The Housing Authority of the City of Napa Did Not Adequately Determine and Support Section 8 Rents
In response to a hotline complaint, we reviewed the Housing Authority of the City of Napa's (the Authority) Section 8 program. The purpose was to determine whether concerns raised in the complaint relating to misappropriation of Section 8 funds had merit and whether allegations of improper rent increases for the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy (Mod Rehab) and Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher programs were valid.
Noviembre 29, 2007
The Housing Authority of the City of Napa Did Not Adequately Determine and Support Section 8 Rents
Noviembre 29, 2007
The Housing Authority of the City of Michigan City, Indiana, Failed to Follow Federal Requirements for Its Nonprofit Development Activities
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Office of Inspector General audited the Housing Authority of the City of Michigan City's (Authority) nonprofit development activities. The review of public housing authorities' development activities is set forth in our annual audit plan. We selected the Authority because it was identified as having high-risk indicators of nonprofit development activity. Our objective was to determine...
Noviembre 18, 2007
The Los Angeles Multifamily Hub Did Not Properly Monitor Its Performance-Based Contract Administrator, Los Angeles LOMOD
We audited the Los Angeles Multifamily Hub's monitoring of its annual contributions contract with its performance-based contract administrator (contractor), Los Angeles LOMOD (LOMOD). Our overall audit objective was to determine whether the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) appropriately monitored LOMOD with respect to the annual contributions contract. The Los Angeles Multifamily Hub did not properly monitor its...
Noviembre 04, 2007
The City of Huntington Park, Huntington Park, California, Did Not Always Ensure That HOME Program Income Eligibility, Affordability, and Future Use Requirements Were Met
We audited the City of Huntington Park's (City) HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) due to an increased emphasis on HUD Office of Community Planning and Development programs and recent HUD monitoring and financial audit reports that identified problems with the City's overall management and administration of its HOME program. Our objectives were to determine whether the conditions identified in the HUD monitoring and single...
Noviembre 01, 2007
The Indianapolis Housing Agency, Indianapolis, Indiana, Lacked Adequate Controls over Expenses Charged to Its Section 8 Program
Julio 23, 2007
The Housing Authority of the City of Gary, Indiana, Lacked Adequate Controls over Refunding Savings
Marzo 23, 2007
Oakland Housing Authority Did Not Comply with Procurement and Contracting Requirements
Febrero 13, 2007
The Housing Authority of the City of Evansville, Indiana, Needs to Improve Its Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program Administration
Febrero 12, 2007