Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority, Cleveland, OH, Did Not Operate Its Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program According to HUD’s Requirements
We audited the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority’s Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program. The audit was part of the activities in our fiscal year 2012 annual audit plan. We selected the Authority based upon our analysis of risk factors relating to the housing agencies in Region V’s jurisdiction. Our objective was to determine whether the Authority administered its program in accordance with applicable U.S. Department of Housing and...
Marzo 29, 2012
JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. Foreclosure and Claims Process Review Columbus, OH
As part of the Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) nationwide effort to review the foreclosure practices of the five largest Federal Housing Administration (FHA) servicers (Bank of America, Wells Fargo Bank, CitiMortgage, Ally Financial, Incorporated, and JPMorgan Chase Bank), we reviewed JPMorgan Chase Bank’s (Chase) foreclosure and claims processes. In addition to this memorandum, OIG issued separate memorandums for each of the other four...
Marzo 12, 2012
The Gallia Metropolitan Housing Authority, Bidwell, OH, Did Not Always Administer Its Grant in Accordance with Recovery Act and HUD Requirements
We audited the Gallia Metropolitan Housing Authority’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Public Housing Capital Fund Stimulus (formula) grant. The audit was part of the activities in our fiscal year 2011 annual audit plan. We selected the Authority based upon our analysis of risk factors relating to the housing agencies in Region V’s (see footnote 1) jurisdiction and a request by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban...
Enero 25, 2012
The Municipality of San Juan Generally Complied With Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program Requirements
We audited the Municipality of San Juan Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program. The audit was in accordance with our audit plan to review funds provided under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. We selected the Municipality based on the large amount of Program funds approved. Our objective was to determine whether the Municipality ensured that its Program complied with Recovery Act and U. S. Department of Housing...
Octubre 24, 2011
The Springfield Metropolitan Housing Authority, Springfield, OH, Did Not Administer Its Grant in Accordance With Recovery Act and HUD Requirements
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Inspector General audited the Springfield Metropolitan Housing Authority’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Public Housing Capital Fund Stimulus (formula) Recovery Act Funded grant. The audit was part of the activities in our fiscal year 2011 annual audit plan. We selected the Authority for audit based on the Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) commitment to ensure...
Septiembre 30, 2011
The City of Cleveland, OH, Lacked Adequate Controls Over Its HOME Investment Partnerships Program-Funded Housing Trust Fund Program Home-Buyer Activities
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Inspector General audited the City of Cleveland’s HOME Investment Partnerships Program. The audit was part of the activities in our fiscal year 2011 annual audit plan. We selected the City based upon our analysis of risk factors related to Program grantees in Region V’s* jurisdiction, recent media coverage regarding the City’s Program, and a request from the U.S. Department of...
Septiembre 29, 2011
The Municipality of San Juan Did Not Properly Manage Its HOME Investment Partnerships Program
We audited the Municipality of San Juan’s HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME). We selected the Municipality for review as part of our strategic plan based on the large amount of HOME funds approved. The objectives of the audit were to determine whether the Municipality met HOME program objectives and its financial management system complied with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements.
The Municipality...
Septiembre 28, 2011
The Youngstown, OH, Metropolitan Housing Authority Needs To Improve Its Procurement Process
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Inspector General audited the Youngstown Metropolitan Housing Authority’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Public Housing Capital Fund Stimulus formula and competitive grants. The audit was part of the activities in our fiscal year 2011 annual audit plan. We selected the Authority for audit based on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s monitoring...
Agosto 16, 2011
Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority, Cleveland, OH, Did Not Operate Its Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program According to HUD's Requirements
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Inspector General audited the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority’s (Authority) Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program. The audit was part of the activities in our fiscal year 2011 annual audit plan. We selected the Authority based upon our analysis of risk factors relating to the housing agencies in Region V’s jurisdiction. Our objective was to determine whether the...
Julio 28, 2011
The Office of the Commissioner for Municipal Affairs Did Not Always Ensure Compliance With Block Grant Recovery Act Program Requirements
We audited the Office of the Commissioner for Municipal Affairs’ (OCAM) State Community Development Block Grant (Block Grant) funds that it received under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act). We selected OCAM for review as part of our strategic plan, based on the amount of Block Grant Recovery Act funds allocated. The objectives of this audit were to determine whether OCAM (1) disbursed Block Grant Recovery Act...
