Strengthen controls over the preparation of HECM-related reconciliations, reviews, and oversight by ensuring that (1) program personnel preparing such reconciliations understand how such reconciliations impact financial accounting and reporting and (2) financial personnel sufficiently understand programs and systems to determine their general ledger impact.
2022-FO-0003 | Diciembre 09, 2021
Audit of FHA’s Fiscal Years 2021 and 2020 Consolidated Financial Statements
- Status2022-FO-0003-001-FOpenClosed
- Status2022-FO-0003-001-GOpenClosed
Enhance the quarterly variance analysis to identify the business reasons for changes in account balances and pay specific attention to abnormal balances and activity.
- Status2022-FO-0003-001-HOpenClosed
Strengthen the financial statement review controls by completing a compliance matrix to ensure all balances that are presented and disclosed reflect the most up-to-date financial accounting and reporting guidance.
- Status2022-FO-0003-002-AOpenClosed
Perform a comprehensive analysis for all cohort years and assess the impact that the use of the scheduled UPB instead of the current UPB has on the LGL. If significant based on a quantitative threshold, update the SF cash flow model to incorporate the current UPB data.
- Status2022-FO-0003-002-BOpenClosed
Develop and implement a new process to require the annual validation of the fourth quarter endorsement volume estimation method for the SF Forward model. The process should include a management review and approval control component. The process should be documented and should demonstrate that management’s estimate is based on the analysis of past experiences, current policy, and market considerations, and, if necessary, incorporate improvement recommendations.
- Status2022-FO-0003-002-COpenClosed
Perform a comprehensive review of the SF and HECM model documentation and update the specific sections with the current practices and procedures required to execute the model activities.
- Status2022-FO-0003-002-DOpenClosed
Establish a process that requires the timely review and update of model documentation. The process should include tracking the dates and nature of the revisions.
- Status2022-FO-0003-002-EOpenClosed
Provide training and periodic reminders to field staff and management to ensure that the data fields in DAP and on the final Form HUD-290 are accurate and consistent.
- Status2022-FO-0003-002-FOpenClosed
Develop and implement written procedures that provide guidance or best practices that should be followed to address data anomalies. At a minimum, these written procedures should include the following: (1) a process for identifying key data attributes that significantly impact the results, (2) the determination of preset thresholds for analyst and management attention, (3) the treatment of data anomalies, such as null values or values that exceed preset thresholds, (4) a process for providing feedback to the upstream data provider(s) for corrective and preventive actions when data integrity issues are detected and management concludes the issue is significant, and (5) a process for preparing documentation to support management decisions.
2021-KC-0004 | Julio 28, 2021
HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing Programs’ Complaint Process Did Not Ensure That Health and Safety Complaints Were Resolved in a Timely Manner
- Status2021-KC-0004-001-AOpenClosedPrioridadPriority
We believe these open recommendations, if implemented, will have the greatest impact on helping HUD achieve its mission to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all.
Develop a comprehensive process to ensure that complaints received by HUD’s Multifamily Housing Clearinghouse are resolved in a timely manner.
October 2023, the Office of Multifamily Housing Programs reported that HUD was transitioning the Multifamily Clearinghouse responsibilities to the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Resource Center. The Office stated that it had requested IT Technology Fund funding for FY 2024 for system enhancements to coordinate tenant complaints throughout Multifamily Housing including Multifamily field staff and the Multifamily Clearinghouse Call Center.
In June 2024, the Office reported that because the FY 2024 funding was not approved by Congress, it will use the FHA Resource Center and its system that will allow for tracking and monitoring of customer calls. In addition, the Office will request assistance from its Project Based Contract Administrators to use a standard, Multifamily-wide reporting format to standardize and aggregate tenant complaints.
- Status2021-KC-0004-001-BOpenClosedPrioridadPriority
We believe these open recommendations, if implemented, will have the greatest impact on helping HUD achieve its mission to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all.
Develop agencywide policies and procedures for the intake, monitoring, and tracking of health and safety complaints.
