Heartland Funding Corporation Violated the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act and Did Not Fully Comply with HUD’s Underwriting, Quality Control, or Employee Compensation Requirements
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General, audited Heartland Funding Corporation (Heartland Funding) because of its high 30-day delinquency rate. More than 23 percent of the loans that it originated from January 2006 through December 2007 had been at least 30 days delinquent (past due). Our audit objectives were to determine whether Heartland Funding followed HUD requirements for (1) borrower...
Septiembre 08, 2008
James B. Nutter Did Not Meet HUD’s or Its Own Quality Control Requirements Regarding the Number of Loans to Review
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General, reviewed James B. Nutter and Company's (J.B. Nutter) quality control program. Our objective was to determine whether J.B. Nutter followed HUD's quality control requirements for home equity conversion mortgages insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA).
We concluded that for six months in 2007 and 2008, J.B. Nutter did not meet HUD's...
Septiembre 03, 2008
The State of Maryland Did Not Always Administer Its HOME-Assisted Single-Family Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation Program in Accordance with Federal Regulations
We audited the State of Maryland's (State) HOME Investment Partnerships program (HOME) as part of our annual audit plan. We chose to audit the State's HOME-assisted single-family owner-occupied rehabilitation program based on deficiencies identified in a sample of work-write ups reviewed during a previous review of the State's HOME program. This audit is the second phase of our review of the State's HOME program. Our overall...
Abril 30, 2008
The Housing Authority of Baltimore City, Baltimore, Maryland, Generally Had Adequate Controls over Its Tenant Files
We audited the Housing Authority of Baltimore City's (Authority) administration of its leased housing under its Moving to Work Demonstration (Moving to Work) program. We conducted the audit based on our analysis of various risk factors relating to the housing authorities under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Baltimore field office. This is the first of two audit reports to be issued on...
Diciembre 18, 2007
The State of Maryland Did Not Always Administer Its Homeownership Assistance Program in Accordance with Federal Regulations and Written Agreements
Agosto 27, 2007