Taylor, Bean & Whitaker Mortgage Corporation and Home America Mortgage, Inc., Settled Civil Claims Related to Failing To Comply With Federal Housing Administration Underwriting Requirements
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General (OIG) assisted in an investigation into alleged violations of Federal Housing Administration (FHA) regulations by Taylor, Bean & Whitaker Mortgage Corporation and Home America Mortgage, Inc. The investigation included a qui tam action filed under the False Claims Act in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia. The False...
Septiembre 09, 2015
# 2015-CF-1806
Final Civil Action Bank of America, NA Lender Settled Alleged Violations of Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Program
We audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) oversight of its Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) program and found that 33 borrowers had more than 1 loan under the program. Having multiple loans violated program requirements because HUD requires borrowers to reside in the mortgaged residence as their principal residence and borrowers may not have more than one principal residence at the same time. We...
Agosto 26, 2015
Opportunity in Living, Centennial, CO’s Participation in the HUD Single Family Property Disposition Program
The Office of Inspector General (OIG) conducted an audit of Opportunity in Living (OIL), Centennial, CO’s participation in the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Single Family Property Disposition program. Our audit objective was to determine whether OIL’s purchase of HUD-owned homes during the exclusive listing period violated HUD regulations at 24 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) Part 291.
We determined that...
Agosto 25, 2015
HUD’s Office of Multifamily Asset Management and Portfolio Oversight Did Not Comply With Its Requirements For Monitoring Management Agents’ Costs
We reviewed the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Multifamily Asset Management and Portfolio Oversight. We initiated the audit under the HUD Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) annual audit plan. Our audit objective was to determine whether HUD adequately monitored its management agents to ensure that front line costs and direct costs were not excessive across the portfolios as identified in audits...
Agosto 21, 2015
HUD Policies Did Not Always Ensure That HECM Borrowers Complied With Residency Requirements
We audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) oversight of its Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) program based on our strategic objective to protect the integrity of housing insurance and guarantee programs and because of residency issues identified in prior audits of the HECM program. Our objective was to determine whether HUD’s Office of Single Family Housing had effective controls to ensure that HECM loan...
Agosto 21, 2015
Prudential Huntoon Paige Associates, LTD, Did Not Underwrite and Process a $22 Million Loan in Accordance With HUD Requirements
We audited Prudential Huntoon Paige Associates, LTD’s underwriting of a $22.8 million mortgage loan to refinance Lafayette Towers Apartments, a 584-unit highrise multifamily project in Detroit, MI. We initiated the review based on the early default, assignment, and significant amount of the project. Our objective was to determine whether Prudential underwrote and processed the loan for Lafayette Towers according to the U.S....
Agosto 14, 2015
Berkadia Approved a Mortgage for the Temtor Project That Was Not Economically Sound
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development – Office of Inspector General audited Berkadia Commercial Mortgage, LLC’s underwriting of the loan to fund the renovation of the Temtor project in St. Louis, MO. We initiated this audit because the project failed quickly after completion, resulting in a large loss to the Federal Housing Administration insurance fund. Our audit objective was to determine whether Berkadia properly...
Agosto 04, 2015
HUD Did Not Always Provide Adequate Oversight of Its Section 203(k) Rehabilitation Loan Mortgage Insurance Program
We audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) oversight of its Section 203(k) Rehabilitation Loan Mortgage Insurance program as part of the activities in our fiscal year 2014 annual audit plan. Our audit objective was to determine whether HUD had adequate oversight of its Section 203(k) program.
HUD needs to improve its monitoring of lenders for compliance with the Section 203(k) program requirements because...
Julio 31, 2015
NOVA Financial & Investment Corporation’s FHA-Insured Loans With Downpayment Assistance Gifts Did Not Always Meet HUD Requirements
We audited NOVA Financial & Investment Corporation based on a referral from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Quality Assurance Division detailing a separate lender that originated Federal Housing Administration (FHA)-insured loans that contained ineligible downpayment assistance gifts. The HUD Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) analysis identified NOVA as a lender with the highest origination volume in the...
Julio 09, 2015
First Niagara Bank, Lockport, NY, Did Not Always Properly Implement HUD’s Loss Mitigation Requirements in Servicing FHA-Insured Mortgages
We completed a review of First Niagara Bank’s servicing of Federal Housing Administration (FHA)-insured mortgages and its implementation of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Loss Mitigation program. We selected First Niagara Bank based on an Office of Inspector General risk assessment of single-family lenders. The objective of the audit was to determine whether First Niagara Bank properly serviced FHA-...
