City OF Jersey City HOME Investment PArtnerships Program, Jersey City, New Jersey
Junio 13, 2007
Housing Authority of the City of Asbury Park, New Jersey
We completed an audit of the Housing Authority of the City of Asbury Park, Asbury Park, New Jersey. The objectives of the audit were to determine whether (1) capital funds were properly expended and obligated in accordance with HUD requirements, (2) salaries and related benefits allocated to different programs were reasonable and supported, and (3) controls over maintenance and repairs were adequate.
The Authority did not adequately administer...
Mayo 24, 2007
Cityside Management Corporation, Hammond, Louisiana, Did Not Enforce The Lease Terms Over Payment of Property Utilities Files
Agosto 31, 2006
Cityside Management Corporation, Hammond, Louisiana, Did Not Enforce The Lease Terms Over Payment of Property Utilities
Enero 30, 2006