New York City Housing Authority Hotline Complaint, Case Number HL-2011-0705
We completed a review of the New York City Housing Authority’s use of Federal funds. We selected this auditee based on a hotline complaint, case number HL-2011-0705, which alleged a pattern of waste, overspending, and abuse by the Authority. Specifically, the complaint alleged that the Authority (1) froze its Section 8 vouchers due to lack of available funds, (2) overpaid at least one housing manager with an annual salary of $187,000, (3) paid...
Mayo 17, 2012
Opelousas Housing Authority, Opelousas, LA, Did Not Always Comply With Recovery Act and Federal Obligation, Procurement, and Reporting Requirements
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Inspector General initiated an audit of the Opelousas Housing Authority’s Public Housing Capital Fund Stimulus Recovery Act-funded grant as part of our annual audit plan. Our objective was to determine whether the Authority (1) followed the requirements of the Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 when obligating its Recovery Act capital funds and when procuring contracts for goods...
Febrero 22, 2012
The City of Syracuse, NY, Did Not Always Administer Its Economic Development Initiative Program in Accordance With HUD Requirements
We audited the City of Syracuse, NY, pertaining to its Economic Development Initiative (EDI)-Special Project grants. The audit objective was to determine whether City officials were administering EDI Special Project grants effectively, efficiently, and economically in accordance with applicable rules and regulations. Specifically, we wanted to determine whether City officials expended EDI funds for eligible activities that were fully supported...
Febrero 20, 2012
The City of Buffalo, NY, Did Not Administer Its Community Development Block Grant-Recovery Act Program Funds in Accordance With HUD Requirements
We completed an audit of the City of Buffalo, NY (City) pertaining to its administration of its supplemental Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. We selected the City based on concerns identified in our completed audit of the City’s CDBG program, Audit Report Number 2011-NY-1010 issued April 15, 2011. Our audit objectives were to determine whether the City...
Diciembre 12, 2011
The City of Buffalo, NY, Did Not Administer Its Community Development Block Grant-Recovery Act Program Funds in Accordance With HUD Requirements
Diciembre 12, 2011
The City of Syracuse, NY, Did Not Always Administer Its CDBG Program in Accordance With HUD Requirements
We audited the operations of the City of Syracuse, NY, pertaining to its Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. The objectives of the audit were to determine whether the City administered its CDBG program effectively, efficiently, and economically in accordance with applicable rules and regulations. Specifically, we wanted to determine whether City officials had (1) established and implemented the necessary controls to ensure that...
Octubre 25, 2011
The City of New York, NY, Charged Questionable Expenditures to Its Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program
We completed an audit of the City of New York, NY (City), pertaining to its administration of its Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP) funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Our audit objectives were to determine whether City officials (1) disbursed HPRP funds efficiently and effectively in accordance with HUD and other applicable requirements; (2) had a financial management system in place to...
Octubre 18, 2011
The City of New York, NY, Charged Questionable Expenditures to Its Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program
Octubre 18, 2011
Jefferson Parish Housing Authority, Marrero, LA, Did Not Always Comply With Public Housing Capital Fund Stimulus Recovery Act Obligation, Procurement, and Reporting Requirements
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General initiated an audit of the Jefferson Parish Housing Authority’s (Authority) Public Housing Capital Fund Stimulus (formula) Recovery Act-funded grant as a part of our annual audit plan and goal to review funds provided under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Our objective was to determine whether the Authority followed Recovery Act...
Septiembre 29, 2011
The City of Buffalo, NY, Did Not Always Disburse Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program Funds in Accordance With Regulations
We completed and audit of the City of Buffalo, NY (City), pertaining to its administration of its Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP) funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Our audit objectives were to determine whether the City efficiently and effectively administered its HPRP in compliance with Recovery Act and other applicable requirements. Specifically, whether City officials had adequate...
