Create a plan and timeline that outlines OFO’s proposal to make necessary improvements to the EBLL tracker, such as moving it to a different platform.
2021-OE-0011b | Febrero 28, 2023
Improvements are Needed to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Processes for Monitoring Elevated Blood Lead Levels and Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Public Housing
Public and Indian Housing
- Status2021-OE-0011b-02OpenClosed
- Status2021-OE-0011b-03OpenClosed
Provide field office staff access to historical data in the EBLL tracker to be readily available as needed, with adequate protection of PII.
- Status2021-OE-0011b-04OpenClosed
Update the EBLL tracker to show whether one or multiple children have an EBLL and whether the unit, building, or development previously had an EBLL reported.
- Status2021-OE-0011b-05OpenClosed
Update the EBLL tracker by including which data fields are required, establishing what type of information can be entered into each data field, and disallowing case closure if required information is missing.
- Status2021-OE-0011b-06OpenClosedPrioridadPriority
We believe these open recommendations, if implemented, will have the greatest impact on helping HUD achieve its mission to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all.
PIH in coordination with other HUD offices as necessary, research and address potential causes of the variance in the number of EBLL cases among States on the EBLL tracker and identify solutions that are within HUD's control.
On May 7, 2024, the Office of Field Operations (OFO) stated that it met with the Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC) and Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (OLHCHH) on March 4 and April 23 and agreed that OFO and OLHCHH will review CDC data on counties with the highest prevalence of EBLLs in children for counties whose states that have reported their BLL data to CDC. OFO will review its EBLL tracker to determine reporting rates by the largest public housing authorities in those counties. OLHCHH will assign an analyst to summarize the most recently available prevalence rates based on selected states. Subsequently, OFO will scrutinize public housing authorities within those states to ascertain the reported cases.
The revised estimated completion date is February 28, 2025.
To fully address this recommendation, OFO must provide evidence of meetings held and summaries of the research conducted. For example, what was the exchange with OLHCHH, did OFO coordinate with any other offices, and what research was conducted? OFO needs to research potential causes for the variances and determine what HUD could do to address them.
Alternatively, OFO must establish that there are no solutions within HUD’s control to address any identified causes.
Implementation of this recommendation will help ensure that EBLL cases are reported and recorded appropriately in the EBLL tracker.
- Status2021-OE-0011b-07OpenClosed
Create a plan and timeline that outlines OFO’s proposal to move the LBPR tracker to a different platform.
- Status2021-OE-0011b-08OpenClosed
Develop a timeliness standard in the LBPR tracker to establish expectations for how often field office staff must reach out to PHAs on the LBPR tracker to discuss measures that will resolve cases in a timely manner.
2020-OE-0003 | Abril 12, 2021
HUD Program Offices’ Policies and Approaches for Radon
Public and Indian Housing
- Status2020-OE-0003-05OpenClosed
Revise the current PIH radon policy to align with 24 CFR 50.3(i)(1) and 58.5(i)(2)(i).
- Status2020-OE-0003-06OpenClosed
Update the PIH radon policy to ensure that program activities comply with the departmentwide policy on radon testing and mitigation requirements.
2019-OE-0003 | Febrero 14, 2021
Contaminated Sites Pose Potential Health Risks to Residents at HUD-Funded Properties
Public and Indian Housing
- Status2019-OE-0003-03OpenClosed
Develop and implement a strategy to review PIH-funded properties with potential contamination to determine whether site contamination should be considered in future environmental reviews.
- Status2019-OE-0003-04OpenClosed
Monitor environmental reviews of PIH-funded properties with potential contamination.
2019-OE-0001 | Febrero 04, 2020
HUD Has Not Referred Troubled Public Housing Agencies as the Law and Regulations Require
Public and Indian Housing
- Status2019-OE-0001-01OpenClosed
Refer troubled PHAs directly to the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing when they have not met the 1- or 2-year recovery requirements.
- Status2019-OE-0001-02OpenClosed
Ensure that referrals to the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing recommend only recovery options allowed by the law and regulations.
- Status2019-OE-0001-03OpenClosed
Update training to include the actions that PIH must take when a troubled PHA does not meet the 1- or 2-year recovery requirements.
- Status2019-OE-0001-04OpenClosed
Provide training on remedies for long-term troubled PHAs to All PIH staff members who routinely interact with troubled PHAs.
- Status2019-OE-0001-05OpenClosed
Submit an annual troubled PHAs report to congress in accordance with the statute.
2018-OE-0004 | Agosto 13, 2018
HUD IT System Management and Oversight of the Section 184 Program
Public and Indian Housing
- Status2018-OE-0004-01OpenClosed
Direct PIH and OCIO to develop a comprehensive project plan, documenting the milestones and dates for addressing the gaps in ONAP-LOS capabilities (functionality and reports) and the 25 recommendations made during HUD OCIO's project health assessment
- Status2018-OE-0004-02OpenClosed
Direct all stakeholders to identify all viable options to securely resolve the ONAP-LOS access issues, so authorized Section 184 lenders can access the system. The best solution should not impose unacceptable risk to business processes or sensitive data. Current program offices involved are OCIO, PIH, and FHA, while others may also be identified
- Status2018-OE-0004-03OpenClosed
Direct PIH and OCIO to ensure that the Section 184 program transitions away from dependency on CHUMS.
- Status2018-OE-0004-04OpenClosed
Continue to develop required ONAP-LOS capabilities using cloud environments as appropriate