October 2023, the Office of Multifamily Housing Programs reported that HUD was transitioning the Multifamily Clearinghouse responsibilities to the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Resource Center. The Office stated that it had requested IT Technology Fund funding for FY 2024 for system enhancements to coordinate tenant complaints throughout Multifamily Housing including Multifamily field staff and the Multifamily Clearinghouse Call Center.
In June 2024, the Office reported that because the FY 2024 funding was not approved by Congress, it will use the FHA Resource Center and its system that will allow for tracking and monitoring of customer calls. In addition, the Office will request assistance from its Project Based Contract Administrators to use a standard, Multifamily-wide reporting format to standardize and aggregate tenant complaints.
- Status2021-KC-0004-001-COpenClosed
Develop an automated real-time system for HUD and PBCA staff to use to receive, track, and resolve health and safety issues.
- Status2021-KC-0004-001-DOpenClosed
Revise the annual contributions contract to more clearly define the required treatment of health and safety issues, to include: • Specific timeliness requirements for resolving life-threatening and non-life-threatening health and safety issues. • Notification that HUD will actively monitor the status of complaints and become involved in resolution if necessary. • Requirement that PBCAs will immediately contact HUD staff if a property has a life-threatening or non-life-threatening health and safety issue and report when the issue is resolved. • Requirement that the projects’ property management will immediately contact PBCA staff if a property has a life-threatening or non-life-threatening health and safety issue and report when the issue is resolved.
2021-KC-0003 | Julio 26, 2021
HUD’s Major Program Offices Can Improve Their Preparedness To Respond to Upcoming Natural Disasters
- Status2021-KC-0003-001-AOpenClosed
Establish and implement a process to ensure that The Office of Multifamily Housing Programs’ policies, procedures, and supervisory controls are effective. This process should include addressing postdisaster damage assessments, properly updating iREMS, and executing loan forbearances. This process should also integrate with other HUD program offices as appropriate to improve consistency with HUD’s overall disaster response and to ensure the effectiveness of disaster controls.
- Status2021-KC-0003-002-AOpenClosed
Establish and implement a process to ensure that the Office of Single Family Housing’s policies, procedures, and supervisory controls are effective. This process should address the proper use, maintenance, and reporting of gathered information on disaster-damaged properties as well as the proper assessment of properties with appropriate disaster codes. This process should also integrate with other HUD program offices as appropriate to improve consistency with HUD’s overall disaster response and to ensure the effectiveness of disaster controls.
2020-OE-0003 | Abril 12, 2021
HUD Program Offices’ Policies and Approaches for Radon
- Status2020-OE-0003-04OpenClosed
Update the current Multifamily radon policy to ensure that program activities comply with the departmentwide policy on radon testing and mitigation requirements.
2021-DP-0002 | Marzo 02, 2021
Necessary System Interfaces Between HERMIT And The National Servicing Center Were Not In Place
- Status2021-DP-0002-001-AOpenClosedSensitiveSensitive
Sensitive information refers to information that could have a damaging import if released to the public and, therefore, must be restricted from public disclosure.
The OIG has determined that the contents of this recommendation would not be appropriate for public disclosure and has therefore limited its distribution to selected officials.
- Status2021-DP-0002-001-BOpenClosedSensitiveSensitive
Sensitive information refers to information that could have a damaging import if released to the public and, therefore, must be restricted from public disclosure.
The OIG has determined that the contents of this recommendation would not be appropriate for public disclosure and has therefore limited its distribution to selected officials.
- Status2021-DP-0002-001-COpenClosedSensitiveSensitive
Sensitive information refers to information that could have a damaging import if released to the public and, therefore, must be restricted from public disclosure.
The OIG has determined that the contents of this recommendation would not be appropriate for public disclosure and has therefore limited its distribution to selected officials.
2019-OE-0003 | Febrero 14, 2021
Contaminated Sites Pose Potential Health Risks to Residents at HUD-Funded Properties
- Status2019-OE-0003-01OpenClosed
Develop and implement a strategy to review Multifamily-funded properties with potential contamination to determine whether site contamination should be considered in future environmental reviews.