The City of Elmira, NY, Did Not Always Administer Its CDBG Program in Accordance with HUD Requirements
We audited the City of Elmira, NY’s administration of its Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program based on our risk analysis and funding received by the City. The objectives of the audit were to determine whether the City (1) ensured that program activities were adequately documented and administered in accordance with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations, and (2) expended CDBG funds for eligible...
Mayo 20, 2014
The New York City Housing Authority, New York, NY, Did Not Always Administer Its Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program in Accordance With Regulations
We completed a review of the New York City Housing Authority’s administration of its Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program. We selected the Authority based on indicators from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) monitoring reports. The objectives of the audit were to determine whether the Authority administered its Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program in accordance with HUD regulations and made housing...
Mayo 01, 2014
The New York City Housing Authority, New York, NY, Did Not Always Ensure That Its Housing Choice Voucher Program Units Met HUD’s Housing Quality Standards
We completed a review of the New York City Housing Authority’s administration of its Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program to ensure that its units met the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) housing quality standards. We selected the Authority based on indicators from HUD monitoring reports, such as the Authority’s overall Section 8 Management Assessment Program performance rating modified to standard for fiscal...
Mayo 01, 2014
The City of Kansas City, MO, Did Not Properly Obligate Its NSP1 Grant Funds and Allowed Its Subrecipient To Enter Into Contracts Without the Required Provisions
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General, audited the City of Kansas City, MO’s Neighborhood Stabilization Program I (NSP I) based on previous problems in the City’s Community Development Block Grant program and the amount of funding it received. During fiscal year 2008, the City received more than $7.3 million in NSP1 funding. Our audit objectives were to determine whether the City...
Febrero 04, 2014
The City of Joplin, MO, Complied With CDBG Disaster Recovery Regulations
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development – Office of Inspector General selected the City of Joplin, MO’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery program for audit because the City was awarded more than $45 million in CDBG Disaster Recovery funds in April 2012 and an additional $113 million in May 2013. In addition, we had not audited the City’s activities for at least 10 years. Our audit objective was...
Enero 28, 2014
Windridge Apartments Did Not Administer Its Program in Accordance With HUD Rules and Regulations and Its Own Policies and Procedures
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General completed an audit of Windridge Apartments in Wichita, Kansas. We selected Windridge Apartments based on a referral from the Region 7 Office of Multifamily Housing due to high tenant receivables and excessive travel expenses. Our audit objectives were to determine whether Windridge Apartment Associates, L.P., (1) followed HUD rules and...
Noviembre 06, 2013
The City of Auburn, NY Community Development Block Grant Program
We audited the City of Auburn, NY’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program based on an Office of Inspector General risk analysis that considered the amount of funding the City had available to expend. The objectives of the audit were to determine whether the City had (1) established and implemented the necessary controls to ensure that program activities were adequately documented and administered in accordance with U.S....
Septiembre 26, 2013
The Temtor Disbursed Project Funds for Ineligible and Unsupported Expenses
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD), Office of Inspector General audited The Temtor, a residential and commercial development in St. Louis MO. We selected The Temtor for audit because the project quickly defaulted on its mortgage and requested a partial payment of claim. The project reached final endorsement on January 30, 2012, and failed to make timely mortgage payments beginning March 1, 2012. Our...
Agosto 08, 2013
The Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, New York, NY, Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Assistance Funds
We completed the 17th audit report in our ongoing review of the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation’s (LMDC) administration of the $2.783 billion in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery Assistance funds awarded to the State of New York in the aftermath of the September 11, 2011, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. During the audit period, April 1, 2011 through March 31, 2012, LMDC...
Julio 18, 2013
Final Civil Action – Fraudulent Expenses Paid from Community Development Block Grant Funds (Report Not Available to the Public)
We reviewed alleged violations of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) requirements. The alleged violations related to fraudulent expense reimbursements sought and received by a contractor from CDBG funds. The Department of Justice filed a complaint under the False Claims Act and in February 2013 reached a settlement with the subject. The subject acknowledged and...
Junio 04, 2013
#2013-CF-1801 (Civil Action Memorandum)
Nassau County, NY, Did Not Administer It’s HOME Investment Partnerships Program in Accordance With HUD Requirements
We completed a review of Nassau County, NY Office of Community Development’s administration of its HOME Investment Partnerships Program. We selected this auditee based on a risk assessment conducted by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) New York City Office of Community Planning and Development. The objectives of the audit were to determine whether the County committed and obligated HOME funds in a timely...
