The City of Thornton, Colorado, Did Not Sufficiently Document That Its Community Development Block Grant Projects Met a National Objective
The U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Inspector General audited the City of Thornton (City) to determine whether it used its Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds for projects that met a national objective.
The City did not maintain sufficient records demonstrating that each CDBG activity met a national objective. Of the 10 CDBG projects reviewed, the City sufficiently documented that five of the projects...
Agosto 14, 2009
The Office of Community Development, City of Holyoke, Massachusetts, Did Not Award HOME Set-Aside Funds to a Qualified Community Housing Development Organization
We initiated an audit of the City of Holyoke, Massachusetts, Office of Community Development's (City) award and use of HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) program set-aside funds as part of our annual audit plan. Our objective was to determine whether the City ensured that Contemporary Apartments, Inc. (Contemporary Apartments), met community development housing organization (CHDO) qualification requirements and whether the related CHDO...
Mayo 14, 2009
Quincy Housing Authority, Quincy, Massachusetts, Housing Choice Voucher Program Needs to Improve Controls over Its Interprogram Fund Transactions, Procurement, and Travel
We audited the Housing Choice Voucher program (Voucher program) at the Quincy Housing Authority (Authority) as part of our annual audit plan. Our efforts focused on whether the Authority (1) ensured that its Section 8 administrative plan met the requirements of 24 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) 982.54, (2) adequately accounted for its indirect cost charges, (3) used Voucher program funds only for the administration of the program and whether...
Abril 09, 2009
The Housing Authority of the City of Brush, Colorado, Did Not Perform Contracting Activities in Accordance with Federal Procurement Requirements
The U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Office of Inspector General audited the Housing Authority of the City of Brush, Colorado (Authority) because we received information indicating there were irregularities in the Authority's procurement process. Our audit objective was to determine whether the Authority performed contracting activities in accordance with federal procurement requirements.
The Authority did not...
Febrero 24, 2009
The Adams County, Colorado, Did Not Comply with HOME Investment Partnerships Program Regulations
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General, audited Adams County, Colorado's HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) to determine whether Adams County appropriately spent and accounted for HOME funds and maintained supporting documentation for its matching contributions reported to HUD.
Adams County inappropriately spent or could not support more than $2.1 million in HOME funds. Specifically...
Febrero 10, 2009
The Taunton Housing Authority, Taunton, Massachusetts, Needs to Improve Accounting for Its Interprogram Funds
We audited the Housing Choice Voucher (Voucher) program at the Taunton Housing Authority (Authority) as part of our annual audit plan. The overall audit objective was to determine whether the Authority efficiently administered its Voucher program in compliance with its annual contributions contract and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations. Our specific objectives were to determine whether the Authority used Voucher...
Octubre 01, 2008
The State of Colorado Did Not Comply with Community Development Block Grant Program Requirements
We audited the State of Colorado (State), Division of Housing's (Division) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program to determine whether the Division (1) awarded CDBG funds to ineligible projects and (2) properly identified and reported program income data.
The Division used CDBG funds for ineligible and questionable projects. This condition occurred because management's main focus was on selecting projects that were for the...
Septiembre 23, 2008
The Housing Authority of the City of Brighton, Colorado, Did Not Maintain Proper Inventory Records and Improperly Awarded Contracts
We audited the Housing Authority of the City of Brighton, Colorado (Authority) in response to a complaint alleging that it did not have an inventory control system and that it used poor procurement practices.
Our audit objectives were to determine whether the Authority had an adequate inventory control system and whether it performed contracting activities in accordance with federal procurement requirements.
The Authority did not have complete...
Marzo 18, 2008
Office of Multifamily Housing Boston Hub Staff Effectively Used Contract Fee Inspectors
We reviewed the use of contract fee inspectors by the Office of Multifamily Housing Boston Hub (Boston Hub) as part of our 2007 annual audit plan. This review was initiated because U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) staff rely on contract fee inspectors to oversee the work of contractors performing renovation work on HUD-insured properties. Our objective was to determine whether the Boston Hub effectively used contract fee...
Febrero 13, 2008
The Housing Authority of the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado, Improperly Managed Contracts and Improperly Maintained Its Section 8 Waiting List
HUD-OIG audited the Housing Authority of the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado in response to an anonymous complaint alleging that it improperly awarded all contracts for rehabilitation services to the same bidder, did not properly maintain its waiting list, and inappropriately awarded new Section 8 housing choice vouchers.
Our audit objectives were to determine whether the Authority followed federal procurement requirements and its own...
Noviembre 26, 2007
Holyoke Housing Authority's, Holyoke, Massachusetts, Lack of Management Controls Resulted in Section 8 Units Not Meeting Housing Quality Standards
Attached is the report on our audit of the Holyoke Housing Authority's (Authority) Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) program , Audit Report Number 2008-BO-1002, dated November 26, 2007. We audited the Holyoke Housing Authority's (Authority) Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) program as part of our fiscal year 2007 audit plan. Our objectives were to determine whether the Authority's Section 8 housing units met...
Noviembre 25, 2007
The City of Chicopee, Massachusetts, Did Not Properly Administer More Than $4.3 Million in Community Development Block Grant Funds
We audited of the City of Chicopee, Massachusetts (City), Office of Community Development's administration of its Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. The objectives of the audit were to evaluate the City's administration of its public facilities and improvement activities funded through the CDBG program and its oversight and monitoring of CDBG funds it provided to the City's Parks and Recreation Department and...
Noviembre 06, 2007
The City of Chicopee, Massachusetts, Did Not Properly Administer More Than $4.3 Million in Community Development Block Grant Funds
Noviembre 06, 2007
Holyoke Housing Authority, Holyoke, MA Needs to Improve Its Internal Controls over the Voucher Program, Cost Allocations and Transfers
We audited the Housing Choice Voucher program (Voucher program) at the Holyoke Housing Authority (Authority) as part of our fiscal year 2007 annual audit plan. The objective of the audit was to determine whether the Authority administered the Voucher program in accordance with its annual contributions contracts and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements. Our efforts focused on whether the Authority properly (1)...
Agosto 29, 2007
The City of Fall River, MA, Generally Administered Its Block Grant and HOME Programs in Accordance with HUD Requirements
We reviewed the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) programs administered by the Community Development Agency, City of Fall River, Massachusetts (City) as part of our annual audit plan.
Our audit objective was to determine whether the City administered its CDBG and HOME programs in compliance with U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements. We focused on whether the City: (1...
Agosto 24, 2007
The City of New Bedford, Massachusetts, Did Not Meet Certain Requirements of HUD's Community Development Block Grant Program
As part of our annual plan, we audited the Office of Housing and Community Development, City of New Bedford, Massachusetts' (City) administration of its Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)) and HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) programs. Our audit objective was to determine whether the City complied with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations in administering its CDBG and HOME programs.
The City generally...
Abril 23, 2007
Rocky Mountain Mutual Housing Association, Denver, Colorado, Paid Ineligible Owner Expenses
Abril 10, 2007
The Office of Community Development, City of Chicopee, Massachusetts, Did Not Properly Award and Administer Community Development Block Grant and HOME Funds Used for its Housing Activities
As part of our annual plan, we audited the Office of Community Development, City of Chicopee, Massachusetts' (City) administration of its Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME programs. The objective of the audit was to evaluate the City's administration of its housing rehabilitation contracts funded through the CDBG or HOME programs and its oversight and monitoring of various for-profit developers (developers) involved in...
Marzo 21, 2007