Septiembre 22, 2011
The City of Buffalo, NY, Did Not Always Disburse Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program Funds in Accordance With Regulations
Septiembre 22, 2011
All American Home Mortgage Corp., Brooklyn, NY, Did Not Always Comply With HUD-FHA Loan Underwriting Requirements
We completed an audit of All American Home Mortgage Corp., a nonsupervised lender located in Brooklyn, NY. Our audit objectives were to determine whether All American officials (1) approved Federal Housing Administration (FHA)-insured loans in accordance with the requirements of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)-FHA, and (2) implemented a quality control plan in accordance with HUD-FHA requirements.
All American...
Septiembre 06, 2011
The Lafayette Parish Housing Authority, LA, Generally Followed Requirements When Obligating and Expending Its Public Housing Capital Fund Stimulus Recovery Act funds But Did Not Always Comply With Recovery Act Procurement and Reporting
As a spinoff of a prior assignment and as part of our annual audit plan, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General audited the Lafayette Parish Housing Authority’s (Authority) Public Housing Capital Fund Stimulus Recovery Act funded grant. Our objective was to determine whether the Authority followed HUD and American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 requirements. Specifically, we wanted to...
Agosto 26, 2011
Ameritrust Mortgage Bankers, Inc., Lake Success, NY, Did Not Always Comply With HUD-FHA Loan Origination and Quality Control Requirements
We completed an audit of Ameritrust Mortgage Bankers, Inc., a nonsupervised lender* located in Lake Success. Our audit objectives were to determine whether Ameritrust officials (1) approved FHA-insured loans in accordance with the requirements of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)-FHA, and (2) implemented a quality control plan in accordance with HUD-FHA requirements.
Ameritrust officials did not always approve FHA-...
Agosto 16, 2011
The City of Dunkirk, NY, Used Community Development Block Grant Recovery Act Funding for an Ineligible Activity
We conducted a review of the City of Dunkirk, NY (City), pertaining to its Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds received under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act). We selected this auditee based on a congressional interest inquiry received by the Recovery Act Transparency and Accountability Board and forwarded to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of Inspector General (OIG...
Julio 14, 2011
The Lafayette Parish Housing Authority, Lafayette, LA, Violated HUD Procurement Requirements and Executed Unreasonable and Unnecessary Contracts
In response to a congressional and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) request to review allegations of corruption and mismanagement, we audited the Lafayette Parish Housing Authority’s (Authority) operations of its (1) public housing program and (2) Disaster Housing Assistance Program (DHAP). Our objective was to determine whether the Authority operated in accordance with HUD’s and other requirements. Specifically, we...
Junio 22, 2011
The City of Buffalo Did Not Always Administer Its Community Development Block Grant Program in Accordance With HUD Requirements
We completed an audit of the operations of the City of Buffalo, NY (City), pertaining to its administration of its Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. Our audit objectives were to determine whether the City (1) administered its CDBG program effectively, efficiently, and economically in accordance with applicable rules and regulations, and (2) expended CDBG funds for eligible activities that met a national objective of the program...
Abril 15, 2011
The New Orleans Redevelopment Authority, LA, Had Not Administered Its Recovery Act Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2 in Accordance With Federal Regulations
We audited the New Orleans Redevelopment Authority (Authority), a $29.7 million U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2 (NSP 2) grantee. We initiated the audit as part of the HUD Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) annual audit plan to review programs funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act). Our objective was to determine whether the Authority’s use of the NSP 2 funding...
Abril 08, 2011
Financial Management and Procurement Controls at Westbeth Artists Houses, New York, NY, Did Not Always Comply With Regulations
We audited Westbeth Artists Houses (auditee) in response to a complaint submitted to the Office of Inspector General (OIG) hotline alleging that project funds were used to pay an executive director in violation of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations. Our audit objectives were to assess the merits of the complaint and determine whether project operations generally complied with HUD regulations pertaining to...
Marzo 09, 2011
The Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, New York, NY, Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Assistance Funds
We completed the fifteenth audit report in our ongoing review of the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation’s (LMDC) administration of the $2.783 billion in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery Assistance funds provided to the State of New York in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. During the audit period, October 1, 2009 through March 31, 2010, LMDC...
Febrero 06, 2011