Southwest Alliance of Asset Managers, LLC, Addison, Texas: Did Not Effectively Enforce the Lease Terms Over Payment of Property Utilities
Junio 23, 2006
Lower Manhattan Development Corporation CDBG Disaster Assistance Funds
Julio 27, 2005
Lower Manhattan Development Corp - CDBG Disaster Assistance Funds
Marzo 22, 2005
American Property Financial, Nonsupervised Loan Correspondent, San Antonio, TX
We audited American Property Financial (American), a nonsupervised loan correspondent approved to originate Federal Housing Administration mortgage loans under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Single Family Direct Endorsement Program. American originated 83 Federal Housing Administration loans between February 1, 2002, and January 31, 2004. As of February 23, 2004, 14 of the 83 loans were in default status. Synergy...
Enero 27, 2005
Lower Manhattan Development Corporation Community Development Block Grant Disaster Assistance Funds New York, New York
Septiembre 15, 2004
Community Development Block Grant Disaster Assistance Funds New York, New York, Lower Manhattan Development Corporation
Marzo 24, 2004
Community Development Block Grant Disaster Assistance Funds, New York, New York, Empire State Development Corporation
Marzo 24, 2004
Community Development Block Grant Disaster Assistance Funds Lower Manhattan Development Corporation New York, New York
Septiembre 30, 2003
Community Development Block Grant Disaster Assistance Funds, Empire State Development Corporation, New York, New York
Septiembre 30, 2003
Empire State Development Corporation – CDBG Disaster Assistance Funds
Marzo 24, 2003
Interim Report on Community Development Block Grant Disaster Assistance Funds, New York, New York
Mayo 22, 2002