The City of Jersey City, NJ, Needs to Strengthen Its Controls To Ensure That It Will Be Able To Effectively Administer CDBG-R Funds
We completed an audit of the City of Jersey City's (City) capacity to administer Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding provided under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act). Our objectives were to evaluate the City’s capacity in the areas of internal controls, eligibility, financial controls, procurement, and output/outcomes in administering CDBG funds.
The City generally had adequate financial...
Febrero 01, 2010
Control Weaknesses at the Syracuse Housing Authority, Syracuse, New York May Affect Its Capacity to Administer American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Funds
As part of the Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) obligation to ensure accountability and transparency in the use of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) funds, we performed a capacity review to assess the Syracuse Housing Authority’s (Authority) administration of its capital funding program. The Authority was awarded $4.5 million in capital funds under the Recovery Act. Our objective was to evaluate the Authority...
Enero 13, 2010
Control Weaknesses at the Syracuse Housing Authority, Syracuse, New York May Affect Its Capacity to Administer American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Funds
Enero 13, 2010
The City of Utica, New York, Has the Capacity to Administer Lead-Based Paint Funds Provided Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
As part of the Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) obligation to ensure accountability and transparency in the use of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) funds, we performed a capacity review to assess the City of Utica, New York’s (City) administration of its lead-based paint hazard control program. The City was awarded $2.04 million under the Recovery Act to carry out lead-based paint hazard control activities in...
Diciembre 21, 2009
SFDS Development Corporation, New York, NY had Weaknesses in its Financial, Procurement and Administrative Controls
We audited the SFDS Development Corporation (agent), management agent for three U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) subsidized Section 202 elderly housing direct loan properties, in response to a complaint to
the Office ofInspector General (OlG) Hotline that alleged misappropriation of HUD funds by the agent. The objective of our review was to assess the merits of the complaint. It was expanded to assess the agent's...
Diciembre 21, 2009
The City of Utica, New York, Has the Capacity to Administer Lead-Based Paint Funds Provided Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
Diciembre 21, 2009
The City of Paterson, New Jersey, Did Not Always Administer Its Community Development Block Grant Program in Accordance with HUD Requirements
We completed an audit of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program administered by the City of Paterson (City). Our audit objectives were to determine whether the City (1) disbursed CDBG funds efficiently and effectively in accordance with its submission to HUD and applicable rules and regulations and (2) had a financial management system in place to adequately safeguard the funds.
The City did not always disburse CDBG funds efficiently...
Diciembre 17, 2009
Ark Mortgage, Incorporated, North Brunswick, New Jersey, Did Not Always Comply with HUD/FHA Loan Origination Requirements
We completed an audit of Ark Mortgage, Incorporated (Ark Mortgage), a nonsupervised direct endorsement lender located in North Brunswick, New Jersey. The audit objectives were to determine whether Ark Mortgage officials (1) originated insured loans in accordance with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development/Federal Housing Administration (HUD/FHA) requirements and (2) developed and implemented a quality control plan that complied with...
Noviembre 23, 2009
The South Bronx Community Management Co., Inc., Bronx, New York, Had Weaknesses in Its Administration of the Project Maria Isabel
We audited the management agent operations of the South Bronx Community Management Co., Inc. (agent), as they relate to the administration of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)-Section 202 direct loan for elderly and handicapped housing project Maria Isabel at the request of the HUD New York City Office of Multifamily Housing. The audit disclosed that the agent generally complied with HUD financial and unit maintenance...
Noviembre 03, 2009
Jersey Mortgage Company, Cranford, New Jersey, Did Not Always Comply with HUD/FHA Loan Underwriting Requirements
We completed an audit of Jersey Mortgage Company (Jersey Mortgage), a nonsupervised lender located in Cranford, New Jersey. The audit objectives were to determine whether Jersey Mortgage (1) approved Federal Housing Administration (FHA)-insured loans in accordance with the requirements of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)/FHA, which include adherence to prudent lending practices, and (2) developed and implemented a...
