HUD Did Not Provide Effective Oversight of Section 202 Multifamily Project Refinances
We audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) oversight of Section 202 multifamily housing project refinances as part of the Inspector General’s goal of promoting fiscal responsibility and financial accountability. Our objective was to determine whether HUD had adequate controls to ensure that Section 202 refinancing was conducted in an effective and efficient manner.
HUD did not have adequate controls to...
Febrero 18, 2014
Corrective Action Verification - Underwriting Review of 15 Lenders, Report 2011-CF-1801
We completed a corrective action verification of a recommendation made to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of Single Family Program Department pertaining to our underwriting review of 15 Federal Housing Administration (FHA) lenders in Audit Memorandum 2011-CF-1801, issued March 2, 2011. The purpose of the corrective action verification was to determine whether the Office of Housing appropriately...
Septiembre 24, 2013
FHA Paid Claims for Approximately 4,457 Preforeclosure Sales That Did Not Meet Minimum Net Sales Proceeds Requirements
We audited the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Preforeclosure Sales Program claim process in accordance with our goal to contribute to improving the integrity of FHA single-family insurance programs. Our audit objective was to determine whether the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) paid ineligible preforeclosure sale claims that did not meet the net sales proceeds requirements.
FHA paid preforeclosure sale claims...
Septiembre 05, 2013
The Office of Housing Had Not Fully Developed Formal Risk Based Procedures for Postendorsement Underwriting Reviews of Multifamily and Healthcare Loans
We audited certain portions of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) multifamily housing and healthcare insured mortgage programs as part of our fiscal year 2012 annual audit plan. The objective of the review was to determine the adequacy of the Office of Housing’s procedures and controls for selecting, conducting, and following up on postendorsement underwriting reviews of insured multifamily and healthcare loans...
Mayo 13, 2013
Servicing of Multifamily HUD-Held Mortgages
We audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) servicing of multifamily projects with HUD-held mortgages because it was part of the Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) annual audit plan. We reviewed 33 multifamily projects with HUD-held mortgages that totaled $307.9 million. Our objective was to determine whether HUD (1) obtained, documented, and reviewed the monthly accounting reports and (2) collected monthly net...
Mayo 03, 2013
HUD Did Not Always Provide Adequate Oversight of Its Assisted Living Conversion Program
We audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) oversight of the Assisted Living Conversion Program. We initiated the audit as part of the activities in our fiscal year 2012 annual audit plan, which included contributing to the improvement of HUD’s execution of and accountability for fiscal responsibilities. Our audit objective was to determine whether HUD had adequate oversight of its Assisted Living Conversion Program...
Enero 03, 2013
HUD Policies Did Not Always Ensure That Borrowers Complied With Program Residency Requirements
We audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) oversight of its Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Program based on our annual audit plan and our strategic goal to improve the integrity of HUD’s single-family insurance programs. This is the second of two reports that we issued on HUD’s oversight of the Program. Our objective was to determine whether HUD controls prevented borrowers from renting their properties to Section...
Diciembre 19, 2012
HUD’s Region 3 Multifamily Housing Offices Generally Ensured That Section 236 Rent and Excess Income Requirements Were Met
We audited HUD's Region 3 Offices of Multifamily Housing to determine whether HUD ensured that rents and excess income for Section 236 properties were properly identified and remitted to HUD. We performed this audit based on our audit plan and problems identified during an external audit of a Section 236 property located in Washington, DC.
HUD's Region 3 Offices of Multifamily Housing generally ensured that Section 236 properties...
Diciembre 10, 2012
A Summary of the Foreclosure and Claims Process Reviews for Five Mortgage Servicers That Engaged in Improper Foreclosure Practices
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General (OIG) completed its nationwide effort to review the foreclosure practices of the five largest Federal Housing Administration (FHA) mortgage servicers (Ally Financial, Incorporated, Bank of America, CitiMortgage, JPMorgan Chase, and Wells Fargo Bank). We performed these reviews due to reported allegations made in the fall of 2010 that national mortgage...
Septiembre 28, 2012
FHA Paid Claims for Approximately 11,693 Preforeclosure Sales that Did Not Meet FHA Requirements
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD), Office of Inspector General reviewed the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Preforeclosure Sale Program. Our objective was to determine whether FHA paid claims for only preforeclosure sales that met the criteria for participation in the program.
We found that 61 of 80 statistically selected claims from September 1, 2010, through August 31, 2011 did not meet the criteria for...
