOpenClosedPrioridadPriority
We believe these open recommendations, if implemented, will have the greatest impact on helping HUD achieve its mission to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all.
Update its policies and procedures to define how Ginnie Mae intends to identify and evaluate prospective buyers to ensure its ability to absorb the extinguished portfolio before executing the purchase and sale agreement.
Corrective Action Taken
Ginnie Mae updated its Rapid Relocation Extinguishment SOP to require an Impact Analysis Evaluation of each prospective buyer under the Rapid Relocation Extinguishment program. The Impact Analysis Evaluation mirrors similar activities performed on select standard Pool Transfer participants and includes details (such as adjusted net worth, delinquency, loan court and total unpaid principle balance) to confirm prospective buyers are able to absorb the extinguished portfolio before executing the purchase and sale agreement. We believe this guidance enhancement will help Ginnie Mae to reduce exposure to risk when facilitating a sale and transfer of a troubled issuer’s portfolio and ensure that it sells portfolios with limited loss to the Government and with minimal disruption to the mortgage market.
- Status2023-KC-0003-002-AOpenClosed
Assesses what information Ginnie Mae needs from the MSS to ensure that they have the capacity for a large- or multiple-issuer extinguishment.
- Status2023-KC-0003-002-BOpenClosed
Prescribes how the contracting officer representative will review information provided by the MSS and provide actionable feedback to ensure MSS readiness.
2023-CH-1001 | Marzo 22, 2023
The Philadelphia Housing Authority Needs To Improve Oversight Of Lead-Based Paint In Its Public Housing
Public and Indian Housing
- Status2023-CH-1001-001-AOpenClosed
We recommend that the Director of the Philadelphia Office of Public Housing require the Authority to establish and implement procedures and controls to ensure that lead-based paint visual assessments are performed within the required timeframe.
- Status2023-CH-1001-001-BOpenClosed
We recommend that the Director of the Philadelphia Office of Public Housing require the Authority to implement adequate procedures and controls to ensure that lead-based paint hazard reduction work is performed within the required timeframe and that all identified hazards are abated or treated with interim controls.
- Status2023-CH-1001-001-COpenClosed
We recommend that the Director of the Philadelphia Office of Public Housing require the Authority to maintain lead-based paint documentation for its properties in a manner that it is readily available for review by HUD and the Authority’s tenants if requested.
- Status2023-CH-1001-001-DOpenClosed
We recommend that the Director of the Philadelphia Office of Public Housing require the Authority to perform a search for historical lead based paint documentation and if any documents are found, compare the results from the historical documents with the results of the recent testing to identify any potential issues or inconsistencies and maintain all lead-based paint documentation related to the Authority’s properties according to HUD’s requirements.