Octubre 09, 2009
The Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, New York, New York, Generally Administered CDBG Disaster Recovery Assistance Funds in Accordance with Regulations
We completed the thirteenth report in our ongoing audits of the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation’s (the auditee) administration of the $2.783 billion in Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Assistance funds provided to the State of New York in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. The auditee disbursed approximately $50.3 million of these funds during our...
Octubre 06, 2009
The City of Little Falls, New York, Urban Renewal Agency, Small Cities Community Development Block Grant and HOME Programs, Complaint No. HL-09-009
We conducted a review of the City of Little Falls, New York’s (the City) Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), and HOME Programs administered by its Urban Renewal Agency (URA). We selected the City for review based on a hotline complaint that alleges mismanagement of HUD funding for the CDBG and HOME programs administered by the City and its URA. The objectives of the review were to determine the merits of the hotline complaint...
Septiembre 08, 2009
The City of Little Falls, New York, Urban Renewal Agency, Small Cities Community Development Block Grant and HOME Programs, Complaint No. HL-09-0090
Septiembre 08, 2009
The Lackawanna Municipal Housing Authority, Lackawanna, New York, Needs to Improve Controls and Operational Procedures Regarding Its Capital Fund Program
We completed an audit of the Lackawanna Municipal Housing Authority’s (Authority) administration of its capital fund program. The objectives of our audit were to determine whether the Authority disbursed capital funds and procured contracts in accordance with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements.
The audit disclosed that the Authority disbursed capital funds for questionable expenditures. Further, it did not...
Julio 31, 2009
Significant Flaws Identified at the Lackawanna Municipal Housing Authority May Affects Its Capacity to Administer American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Funds
We are conducting an audit of the Lackawanna Municipal Housing Authority’s (Authority) administration of its capital fund program. We selected this auditee because the Authority pledged its future capital fund appropriations to perform a special project as part of the Capital Fund Financing Program. Specifically, the Authority incurred a $4.25 million long-term liability to perform lead-based paint abatement and modernization work at 90...
Julio 24, 2009
Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, New York, New York, Administered Disaster Recovery Assistance Funds in Accordance with HUD Regulations
We completed the twelfth report in our ongoing audits of the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation's (the auditee) administration of the Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Assistance funds provided to the State of New York in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. During our audit period, April 1 through September 30, 2008, the auditee disbursed approximately...
Mayo 27, 2009
The City of Rome, New York, Did Not Administer Its Economic Development Activity in Accordance with HUD Requirements
We completed an audit of the City of Rome, New York's (City), administration of its economic development activity known as General Cable under its Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. The objectives of our audit were to determine whether the City (1) administered this economic development activity effectively, efficiently, and economically in accordance with applicable U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)...
Mayo 20, 2009
The Union County Consortium, Elizabeth, New Jersey, Had Administrative Weaknesses in Its Community Development Block Grant Program
We completed an audit of the Union County Consortium's (County) administration of its Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program to determine whether the County (1) disbursed CDBG funds efficiently and effectively in accordance with its submission to HUD and in compliance with HUD rules and regulations, (2) maintained a financial management system to adequately safeguard funds, and (3) established adequate controls to ensure that...
Mayo 15, 2009
North Hempstead Housing Authority, Great Neck, New York, Had Weaknesses in Its Housing Choice Voucher and Family Self-Sufficiency Programs
We audited the North Hempstead Housing Authority's (Authority) administration of its Housing Choice Voucher and Family Self-Sufficiency to determine whether the Authority administered these programs in compliance with HUD regulations. The Authority properly determined Section 8 tenant eligibility and accurately calculated rental subsidies. However, the Authority improperly selected both units and tenants for project-based voucher assistance...
Mayo 15, 2009
The City of Yonkers, New York, Had Weaknesses in the Administration of its Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program
We audited the City of Yonkers, New York's (the City) administration of its Section 108 Loan Guarantee program to determine whether the City disbursed Section 108 loan guarantee program funds for eligible costs and adequately safeguarded funds and prevented misuse. The audit disclosed that the City disbursed program funds for eligible activities in accordance with HUD rules and regulations, and maintained a financial management system that...
Marzo 05, 2009