Julio 08, 2011
The Municipality of Mayaguez Did Not Ensure Compliance With HOME Program Objectives
We audited the Municipality of Mayaguez (Municipality) HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME). We selected the Municipality for review as part of our strategic plan, based on the amount of HOME funds approved. The objectives of the audit were to determine whether the Municipality met program objectives in its HOME-funded activities and maintained its financial management system in compliance with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban...
Abril 08, 2011
PNC Mortgage Complied With HUD's Requirements for Loss Mitigation
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) audited PNC Mortgage (PNC), a Federal Housing Administration (FHA)-approved nonsupervised lender and servicer. We selected PNC for audit based on a citizen’s complaint regarding National City Mortgage Corporation (National City). PNC acquired National City in December 2008. Therefore, the report will be addressed to the current entity. Our objective was to determine whether PNC...
Abril 06, 2011
The Municipality of Arecibo Charged the HOME Program With Expenditures That Did Not Meet Program Objectives
HUD OIG audited the Municipality of Arecibo’s (Municipality) HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME). We selected the Municipality for review as part of our strategic plan based on the results of a previous audit of the Puerto Rico Department of Housing’s (Department) HOME program, which disclosed that the Department disbursed HOME funds for land acquisition that did not meet program requirements at a 288-unit housing project named Bello...
Enero 26, 2011
The City of Cleveland, OH, Lacked Adequate Controls Over Its HOME Investment Partnerships Program and American Dream Downpayment Initiative-Funded Afford-A-Home Program
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of Inspector General audited the City of Cleveland’s (City) HOME Investment Partnerships Program (Program). The City was selected based upon our analysis of risk factors related to Program grantees in Region V’s jurisdiction, recent media coverage regarding the City’s Program, and a request from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Columbus Office of...
Diciembre 26, 2010
Consumer Credit Counseling Service of the Midwest, Columbus, OH, Did Not Materially Comply With HUD's Requirements and Its Grant Agreement Regarding Housing Counseling
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of Inspector General performed an audit of Consumer Credit Counseling Services of the Midwest (Consumer Credit), an affiliate of the National Foundation for Credit Counseling, Inc. (National Foundation). We selected Consumer Credit based on a citizen’s complaint received by our office. Our objective was to determine whether Consumer Credit complied with HUD’s requirements for...
Septiembre 30, 2010
The Lake Metropolitan Housing Authority, Painesville, OH, Needs To Improve Its Administration of Its Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Progr
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of Inspector General audited the Lake Metropolitan Housing Authority’s (Authority) Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program (program). The Authority was selected for audit based upon a congressional request from the Honorable Steven C. LaTourette. Our objective was to determine whether the Authority administered its program in accordance with HUD’s requirements and its program...
Septiembre 30, 2010
The Puerto Rico Department of Housing Did Not Ensure Compliance With HOME Program Objectives
We audited the Puerto Rico Department of Housing’s (Department) HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME). We selected the Department for review as part of our strategic plan based on the results of a previous audit of the Department’s HOME program that disclosed instances of HOME-funded activities with slow progress. The objectives of this audit were to determine whether the Department’s HOME-funded activities met program objectives and...
Agosto 25, 2010
The Puerto Rico Public Housing Administration Needs To Improve Its Procurement Procedures
We completed an audit of the Puerto Rico Public Housing Administration (authority) central office procurement system. We selected the authority for review as part of our strategic plan. The objectives of the audit were to determine (1) whether the authority’s procurement policies and procedures were in compliance with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) requirements, (2) whether it followed its policies and procedures...
Agosto 13, 2010
Congressional Request Regarding Columbus Properties Limited Partnership's Property Renovations, Columbus, OH
In response to a request from Congresswoman Mary Jo Kilroy, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Office of Inspector General conducted a review of the allegations that Columbus Properties Limited Partnership (Columbus Properties) did not renovate six apartment complexes in Ohio for which it obtained HUD-insured mortgages. Congresswoman Kilroy asked for a review based on local newspaper articles that alleged waste and abuse...
Agosto 03, 2010
National Home Management Solutions, Independence, OH, Did Not Fully Comply With HUD’s Requirements for the Management and Marketing of HUD Real Estate-Owned Properties
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Office of Inspector General audited National Home Management Solutions (National Home), HUD’s management and marketing contractor for HUD real estate-owned properties in Ohio. We selected National Home based on a citizen’s complaint received by our office. Our objective was to determine whether National Home complied with HUD’s requirements regarding the sale of HUD single-family real...
Julio 22, 2010