Mayo 22, 2015
Sutton Irvine Residence, Inc., Irvine, CA, Did Not Operate Its Section 202 - Funded Project in Accordance With HUD Rules and Requirements
We audited Sutton Irvine Residence, Inc.’s Section 202-funded project based on concerns expressed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of General Counsel, Departmental Enforcement Center, regarding the management of the project. The concern was that Sutton Irvine had defaulted on its mortgage payments to HUD and may have diverted project funds for nonproject expenses. Our audit objective was to...
Abril 24, 2015
Redwood Juniper Tacoma Apartments Did Not Always Administer Its Program in Accordance With HUD Rules and Regulations
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General audited the Redwood Juniper Tacoma Apartments to determine whether Redwood Juniper’s owner took an unauthorized distribution in excess of surplus cash, procured services in accordance with HUD rules and regulations, and maintained an auditable waiting list. We selected the multifamily housing project for audit because it appeared that the project owner took...
Abril 14, 2015
Final Civil Action – Group One Mortgage, Inc., Settled Allegations of Failing To Comply With Federal Housing Administration Underwriting Requirements
HUD OIG assisted the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Southern District of Florida, in the civil investigation of Group One Mortgage, Inc. Group One’s principal place of business is located in Jupiter, FL. Group One has participated in the FHA insurance program since 2004 and became a direct endorsement lender in 2005. The direct endorsement program authorizes private-sector mortgage lenders to approve mortgage loans for FHA insurance...
Marzo 27, 2015
Final Civil Action – Golden First Mortgage Corporation and Its Owner Settled Alleged Violations of Failing To Comply With Federal Housing Administration Underwriting Requirements (FHA ID #34475)
HUD OIG assisted in an investigation into alleged violations of Federal Housing Administration (FHA) regulations applicable to the direct endorsement program by Golden First Mortgage Corporation and its owner. Golden First is a former FHA-approved mortgage lender, with its principal place of business located in Great Neck, NY. Golden First participated in the direct endorsement program from 1989 until 2010. As a direct...
Marzo 27, 2015
Final Civil Action – MetLife Home Loans, LLC, Settled Allegations of Failing To Comply With HUD’s Federal Housing Administration Loan Requirements
HUD OIG assisted the U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC, and the U.S. Attorney’s Office, District of Colorado, in the civil investigation of MetLife Bank, N.A. MetLife had its principal place of business in Convent Station, NJ. MetLife became an approved direct endorsement lender under HUD’s Federal Housing Administration (FHA) program on April 5, 2007. The direct endorsement program authorizes private-sector mortgage...
Marzo 27, 2015
Final Civil Action – Borrower Settled Allegations of Not Complying With the Primary Residence Requirement of the Federal Housing Administration Program
HUD OIG conducted a civil investigation of an alleged loan origination fraud scheme involving a cash-out refinance loan that was insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). FHA provides mortgage insurance on loans made by FHA-approved lenders to creditworthy borrowers. Borrowers must occupy the properties as their primary residence for at least 1 year. Borrowers certify to their intent to occupy the property when...
Marzo 27, 2015
Breakthrough Living Program Did Not Administer Its Program in Accordance With HUD Rules and Regulations
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General, audited Breakthrough Living Program based on an audit referral memorandum received from the Director of HUD’s Southwest Region, Office of Multifamily Housing Programs. The referral cited several concerns, including the property’s unilateral withdrawal of funds from the reserve for replacement account. Our audit objective was to determine whether...
Marzo 04, 2015
Glenbrook Manor Could Not Always Show That Project Costs Were Eligible and Supported in Accordance With HUD Requirements
We audited the multifamily project, Glenbrook Manor, in Stamford, CT, based on a request by officials from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Hartford, CT, Office of Multifamily Housing Programs. Our audit objectives were to determine whether Glenbrook Manor expended project funds for eligible activities and costs that were reasonable and supported, and whether surplus cash was properly calculated and deposited...
Diciembre 15, 2014
Information System Control Weaknesses Identified in the Loan Accounting System
We reviewed the general and application controls over the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Loan Accounting System (LAS) as part of the internal control assessments required for the fiscal year 2014 financial statement audit under the Chief Financial Officer’s Act of 1990. Our objective was to review the effectiveness of general and application controls over LAS for compliance with HUD information technology...
Diciembre 08, 2014
HUD Did Not Always Follow Applicable Requirements or Use Best Practices in the Procurement and Administration of Its Multifamily Servicing Contract
We audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) procurement and administration of its multifamily mortgage loan and property management servicing and accounting contract. We conducted this review based on concerns communicated to the HUD Office of Inspector General (OIG) by the Federal Housing Commissioner and HUD housing officials. The objectives of the audit were to determine whether HUD officials (1)...
Diciembre 01, 2014