The City of Memphis, TN, Did Not Ensure Compliance With All Requirements for Its Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing and Community Development Block Grant-Recovery Programs
HUD OIG audited the City of Memphis’ administration of its Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP) and Community Development Block Grant-Recovery (CDBG-R) funds received under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. We selected the City for audit because it received more than $3.3 million in HPRP funds and more than $2.1 million in CDBG-R funds, the most for any Tennessee city. The City had expended more than $1.5...
Agosto 26, 2011
The Nashville, TN, Metropolitan Development and Housing Agency Generally Complied With Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2 Requirements
We reviewed the Metropolitan Development and Housing Agency’s (Agency) Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2 (NSP2). We selected the Agency for review because it received, in a consortium established with The Housing Fund, Urban Housing Solutions, and Woodbine Community Organization, a nearly $30.5 million NSP2 grant under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The Agency was the only NSP2 grant recipient in Tennessee. Our...
Abril 06, 2011
The State of Alabama, Montgomery, AL, Generally Ensured That the City of Bayou La Batre Properly Administered Its Hurricane Katrina Comunity development Block Grant Disaster Funds Program
We audited the State of Alabama, Department of Economic and Community Affairs' (State), Hurricane Katrina Community Development Block Grant Disaster Funds program (program), administered by the State's subrecipient, the City of Bayou La Batre (Bayou La Batre). Our objective was to determine whether the State and Bayou La Batre administered the program in accordance with the requirements of their grant agreements. We initiated the audit...
Septiembre 30, 2010
The State of Alabama, Montgomery, AL, Generally Ensured Mobile Administered Its Hurricane Katrina Community Development Block Grant Disaster Funds Program in Accordance With HUD Requirements
We audited the State of Alabama, Department of Economic and Community Affairs' (State), Hurricane Katrina Community Development Block Grant Disaster Funds program (program), administered by the State's subrecipient, Mobile County Commission (Mobile). Our objective was to determine whether the State and Mobile administered the program in accordance with the requirements of the State's grant agreements (agreements). We initiated the...
Septiembre 30, 2010
First Tennessee Bank, N.A., Memphis, TN, Did Not Properly Underwrite a Selection of FHA Loans
We conducted a review of Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans underwritten by First Tennessee Bank, N.A. (First Tennessee), an FHA direct endorsement lender. This review was conducted as part of our Operation Watchdog initiative to review the underwriting of 15 direct endorsement lenders at the suggestion of the FHA Commissioner. The Commissioner expressed concern regarding the increasing claim rates against the FHA insurance fund for...
Septiembre 27, 2010
The City of Chattanooga, TN, Needs To Strengthen Controls for Tracking Obligations and Reporting for Its Neighborhood Stabilization Program
HUD OIG reviewed the City of Chattanooga’s (City) Neighborhood Stabilization Program (program). We selected the City for review based on its low percentage of obligations and the approaching September 6, 2010, deadline for obligating funds. Our objective was to determine whether the City administered its program in accordance with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) rules and regulations.
The City generally administered its...
Septiembre 03, 2010
Mobile Housing Board, Mobile, AL, Used HOME Investment Partnerships Program Funds for Ineligible and Unsupported Costs for Its HOPE VI Redevelopment
HUD OIG performed an audit of the Mobile Housing Board, which serves as both the public housing agency and the administering agency for the City of Mobile, AL’s HOME Investment Partnerships Program(HOME) and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. We performed the audit based on a request from the Assistant Secretary, Community Planning and Development. The Assistant Secretary, along with the Director of the Office of Affordable...
Mayo 17, 2010
The Chattanooga Housing Authority Demonstrated Capacity To Administer Its Recovery Act Funds
The Chattanooga Housing Authority (Authority) was awarded a $6.35 million capital fund formula grant and a $4.8 million capital fund competitive grant under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act). In accordance with our goal to review funds provided under the Recovery Act, we conducted a capacity review of the Authority’s operations. The objective was to determine whether the Authority had the capacity to adequately...
Enero 25, 2010
The Chattanooga Housing Authority Mismanaged Its Finances
We audited the Chattanooga Housing Authority's (Authority) financial operations after the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Public Housing, Tennessee State Office, informed us of the Authority's deteriorating financial condition. We began with a review of the Authority's development activities but expanded the review based on our survey results.
The Authority, with the exception of $49,316 in...
Junio 11, 2009
Corrective Action Verification Opelika Housing Authority Public Housing Programs
HUD OIG performed a corrective action verification of audit recommendations cited in the audit report, Opelika Housing Authority, Public Housing Programs (2004-AT-1011) issued July 23, 2004. The purpose of the corrective action verification was to determine whether the selected audit recommendations were implemented and the deficiencies cited in the report were corrected. The Authority implemented the necessary corrective action for the...
Mayo 12, 2008