Septiembre 18, 2012
HUD Did Not Always Enforce REO M&M III Program Requirements
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General (OIG) audited HUD’s oversight of its real estate-owned (REO) Management and Marketing (M&M) III program in response to a HUD OIG auditability survey on REO contract administration. Our audit objective was to determine whether HUD’s policies and procedures provided for efficient and effective oversight of asset managers and field service managers under...
Septiembre 18, 2012
HUD's Office of Single Family Housing's Oversight of Lenders' Underwriting of FHA-Insured Loans Was Generally Adequate
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Inspector General audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) oversight of Federal Housing Administration (FHA)-insured loans. We initiated the audit as part of the activities in our 2011 annual audit plan and strategic plan. Our audit objective was to determine whether HUD had adequate oversight of lenders’ compliance with FHA’s underwriting requirements...
Agosto 17, 2012
The National Foundation for Credit Counseling Washington, DC, Generally Met HUD Requirements But Did Not Always Ensure That Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Counseling Requirements Were Met
We performed an audit of the National Foundation for Credit Counseling based on a citizen’s complaint alleging that it misused Federal funds. Our objective was to determine whether the Foundation complied with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements when administering its housing counseling program.
The complaint alleging that the Foundation misused Federal funds could not be substantiated. The Foundation generally...
Julio 31, 2012
Corrective Action Verification -HUD's Housing Counseling Assistance Program
We completed a corrective action verification regarding the recommendations made to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of Single Family Program Development pertaining to our review of HUD’s monitoring of the Housing Counseling Assistance Program, Audit Report 2006-NY-0001, issued June 8, 2006. The purpose of the corrective action verification was to determine whether the audit recommendations had been...
Mayo 08, 2012
HUD Generally Established Controls Over the Section 242 Program but Used an Outdated Handbook, and Its Guidance Had Not Been Cleared Through HUD’s Directives System
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General reviewed HUD’s Section 242 Mortgage Insurance for Hospitals program to determine whether HUD established controls to approve and administer projects under the Section 242 program and whether HUD used an updated handbook to administer its Section 242 program and used and provided to program participants written guidance that had been approved through HUD’s...
Abril 10, 2012
HUD Controls Did Not Always Ensure That Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Loan Borrowers Complied With Program Residency Requirements
We audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) oversight of its Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) program based on our annual audit plan and our strategic goal to improve the integrity of HUD’s single-family programs. This is the first of two reports that we plan to issue on HUD’s oversight of the program. Our objective was to determine whether HUD’s controls effectively ensured that HECM loan borrowers complied...
Febrero 08, 2012
Second Northwest Cooperative Homes Association, Washington, DC, Did Not Identify and Remit Excess Income to HUD
We audited the Second Northwest Cooperative Homes Association’s administration of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Section 236 program based on a hotline complaint. Our audit objective was to determine if the Association properly identified and remitted excess income to HUD according to its regulatory agreement and whether it hired staff according to applicable HUD regulations. We found that the Association did not...
Enero 25, 2012
HUD Approved Multifamily Accelerated Processing Program Lenders as Required but Did Not Adequately Select Lenders to Monitor
We audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) monitoring of its Multifamily Accelerated Processing program lenders. The audit was performed based on a hotline complaint and the Office of Inspector General’s annual audit and strategic plan to help HUD improve its fiscal responsibilities. The objective of the audit was to determine whether HUD adequately approved and selected program lenders to monitor.
HUD generally...
Enero 11, 2012
HUD's Philadelphia, PA, Homeownership Center Generally Monitored Loan Originations in Compliance With Requirements
In accordance with our audit plan we audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Philadelphia, PA, Homeownership Center’s quality assurance procedures for monitoring originations of Federal Housing Administration (FHA) single-family mortgage loans. Our audit objective was to determine whether the Homeownership Center properly monitored single-family loan originations in its jurisdiction by implementing quality assurance...
Diciembre 14, 2011
HUD’s Statement of Work for Appraisal Field Review Services Did Not Always Require Sufficient Confirmation of an Interior Review
We audited the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) field review appraisal process. This audit was conducted as part of the HUD Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) fiscal year 2011 annual audit plan and was designed to follow up on selected findings in OIG’s Audit Report 2008-LA-0003 on the appraiser review process. Our objective was to determine whether HUD (1) ensured that field review appraisers complied with the appraisal...
Diciembre 01, 2011