Mayo 13, 2013
The City of Albany, NY, Did Not Always Administer Its CDBG Recovery Act Program Effectively and Efficiently
We audited the City of Albany, NY’s administration of its supplemental Community Development Block Grant program funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (CDBG-R). The objectives were to determine whether the City administered its CDBG-R program effectively, efficiently, and economically in accordance with applicable rules and regulations, including the Recovery Act, and other U.S. Department of Housing and Urban...
Febrero 04, 2013
Deutsche Bank, New York, Job Creation and Retention Program Grant, Hotline Complaint Case Number HL-2012-0199
We completed a review of Deutsche Bank’s Job Creation and Retention Program (JCRP) grant. We selected this auditee based on a hotline complaint, case number HL-2012-0199, that was referred from the United States Government Accountability, FraudNet control number 58392, received on November 23, 2011. The complaint alleged that Deutsche Bank officials fraudulently received a $34.5 million JCRP grant under the guise that they would maintain 5,500...
Enero 10, 2013
Village of Spring Valley, NY, Hotline Complaint, Federal Housing Finance Agency Complaint Number Z-12-0445-1
We completed a review of the Village of Spring Valley, NY, a subrecipient of Rockland County, NY. We selected this auditee based on a hotline complaint that was referred from the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) OIG, Complaint Number Z-12-0445-1, received on February 14, 2012. The complaint alleged that the Village (1) used eminent domain and Federal funds to seize property, (2) transferred ownership of properties to a developer to be...
Septiembre 28, 2012
The City of St. Louis, MO, Did Not Effectively Manage Its Recovery Act Funding
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD), Office of Inspector General reviewed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG-R) Program of the City of St. Louis, MO. Our audit objectives were to determine whether the City complied with applicable Recovery Act requirements for CDBG-R funds and properly reported its Recovery Act activities. We found that the City did not comply with...
Septiembre 27, 2012
Final Civil Action - CitiMortgage, Inc., Settled Allegations of Failing To Fully Comply With HUD-FHA Requirements and Submitting False Certifications to HUD on FHA Loans
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General (OIG), assisted the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Southern District of New York, in conducting a review of CitiMortgage, Inc. CitiMortgage is a direct subsidiary of Citibank, N.A., and Citibank is an indirect subsidiary of Citigroup. CitiMortgage is based in O’Fallon, MO. The review began due to a qui tam filing in the U.S. District Court for the Southern...
Septiembre 25, 2012
Corrective Action Verification, City of Newburgh, NY, Section 108 Loan Guarantee program, Audit Report 2009-NY-1001
We completed a corrective action verification of the recommendations made to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD) pertaining to our review of The City of Newburgh, NY’s Section 108 Loan Guarantee program, Audit Report 2009-NY-1001, which was issued November 7, 2008. The purpose of the corrective action verification was to determine whether the audit recommendations...
Septiembre 21, 2012
The Buffalo, NY, Municipal Housing Authority Did Not Always Administer Its Recovery Act Capital Fund Program in Accordance With HUD Requirements
We audited the Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority’s Public Housing Capital Fund Stimulus (Formula) program funded under the Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 based on an Office of Inspector General risk analysis and the amount of funding the Authority received. The objectives of the audit were to determine whether Authority officials (1) procured contracts in accordance with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)...
Septiembre 12, 2012
The Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, New York, NY, Approved Invoices That Were Not Always Consistent With Subrecipient Agreements
We completed the 16th audit report in our ongoing review of the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation’s administration of the $2.783 billion in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery Assistance funds awarded to the State of New York in the aftermath of the September 11, 2011, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. During the audit period, April 1, 2010 through March 31, 2011, LMDC disbursed...
Julio 27, 2012
Final Civil Action - Deutsche Bank Settled Alleged Violations of the False Claims Act by MortgageIT, Inc.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Office of Inspector General (OIG), assisted the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Southern District of New York, in conducting a review of MortgageIT, Inc. MortgageIT is a residential mortgage banking company headquartered in New York City, NY. Originally founded in 1988, MortgageIT was acquired by Deutsche Bank in 2007, and was a HUD-approved Title II nonsupervised mortgage company. Its home...
Julio 23, 2012