A Plus Mortgage Inc., Tukwila, WA, Overcharged Borrowers and Allowed Independent Contractors and Unapproved Branches to Originate Loans
We audited A Plus Mortgage, Inc. (A Plus), to determine whether (1) the fees charged to Federal Housing Administration (FHA) borrowers by A Plus were appropriate under U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), FHA, and Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) regulations and (2) the loan officers originating FHA-insured loans were employees of A Plus.
A Plus disregarded HUD FHA requirements and provisions of RESPA and engaged...
Mayo 07, 2008
Multifamily Project Deficiencies Resulted in More Than $2.8 million in Cost Exceptions for Windham Heights Apartments, Windham, Connecticut
We audited Vesta Windham Heights, LLC (Windham Heights), after completing an audit of the owners' related project, Vesta Moosup, LLC (Moosup Gardens). The Moosup Gardens audit (OIG Audit Report Number 2007-BO-1006) disclosed cost exceptions totaling more than $700,000 related to unauthorized distributions and repayments of owner advances while in a non-surplus-cash position and unreasonable payments to identity-of-interest (related)...
Febrero 04, 2008
Multifamily Project Deficiencies Resulted in More Than $1.1 Million in Cost Exceptions for Mohegan Commons, Norwich, Connecticut
We audited Vesta Mohegan, LLC (Mohegan Commons), after completing an audit of the owners' related project, Vesta Moosup, LLC (Moosup Gardens). The Moosup Gardens audit (OIG Audit Report Number 2007-BO-1006) disclosed cost exceptions totaling more than $700,000 related to unauthorized distributions and repayments of owner advances while in a non-surplus-cash position and unreasonable payments to identity-of-interest (related) companies. Our...
Febrero 03, 2008
The Tacoma Consortium, Tacoma, Washington, Did Not Properly Administered Its HOME Investment Partnerships Program Grants
We audited the Tacoma Consortium HOME Investment Partnerships Program as a result of a risk assessment performed by HUD-OIG Region IX. Our objective was to determine whether the Consortium complied with HOME requirements, laws, and regulations with respect to the homeowner rehabilitation program and HUD procurement regulations. The Consortium generally administered HOME in accordance with HUD requirements but violated HOME regulations when it...
Septiembre 30, 2007
Multifamily Project Deficiencies Resulted in More Than $730,000 in Cost Exceptions for Moosup Gardens Apartments, Moosup, Connecticut
We audited the records for Moosup Gardens Apartments (project), a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)-insured multifamily project in response to a request from HUD. Our audit objective was to determine whether the project's costs were accurately reported to HUD and in accordance with the regulatory agreement and HUD's requirements.
We identified questioned costs and opportunities for funds to be put to better use...
Julio 25, 2007