Develop and implement adequate controls to ensure that HUD staff with the appropriate level of authority approves extensions to the notices of violation and default cure periods in writing and that documentation is maintained to support such approvals.
2024-CH-0001 | Febrero 13, 2024
HUD Lacked Adequate Oversight of Multifamily Housing Properties With Failing REAC Scores or Life-Threatening Deficiencies
- Status2024-CH-0001-002-COpenClosed
- Status2024-CH-0001-003-AOpenClosed
Modify the queries used to generate the schedules of properties that accompany the reports to Congress to consider a larger range of dates to ensure that properties that failed consecutive inspections are appropriately identified on all applicable schedules.
- Status2024-CH-0001-003-BOpenClosed
Assess and streamline the processes for preparing, reviewing, and approving the reports as appropriate to ensure that the reports are submitted to Congress on or before the required due date.
- Status2024-CH-0001-003-COpenClosed
Implement adequate procedures and controls to ensure that documentation is maintained to support that the reports were submitted to Congress.
2024-BO-0001 | Diciembre 18, 2023
Opportunities Exist To Improve HUD’s FHA Resource Center’s Routing of Housing Discrimination Inquiries
- Status2024-BO-0001-001-AOpenClosed
We recommend that HUD’s Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Housing update policies and procedures regarding discrimination complaints to ensure consistency among customer service representatives in rerouting these complaints to FHEO.
- Status2024-BO-0001-001-BOpenClosed
We recommend that HUD’s Deputy Assistant Secretary for Single Family Housing ensure that the FHA Resource Center updates its training program to ensure that refresher training on housing discrimination is regularly provided to staff (such as monthly, quarterly, semiannually, etc.).
2024-FO-0002 | Noviembre 13, 2023
Audit of FHA’s Fiscal Years 2023 and 2022 Financial Statements
- Status2024-FO-0002-001-AOpenClosed
Develop a plan and a timeline that ensures all due and payable partial claims are transferred to the FOC, and subsequently processed by the FOC.
- Status2024-FO-0002-001-BOpenClosed
Develop and implement procedures to i) monitor the transfer of due and payable partial claims from NSC to the FOC for collection, ii) determine the financial statement impact of not referring due and payable partial claims to the FOC, and iii) decide when FHA will record a reclassification entry to accounts receivable for those due and payable partial claims that are not transferred to the FOC timely.
- Status2024-FO-0002-001-COpenClosed
Consider accounting implications to the gross HECM loans receivable balance for the $20 million lost in security interests.
- Status2024-FO-0002-001-DOpenClosed
Record an adjusting entry to remove the duplicate $44 million from the gross HECM loans receivable balance as of September 30, 2023.
- Status2024-FO-0002-001-EOpenClosed
Identify and remove all duplicate transactions from the accounting module and prevent future occurrences.
- Status2024-FO-0002-001-FOpenClosed
Develop and enhance training for servicing the HECM portfolio.
- Status2024-FO-0002-001-GOpenClosed
Develop corrective procedures to bring the HECM portfolio servicing current, initiate collection proceedings for due and payable loans, redeem the tax certificates for properties for which FHA lost its security interest, and implement a solution to monitor tax payments to prevent tax delinquencies and avoid FHA’s risk of loss in loan security interest.
2023-KC-0005 | Junio 13, 2023
Servicers Generally Did Not Meet HUD Requirements When Providing Loss Mitigation Assistance to Borrowers With Delinquent FHA-Insured Loans
- Status2023-KC-0005-001-AOpenClosed
Review the loans in our sample that did not receive appropriate loss mitigation options to ensure that the borrowers were remedied by the servicers, when possible, and take administrative actions if appropriate.
- Status2023-KC-0005-001-BOpenClosed
Engage with the servicers in our sample to determine reasons for noncompliance and develop a plan to mitigate it going forward.
- Status2023-KC-0005-001-COpenClosed
Provide additional guidance and training to servicers to address common loss mitigation issues found during this audit.
- Status2023-KC-0005-001-DOpenClosed
Update HUD’s FHA FAQs to clarify current loss mitigation requirements and ensure that outdated guidance is removed.
- Status2023-KC-0005-001-EOpenClosed
Update the Save Your Home - Tips to Avoid Foreclosure brochure to include new loss mitigation options as they are introduced and require servicers to send this additional information to delinquent homeowners. This could be done as a redesign of the existing brochure or as addendums to the brochure for temporary programs.
- Status2023-KC-0005-001-FOpenClosed
Design and implement a data-driven methodology to determine the appropriate mix of origination and servicing monitoring and desk reviews.
2023-KC-1001 | Junio 13, 2023
Nationstar Generally Did Not Meet HUD Requirements When Providing Loss Mitigation to Borrowers of Delinquent FHA-Insured Loans
- Status2023-KC-1001-001-AOpenClosed
Review the sampled loans for which borrowers did not receive appropriate loss mitigation options to ensure that the borrowers were remedied by Nationstar, if possible, and take administrative actions if appropriate.