We recommend that the Director of the Philadelphia Office of Public Housing require the Authority to Implement adequate procedures and controls to ensure that accurate lead disclosures are provided to current and prospective tenants.
2023-CH-1001 | Marzo 22, 2023
The Philadelphia Housing Authority Needs To Improve Oversight Of Lead-Based Paint In Its Public Housing
Public and Indian Housing
- Status2023-CH-1001-001-EOpenClosed
- Status2023-CH-1001-001-FOpenClosed
We recommend that the Director of the Philadelphia Office of Public Housing require the Authority to implement adequate controls to ensure that contracted inspectors’ deliverables comply with HUD’s and EPA’s requirements.
- Status2023-CH-1001-001-GOpenClosed
We also recommend that the Director of the Philadelphia Office of Public Housing work in conjunction with HUD’s Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes to provide training to the Authority’s staff involved with managing lead-based paint and technical assistance in developing and implementing new procedures and controls.
- Status2023-CH-1001-001-HOpenClosed
We also recommend that the Director of the Philadelphia Office of Public Housing work in conjunction with HUD’s Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes to assess the quality of the lead-based paint inspections and risk assessments performed by the Authority’s contractors to determine whether they are sufficient to fulfill HUD’s requirements.
2023-CH-0002 | Marzo 06, 2023
HUD Could Improve Its Process for Evaluating the Performance of Public Housing Agencies’ Housing Choice Voucher Programs
Public and Indian Housing
- Status2023-CH-0002-001-BOpenClosed
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Field Operations Provide additional training and guidance to field office program staff on SEMAP scoring, rating, and verification procedures, including confirmatory reviews, quality control reviews, and adjustments to the SEMAP process.
2023-FW-0001 | Marzo 03, 2023
CDBG-DR Program Generally Met Low- and Moderate-Income Requirements
Community Planning and Development
- Status2023-FW-0001-001-AOpenClosed$666,666Questioned Costs
Recommendations with questioned costs identify costs: (A) resulting from an alleged violation of a law, regulation, contract, grant, or other document or agreement governing the use of Federal funds; (B) that are not supported by adequate documentation (also known as an unsupported cost); or (C) that appear unnecessary or unreasonable.
We recommend that the Director of CPD’s Office of Disaster Recovery review the one grantee with a grant totaling $666,666 that did not meet the overall LMI requirement and address the noncompliance.
- Status2023-FW-0001-001-BOpenClosed
We recommend that the Director of CPD’s Office of Disaster Recovery update DRGR’s QPR to include information on the progress towards compliance with the overall LMI benefit based on the total amount of the grant.
2023-KC-0002 | Febrero 14, 2023
HUD Did Not Sufficiently Flag Unacceptable Physical Condition Scores To Assess Its Controlling Participants
- Status2023-KC-0002-001-AOpenClosed
Implement a quality control review to ensure that successive below-60 REAC inspection score flags are entered into APPS.
- Status2023-KC-0002-001-BOpenClosed
Update APPS to automatically flag a property that receives successive below-60 REAC inspection scores.
2023-NY-0001 | Enero 30, 2023
HUD’s Communication to Homeowners About COVID-19 Policies
- Status2023-NY-0001-001-AOpenClosed
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Housing update its COVID-19 Resources for Homeowners webpage to clearly communicate that homeowners who had not previously requested forbearance by September 30, 2021, are eligible to request forbearance from their servicer through the end of the COVID-19 National Emergency.
- Status2023-NY-0001-001-BOpenClosed
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Housing update its COVID-19 Resources for Homeowners webpage to include information on the various COVID-19 loss mitigation options servicers may offer homeowners with FHA-insured forward mortgages who are exiting COVID-19 forbearance.
- Status2023-NY-0001-001-COpenClosed
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Housing update its COVID-19 Resources for Homeowners webpage to include details about the protections and loss mitigation options available for homeowners with FHA-insured reverse mortgages. This information could include (1) instructions for requesting an extension, (2) a statement notifying homeowners that they should not be charged late fees or penalties, (3) a chart showing the extension periods and related deadlines, and (4) information on the various loss mitigation options available for homeowners with FHA-insured reverse mortgages who are exiting a COVID-19 HECM extension.
- Status2023-NY-0001-001-DOpenClosed
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Housing update its COVID-19 Resources for Homeowners webpage to include relevant information on the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Homeowner Assistance Fund.
- Status2023-NY-0001-001-EOpenClosed
We recommend that the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Housing work with the Office of Public Affairs, Office of Housing Counseling, and other offices within HUD to develop a detailed communication strategy for how and when it plans to use websites, letters, and other methods to proactively notify homeowners about relief programs, protections, and loss mitigation options during disasters and national emergencies. The strategy could include processes to ensure that (1) key information is provided or made available in a timely manner and kept up-to-date, (2) information is communicated clearly and consistently across mediums, and is linked together when possible, and (3) letters are mailed to struggling homeowners when needed. It could also articulate the methods HUD will use to reach homeowners without internet access.
2023-FO-0008 | Enero 24, 2023
Assessment of HUD’s IT Infrastructure To Support Extensive Telework
Chief Information Officer
- Status2023-FO-0008-001-AOpenClosed
Research, evaluate, and implement technical or alternative solutions to deploy essential computer software updates using appropriate secure methods to ensure that computer security updates occur in a timely manner to minimize risk to HUD’s systems and operations
- Status2023-FO-0008-002-AOpenClosed
Research, evaluate, and implement technical solutions to provide additional improvements to VPN and related remote working capabilities of HUD system users.
- Status2023-FO-0008-002-BOpenClosed
Perform routine VPN stress tests as part of its contingency planning and testing processes to regularly identify and remediate network performance issues and ensure that network capabilities are sufficient for teleworking.
- Status2023-FO-0008-003-AOpenClosed
Research, evaluate, and implement technical solutions to resolve the user account management issues and the underlying issue in the technical environment.
2023-KC-0001 | Diciembre 05, 2022
Ginnie Mae Did Not Ensure That All Pooled Loans Had Agency Insurance
Government National Mortgage Association
- Status2023-KC-0001-001-AOpenClosed$903,085,334Funds Put to Better Use
Recommendations that funds be put to better use estimate funds that could be used more efficiently. For example, recommendations that funds be put to better use could result in reductions in spending, deobligation of funds, or avoidance of unnecessary spending.
Update and synchronize the SOP and the matching procedure. The updates should include notifications that provide issuers with unmatched loans adequate time to take corrective action to comply with the requirements of the MBS Guide to put $903 million to better use by ensuring that the appropriate agency insurance or guarantee is in place.
- Status2023-KC-0001-001-BOpenClosed
Ensure that all necessary information regarding terminated VA loans is included in the matching process.